MOSIS Student Core Extract (Missouri) [.2207 - .2227]

Classic View: MO State Reporting > MOSIS Extracts > Student Core 

Search Terms: MOSIS Extracts

The Student Core extract collects descriptive data about students including the MOSIS student ID, residency status, membership, enrollment information, demographic data, federal program participation, state program participation, career education information and other program related areas.

MOSIs Student Core Extract Editor

All Student Core data extracted is used to populate the following Core Data screens within MOSIS:

  • 02 - District LEP Census Data
  • 11 - Special Education Placement Counts by Age
  • 12 - Special Education Exiter Counts by Age
  • 13 - Secondary Headcount
  • 14 - Attendance
  • 14A - Resident II Attendance
  • 14B - Resident II Grade Point Average
  • 15 - Home School/Free and Reduced Lunch
  • 16 - Enrollment, Membership and Summer School
  • 17 - Physical Fitness Assessment
  • 30 - District-Level Census of Technology

Student Core Reporting Periods

Each Student Core reporting period serves a different purpose in completing each MOSIS screen. The Student Core Extract is broken down into five separate reporting periods, allowing users to meet MOSIS requirements.

Reporting Period

Collection Dates



September 1 - October 15

The October Student Core data collection requires a single record for each student who has enrolled or was a member of a public school district on the last Wednesday in September. This file collects student enrollment and school of attendance data in order to determine district enrollment and membership counts. All students, pre-kindergarten through grade 12, report in the October file.


November 15 - December 15

The December Student Core data collection requires a single record for each student who is enrolled on December 1 and has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). This file collects student enrollment and school of attendance data in order to complete the Special Education December 1 Child Count. All students, pre-kindergarten through grade 12, are reported in the December file.


January 17 - February 15

The February Student Core data collection requires a single record for each student who is enrolled or was a member of a public school district on the last Wednesday in January. This file collects student enrollment and school of attendance data in order to determine membership, free/reduced lunch counts, and midyear A+ graduates. All students, pre-kindergarten through grade 12, are reported in the February file.


March 14 -
April 30

The April Student Core data collection requires a single record for each student that has taken a state assessment. This file collects student demographic data. All students, kindergarten through grade 12, are reported in the April Student Core file.


May 15 - June 30

The June Student Core data collection requires a single record for each student that was enrolled at some point during the school year in the district or had dropped out or moved during the prior summer. Student Core in June collects all categories of student data in order to derive several “end of year” statistics. This includes the demographic data for graduates, dropouts, and transfers as well as data about A+ and physical fitness. All students, pre-kindergarten through grade 12, are reported in the June Student Core file.

Report Logic

The following logic applies to the noted reported period:

Reporting Period

Snapshot Date



Last Wednesday in September

One record reports per PK-12 actively enrolled student on the effective date entered on the extract editor.


December 1

  • One record reports per PK-12 student actively enrolled on the effective date entered on the extract editor AND has an active IEP.
  • All students are reported who are actively enrolled as of the count date.


Last Wednesday of January

One record reports per PK-12 student actively enrolled on the effective date entered on the extract editor.


On or near district's MAP test day

  • A single record is reported for each student who has taken a state assessment.
  • All students (KG-12) are reported in this file.
  • A MAP Administration Date field is also used in reporting logic for fields Not Fay District and Not Fay School.



One record reported per PK-12 student who was enrolled at some time within the start and end date range entered on the Extract Editor, including graduated students, dropout students and transferred students. It also reports students who have dropped out or moved during the prior summer.

If a student is enrolled in more than one calendar selected in the Extract editor, the following applies:

  • Multiple enrollments in the same school, data from the most recent enrollment is used.
  • Multiple enrollments in different schools, the data from the Primary enrollment is used.
  • Summer School enrollments are not reported.

Optional Fields Allowed

Individual fields populate per submission based on the Optional Fields Allowed and whether it is listed as Optional/Required/Conditional by the state.

  • When Optional Fields Allowed is NOT selected on the extract editor, the field MUST be NULL if it does not meet the condition OR is listed as optional or for that collection.
  • When Optional Fields Allowed is selected on the extract editor, all fields are expected to return a value. Conditional fields may be blank if the student does not meet that condition.

No Show Students

  • No Show students are not reported in the October, December, February and April reporting periods.
  • No Show students may report in the June reporting period if the student entered and exited on the first day of school with the appropriate exit status.

Months in USA Calculation

When EL/ELL status is MY1, MY2, RCV or Immigrant status is Yes:

  • If the student has been in the United States for less than 36 months, the number of months calculated between the Date Entered US and April 1 of the reporting year is reported.
  • If the number of months is more than or equal to 36, the value 36 is always reported.
  • Otherwise, a blank value is returned.
  • When Immigrant status is No or Null, the field reports blank unless EL conditions are met.

Title III-related Fields

Within the date range selected on the extract editor, the most current school history record based on the Effective Date is used for the following fields:

  • Title III
  • Title III LEP
  • Title III Immigrant

Enrolled All Years

  • If a student is flagged as a No Show and the student does not enroll in another school in the district, then the student should report 'N' in the EnrolledAllYear column.
  • If a student is flagged as a No Show and the student ends their enrollment Prior to the September Count Date, then the student should report 'N' in the EnrolledAllYear column.
  • If a student is flagged as a No Show and ends their enrollment after the September Count Date, then the student should report 'N' in the EnrolledAllYear column
  • If a student is NOT flagged as a 'No Show' and the student ends their enrollment prior to the September Count Date, then the student should report 'N' in the EnrolledAllYear column.
  • If a student is enrolled in the district since the September Count Date until the final day of school, then the student should report 'Y' in the EnrolledAllYear column.
  • If a student is enrolled in the district since the September Count Date, ends an enrollment in one calendar and the next day starts a new enrollment in another calendar, then the student should report 'Y' in the EnrolledAllYear column
  • EnrolledAllYear is only required in the June collection of the MOSIS Student Core.
  • If ResidencyStatus = R2, the EnrolledAllYear column should report 'N'.

NLP: Not Receiving Services

  • For EL/ELL reporting options, NLP reports only if the program status is EL and the Parent Declined checkbox is marked.
  • If a student has an EL/ELL status of NLP, the student's Home Primary Language reports in the ELL Language field.

Report Editor

Different options are available for entry on the Extract editor depending on the chosen Reporting Period. The following defines the available Extract Options, noting the different fields.

Extract Option

Reporting Period


Extract Type


Determines the extract that generates. Selection should be Student Core.

Reporting Period


Indicates the section of the school year for which student data is being reported. Each selection contains the same layout, but certain fields may be required in certain extracts, and optional in others.

Report Protected IdentitiesAllWhen marked, student identity information (last name, first name, etc.) reports from the Protected Identity Information fields.
Report State Excluded StudentsAllWhen marked, students who meet the report population requirements but their enrollment record is marked as State Exclude report along with all other records.

When not marked, students marked as State Exclude on their enrollment record are excluded from the report.

Optional Fields Allowed


When selected, optional fields are included in the extract. These optional fields may be blank depending on the available student data.

September Count Date


Displays the date of the September snapshot (last Wednesday in September). Modify the date by typing in mmddyy format or by using the calendar icon to choose a date.

December (Special Ed) Count Date)


Displays the date of the December snapshot (December 1). Modify the date by typing in mmddyy format or by using the calendar icon to choose a date.

January Count Date


Displays the date of the January snapshot (last Wednesday in January). Modify the date by typing in mmddyy format or by using the calendar icon to choose a date.

MAP Administration Date


Date the MAP Assessment was administered. Enter the date by typing in mmddyy format or by using the calendar icon to choose a date.

This field is available for all Reporting Periods if the Optional Fields Allowed checkbox is selected.

Date Range


Entered dates are used to return students enrolled during that time frame. Enter dates by typing in mmddyy format or by using the calendar icon to choose a date.

Ad hoc Filter


Selection includes only those students included in the filter.



Determines how the extract generates. Use the State Format (CSV) when submitting the final data to MOSIS. Use the other available formats (HTML, Tab Delimited, XML) for data review and testing.



Selected calendar indicates which students are included in the report. Multiple calendars can be selected at one time; it is recommended that all calendars in a district not be selected as this increases the amount of time it takes to generate the extract. The calendar chosen in the Campus toolbar is already selected.

Generate Extract


Displays the selected calendar information and extract immediately for data review and printing purposes in one of the selected formats.

Submit to Batch


Delays the generation of the extract for data review and printing purposes for a designated time. See the Batch Queue documentation for more information.

Generate the Student Core Extract

  1. Select the Student Core Extract Type.
  2. Select the Reporting Period.
  3. Mark the Report Protected Identities checkbox, if desired.
  4. Mark the Report State Excluded Students checkbox, if desired.
  5. Mark the Optional Fields Allowed checkbox, if applicable.
  6. Enter the displayed Count Dates or Date Range fields, depending on which reporting period is selected.
  7. Enter the MAP Administration Date if generating the April Reporting Period extract.
  8. Select any applicable Ad hoc Filters.
  9. Select the Format of the extract.
  10. Select which Calendar(s) to include within the extract.
  11. Click the Generate Extract button or the Submit to Batch button. 

Student Core Extract, October Reporting Period - State Format (CSV) 

Student Core Extract, December Reporting Period - Tab Delimited 

Student Core Extract - February Report Period - HTML Format 

Student Core Extract, April Reporting Period - XML Format 

Report Layout

For each reporting period, the elements in this extract are labeled as follows:

  • R = Required
  • C = Conditional
  • O = Optional
  • N = Not Allowed

Element Name



Collection Version

Collection version number based on the submission type in which the cycle occurs and the current school year. Format is YYYYMMM1.0StuCore, where:

  • YYYY = current school year
  • MM1 = Collection Period Code (Oct, Dec, etc.)
  • StuCore = Extract Name Code

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (R)
April (R)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Data not stored

Current School Year

The ending year of the current school year as displayed in the selected year in the Campus toolbar.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (R)
April (R)
June (R)

Numeric, 4 digits (YYYY)

System Administration > Calendar > School Year > End Year


Attending District Code

DESE-assigned 6-digit county district code for the district of attendance.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (R)
April (R)
June (R)

Numeric, 6 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Attending District


Attending School Code

DESE-assigned 4-digit school code.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (R)
April (R)
June (R)

Numeric, 4 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Attending School


Reporting District Code

DESE-assigned 6-digit county district code.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (R)
April (R)
June (R)

Numeric, 6 digits

System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number


Reporting School Code

DESE-assigned 6-digit school code for the reporting school.

Reports the selected code entered on the State Reporting Fields Enrollment editor, if populated.

If not populated, the Calendar Type is used to determine the reported value. If the Calendar Type Code is AP: Alternative Program School, all students enrolled in that calendar report the value entered in the Residing School field on the State Reporting Enrollment editor.

If the Reporting School field is not populated and the Calendar Type is not AP, the School Organization Type is used. When the School Organization Type Code is AP: Alternative Program School, all students enrolled in that school report the value entered in the Residing School field on the State Reporting Enrollment editor. 

If the Reporting School field is not populated and the Calendar Type is not AP and the School Organization Type is not AP, the Reporting School reports from the State School Number.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (R)
April (R)
June (R)

Numeric, 4 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting  Fields > Reporting School; 


Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting  Fields > Residing School


System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Calendar > Type


System Administration > Resources > School > School Org Type


System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number


Resident District Code

DESE-assigned 6-digit county district code.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (R)
April (R)
June (R)

Numeric, 6 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Residing District


Resident School Code

DESE-assigned 4-digit school code.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (R)
April (R)
June (R)

Numeric, 4 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Residing School


Teacher Name

Returns the name of the teacher entered in the
Precode Teacher field on the Enrollment record.

If the Precode Teacher field is not populated, the name of the Homeroom Teacher reports (entered on the Course Section editor). The Homeroom checkbox must be marked on the Course, and the Course must be in the school year being reported, and the section must be the most recently scheduled section for which there is a Precode Teacher.

If the Precode Teacher field and the Homeroom Teacher field is not populated, the name of the school reports.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 40 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Precode Teacher


Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section > Teacher


System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail > Name

State ID

State-assigned student identifier.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (R)
April (R)
June (R)

Numeric, 10 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID


Local Student ID

Local student ID maintained by the district. Allows for data to be associated to local systems from DESE source Systems.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student Number


Legal Last Name

Legal last name as it appears on the student's birth certificate.

When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the report editor, the student's last name reports from the Legal Last Name field if populated.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (R)
April (R)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 60 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name


Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name


Legal First Name

Legal first name as it appears on the student's birth certificate.

When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the report editor, the student's first name reports from the Legal First Name field if populated.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (R)
April (R)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 60 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > First Name


Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name


Legal Middle Name

Legal middle name as it appears on the student's birth certificate.

When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the report editor, the student's middle name reports from the Legal Middle Name field if populated.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 60 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Middle Name


Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Middle Name


Legal Name Suffix

Legal suffix as it appears on the student's birth certificate.

When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the report editor, the student's suffix name reports from the Legal Suffix field if populated.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Suffix


Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Suffix


Date of Birth

Student birth date.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (R)
April (R)
June (R)

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date



County in which the student resides.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Residing County


System Administration > Resources > Counties


Student Grade Level

Grade level at the time data is being submitted.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (R)
April (R)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Fields > Grade



The student's gender.

When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the report editor, the student's gender reports from the Legal First Name field if populated.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (O)
April (R)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 1 character (M or F)

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Gender


Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Gender



The Race/Ethnicity Code of the student. The following values are returned:

  • If student is Hispanic, race/Ethnicity is H.
  • If student is Asian, race/Ethnicity is A.
  • If student is Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, race/Ethnicity is P.
  • If student is American Indian or Alaskan Native, race/Ethnicity is I.
  • If student is Black or African American, race/Ethnicity is B.
  • If student is White, race/Ethnicity is W. 
  • If student is multiracial, race/Ethnicity is M.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (O)
April (R)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Race Ethnicity


Lunch Status

DESE-assigned lunch status code that represents whether a student receives a free or reduced lunch status as of the reporting date.

When the Reporting Period is December, Eligibility is based on the student's status as of December 1.

When the Reporting Period is October, Eligibility is based on the student's status as of the September Count date.

When the Reporting Period is February, Eligibility is based on the student's status as of January 1.

When the Reporting Period is April or June, Eligibility is based on the most recent status within the reporting year.

If the school's current USDA Programs Provision Status is 5: CEP as of the reporting date, all students report as F (Free). Otherwise, the above eligibility rules are used.

Reports the state code of F or R when the FRAM record's End Date is on or after the report generation's Count Date.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (R)
April (R)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 1 character (R or F)

FRAM > Eligibility > State Code


System Administration > Resources > School > USDA Programs



Designation for students who have been identified for and/or have participated in the district's formal gifted program.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (O)
February (O)
April (R)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Gifted/Talented



The primary nighttime residence used for identifying homeless children and youth.

Reports the selected code from the most recent homeless record.

Reports NH for all reporting periods if the homeless record end date is before the Count Date entry.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (R)
April (R)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Student Information > Program Participation> Homeless



Indicates the student has moved across the school district boundaries within the preceding 36 months to seek or obtain (or accompany/join a parent, spouse or guardian who is seeking to obtain) temporary seasonal employment in agriculture or fishing, or work in a meat processing plant. Options are:

  • NM
  • MG
  • MP

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (R)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Migrant


Not Fay School

Indicates a student in a building less than a year if that student was not part of the September enrollment for that school year.

All enrollments for the reported year at the same school are considered, as well as dual-enrolled students unless the enrollment is marked as No Show or State Exclude (unless the Report State Excluded Students checkbox is marked on the Extract editor) or the grade level and/or calendar is marked as state exclude.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (R)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

MO State Reporting > MOSIS Extracts > September Count


Not Fay District

A student enrolled the last Wednesday of September who remains enrolled in the district and/or building through the MAP testing window is considered in the district and/or building for the full academic year.

All enrollments for the reported year at the same school are considered, as well as dual-enrolled students unless the enrollment is marked as No Show or State Exclude (unless the Report State Excluded Students checkbox is marked on the Extract editor)or the grade level and/or calendar is marked as state exclude.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (R)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > First Date in District


Voluntary Transfer

Designation for students who reside in the St. Louis City School District but who voluntarily enroll in a St. Louis County School District.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (R)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > State Aid




DESE-assigned A+ codes that designate if a student is an A+ participant or completer. 

Records are returned from the most recent enrollments records for students in grades 9-12.

Only 12th grade reports for the February reporting period; grades 9-12 report a blank value for the February reporting period. 

Valid options are:

  • C: Complete
  • Y: Yes
  • N: No

If blank, N reports.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > A+ Student



This identifies the number of months (cumulative) that an EL/ELL or Immigrant student has been in the United States as of April 1 for the reporting year. See the Months in USA Reporting Logic for more information.

If the student is EL/ELL, this field is required for the April submission.

If a student has been in the United States for less than 36 months, the number of calculated months is reported.

If a student has been in the United States for 36 months or more, the value 36 is reported.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (C)
June (O)

Numeric, 3 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Date Entered US


Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Status


Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Immigrant



Indicates the student is considered an immigrant - students who were not born in any state and have not been attending one or more schools in any one or more states for more than three full academic years.

Reports a value of Y when the following is true:

  • The Immigrant field is not populated.
  • The student's birth country is not US: United States or PR: Puerto Rico
  • The Date Entered US Schools is less than 3 years from the first instructional school day date.

Otherwise, a value of N reports.

Reporting Period Logic:

  • Reports as Required when Reporting Period = October during the report generation period.
  • When Reporting Periods = Dec, Feb, April and June, report when Optional Fields Allowed is marked during the report generation period. If not marked, this field reports blank.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (R)
April (R)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Immigrant


Census > People > Demographics > Birth Country, Date Entered US Schools 

ELL Language

Lists the student's primary language.

If the student has an EL/ELL status of RCV, the student's Home Primary Language reports.

If the student is EL/ELL and has an EL status of RCV, this field is required.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
December (C)
February (C)
April (C)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Home Primary Language


Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Primary Language


Reports the DESE-assigned LEP/EL/ELL status codes for a student. Valid options are:

  • MY1: 1 yr monitoring
  • MY2: 2 yr monitoring
  • AY3: 3 yr monitoring
  • AY4: 4 yr monitoring
  • NLP: NLP
  • RCV: Receiving Services

If at least one EL records exists for a student, the record where the Second Year Monitoring Date is equal to or greater than the Second Year Monitoring date reports. If no such record exists, the record where the Second Year Monitoring Date is NULL reports. 

When the Program Status = EL, reports RCV (parent decline marked and not marked).

When the Exit date takes place after the First Year Monitoring date and up to or on the Second Year Monitoring date, reports MY2.

When the Exit date takes place after the Second Year Monitoring date and up to or on the Third Year Monitoring date, reports AY3.

When the Exit date takes place after the Third Year Monitoring date and up to or on the Fourth Year Monitoring date, reports AY4.

Otherwise, reports NLP.

The selected reporting period reports the following reporting dates to determine the reported value is as follows:

  • October Reporting Period = September Count Date (last Wednesday in September)
  • December Reporting Period = December 1
  • February Reporting Period = January Count Date (last Wednesday in January)
  • April or June Reporting Period = End Date entered in the Extract Editor

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (R)
April (R)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL)  > EL > EL Services


Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL)  > EL


ELL Exit

Reports a value of NOE when the LEP/ELL field reports a value of RCV.  If the LEP/ELL field does not report a value of RCV, this field reports blank.

Reporting Period:

October (N/A)
 December (N/A)
 February (N/A)
 April (N/A)
 June (R)

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL)  > EL


ELL Exit Test

This field does not report.

Language Proficiency Test used to re-classify the student as non-EL.

If the Exit Reason is ACS: Access, a value of ACS reports.

If the Exit Reason is not ACS: Access, the field reports blank.

Reporting Period:

October (N/A)
December (N/A)
February (N/A)
April (N/A)
June (N/A)

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL)  > EL


ESOL Instructional Model 

Reports the ESOL Setting Code from the student's most recent enrollment when the LEP/ELL field reports a value of RCV. If the LEP/ELL field does not report a value of RCV OR if there is no active EL State Service, this field reports blank.

A value reports when there are any EL Service Records for the entered date range/reporting period. If there is more than one EL Service Record, the most recently created service is used.

Valid options are:

  • SEL - Structured English Immersion
  • CBE - Content Based ESOL
  • POE - Pull Out ESOL
  • BLI - Bilingual Immersion
  • TDP - Two-way Developmental Programs
  • ELE - Early and Late Exit Programs
  • TMT - Team Teaching
  • SHC - Sheltered Classrooms
  • RSC - Resource Classrooms
  • NWC - Newcomer Centers
  • IIL - Instruction incorporates student's native language

The selected reporting period reports the following reporting dates to determine the reported value is as follows:

  • October Reporting Period = September Count Date (last Wednesday in September)
  • December Reporting Period = December 1
  • February Reporting Period = January Count Date (last Wednesday in January)
  • April or June Reporting Period = End Date entered in the Extract Editor

Reporting Period:

October (C)
December (C)
February (C)
April (C)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Student Information > Program Participation > EL > EL Services > Service Type


Missouri Option Program

Indicates the student is participating in the Missouri Option Program for students in grade 09-12.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > MO Option


Career Ed

Designation for students in grade 9-12 who have completed or are currently taking a Career Education course approved by DESE. Valid options are:

  • NHS - Not Career Ed
  • PHS - Participant
  • CHS - Concentrator
  • CNP - Concentrator Non-Participant
  • LTO - Less than one credit

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Career Ed Program


Title 1

Indicates the student is receiving Title 1 services in a targeted assistance program based on the primary enrollment from the selected calendar for each reporting cycle.

If there is no primary enrollment, the partial or special education services enrollments are used.

  • Returns Y if Title 1 checkbox on Student Enrollment is marked and if School History Title 1 has a value of 1: Targeted Assistance
  • Returns Y if School History Title 1 has a value of 2: School-wide Program
  • Otherwise, returns a value of N.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (R)
April (R)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Title 1


System Administration > Resources > School > School History

Title III

This field does not report.

Indicates the student is receiving services funded through Title III programming. Only the most current school history record is reported.

A value of Y is returned if:

  • The Title III checkbox is marked.
  • RCV: Receiving Services is entered in the LEP/ELL field of this report.
  • Title III EL is blank OR TF: Funded is selected in the Title III EL droplist (Student Information > General > Enrollments).

OR a value of Y is returned if: 

  • The Title III checkbox is NOT marked.
  • TF: Funded is selected in the Title III EL droplist.
  • RCV: Receiving Services is entered in the LEP/ELL field of this report.

Otherwise a value of N is returned.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
 December (O)
 February (O)
 April (O)
 June (O)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

System Administration > Resources > School > School History > Title 3


Residency Status

DESE-assigned residency status code for students being reported.

  • If Residency Status is R1, the Reporting District Code, Resident District Code and Attending District Code must be the same value.
  • If Residency Status is NR, DI or PT, the Reporting District Code and Attending District must be the same value.
  • If Resident Status is R2 or HS, the Reporting District Code and Resident District Code must be the same value.

If there is no State Aid value assigned on the Enrollment record, a value of R1 reports.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (R)
April (O)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > State Aid


Membership FTE

Students average hours per week divided by total possible hours the student could attend in a week. Totals are summed from all Percent Enrolled fields from each partial and primary enrollment where the enrollment, calendar or grade level is not state excluded.

This field reports blank when the Optional Fields checkbox is not marked for December and April reporting OR when Residency Status (field 205) reports PT or blank.  

The following Enrollment Service Types are considered up to a maximum value of 1.00:
  • P: Primary
  • S: Partial
  • N: Special Ed Services

This is a required entry when Residency Status is R1, NR, FL, DI or R2.

If the State Aid is PT, this field returns a blank value.

The reported value must be greater than zero and less than or equal to 1. An FTE greater than 1.00 reports for summed percent enrolled enrollments, which needs to be corrected.

For Kindergarten grade levels of KA/KP, FTE reports as 1.00 regardless of the Percent Enrolled value.

If the Percent Enrolled field is null, the value entered in the Attribute/Dictionary for Percent Enrolled is used.

If both the Percent Enrolled field and the Percent Enrollment attribute value is null, 0.00 reports.

If the student only has enrollments with end dates, the FTE reports from the must recent enrollment reports. If there are multiple enrollments with the same end date, the FTE is summed for all of the enrollments. No show enrollments report from the Percent Enrolled field.

The following Reporting Periods and Count Dates are used:

  • If the Reporting Period is October, the September Count Date is used.
  • If the Reporting Period is December, the December Count Date is used when the Optional Field Allowed check box is marked.
  • If the Reporting Period is February, the January Count Date is used.
  • If the Reporting Period is April and the Optional Field Allowed check box is marked, the End Date of the Date Range on the report editor is used.
  • If the Reporting Period is June and the Optional Field Allowed check box is marked, the End Date of the Date Range on the report editor is used.

If there are multiple primary enrollments as of the September Count Date, each enrollment's value for Percent Enrolled is used and totaled.

If there is a primary enrollment and a partial enrollment as of the September Count Date, each enrollment's value for Percent Enrolled is used and totaled. 

Reporting Period:

October (C)
December (O)
February (C)
April (O)
June (C)

Numeric, 4 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Percent Enrolled




One Prior 10 Day Attendance

Indicates the student did not attend one of the 10 days prior to the count date (last Wednesday in September or December 1).

This is a required entry when the Residency Status is R1, R2, FL, DI or NR.

Field returns Y if the student was absent on all ten days prior to the count date (otherwise returns N).

Field returns Y if the student's Enrollment Start Date is equal to the Count Date entered in the Report Editor (otherwise returns N).

Reports a value of N when this field does not report a value of Y for the October, December and February reporting cycles.

Reports N when:

  • the student's Enrollment Start Date is equal to the report generation September Count Date when the reporting period is October,
  • the student's Enrollment Start Date is equal to the report generation January Count Date when the reporting period is February,
  • the student's Enrollment Start Date is equal to the report generation December Count Date when the reporting period is December and the Optional Fields Allowed checkbox is marked.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
December (C)
February (C)
April (N/A)
June (N/A)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Attendance

Student Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Start Date


MO State Reporting > MOSIS Extracts > Reporting Period

Enrolled on Count Date

Indicates the student was enrolled on the count date.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (R)
April (N/A)
June (N/A)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Start Date, End Date


Enrolled All Year

Indicates the student was enrolled in the district since the last Wednesday in September until the final day of the school year. 

All of the student's enrollments in the reporting year are considered.

A value of Y reports when:

  • The student has been enrolled in the district since the last Wednesday in September (on or before) until the last day of instruction (final day of enrollment) of the school year without interruption, and the First Date in District field is populated on the student's Enrollment record.
  • The student's Enrollment End Status has a State Code of G01: Graduated with Non-College Prep or G03: Graduated - Alternate Standards, and the enrollment end date is on or before the last instructional day of the year and after January 30, AND the student has been enrolled in the district since the last Wednesday in September (on or before) until the final day of the school year without interruption, and the First Date in District field is populated on the student's Enrollment record. 

A value of N reports when:

  • The student begins enrollment after the September Count Date, which is the last day in September.
  • The student ends enrollment prior to the last day of school in the calendar.
  • The student has multiple enrollments in the district, and there is a gap of at least one instructional day in between such enrollments.
  • The student has a Residency Status = R2.

Students are not included when:

  • The enrollment is marked as No Show.
  • The enrollment is marked as State Exclude (unless the Report State Excluded Students checkbox is marked).
  • The enrollment is in a calendar marked as Exclude.
  • The enrollment is in a calendar marked as Summer School.
  • The enrollment is in a grade level marked as Exclude from State Reporting.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > First Date in District


First Year Freshman

This field does not report.

Designates the current school year as the student's first high school freshman year.

Reports Y if grade level is 09 and no prior 09 enrollment with attendance exists.

If the 09 grade level is a summer school enrollment, this is not reported.

If grade level is 09 and a prior 09 enrollment with attendance exists, reports N.

Reporting Period:

October (O)  
December (O)  
February (O)  
April (O)  
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade Level




Reports the student's GPA.

Returns the calculation of the sum of all grade points plus the sum of all GPA weights divided by the sum of all grade points by the sum of all weights for the school year.

This field is required for students in grades 9 and 10.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
December (C)
February (C)
April (C)
June (C)

Numeric, 6 digits

Data not stored

GPA Scale

Grading scale (11 or 4) used by the district attended by the student. 

This field is required for students in grades 9 and 10.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
December (C)
February (C)
April (C)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Calendar Info > GPA Scale


8th Grade Tech Literacy

Student meets or exceeds the NCLB 8th grade technology literacy requirements. If grade level is 08 and the 8th Tech Lit value is blank, this field reports N.

Reports the following options:

  • P - Passed
  • T - Tested
  • N - Not Tested

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > 8th Tech Lit


Aerobic Capacity

DESE-assigned fitness test code representing scoring results as measured through administration of (1) the PACER or (2) one mile run/walk.

Reports for students in grades 05, 07 or 09 for all reporting periods except June. Only grade 07 reports in June. 

Otherwise, field reports blank.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Grading and Standards > Standards Bank > Physical Fitness Assessment > Aerobic Cap = Aerobic Cap

Abdominal Strength

DESE-assigned fitness test code representing scoring results as measured through administration of (1) curl up test.

Reports for students in grades 05, 07 or 09 for all reporting periods except June. Only grade 07 reports in June. Otherwise, field reports blank.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
December (C)
February (C)
April (C)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Grading and Standards > Standards Bank  > Physical Fitness Assessment > Abdominal Str = AbdominalStr

Upper Body Strength

DESE-assigned fitness test code representing scoring results as measured through administration of push-ups.

Reports for students in grades 05, 07 or 09 for all reporting periods except June. Only grade 07 reports in June. 

Otherwise, field reports blank.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
December (C)
February (C)
April (C)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Grading and Standards > Standards Bank  > Physical Fitness Assessment > Upper Body Strength = UpperBodyStr


DESE-assigned fitness test code representing scoring results as measured through administration of sit and reach.

Reports for students in grades 05, 07 or 09. 

Otherwise, field reports blank. This field is required for students in grades 5 and 9.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
December (C)
February (C)
April (C)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Grading and Standards > Standards Bank  > Physical Fitness Assessment > Flexibility = Flexibility

IEP Disability

The student's primary disability.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (R)
April (R)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Primary Disability



Designations for a student whose IEP team has determined that the student is eligible for the MAP Alternate Assessment.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (O)
February (O)
April (R)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > MAP-A


SPED Placement

Code that identifies special education placement category (see Exhibit 19 in the DESE Core Date Manual).

This is a required field for students who have an IEP.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
December (C)
February (C)
April (C)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Setting

Enrollment.special EdSetting


Code that identifies the status of the exiter using Special Education exit categories.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Exit Reason



Defines whether or not the student is considered truant.

This is a required field for all students (except grades PK) when there are 10 or more cumulative days of unexcused absences from school.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
December (C)
February (C)
April (C)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 12 character


Supplemental Education Service

Indicates the student is eligible, has been offered, applied for or received Supplemental Educational Services. 

Returns the entered value for SES if it exists when:

  • The Title 1 checkbox on Student Enrollment is marked and School History Title 1 has a value of 1: Targeted Assistance.
  • School History Title 1 has a value of 2: School-wide Program
  • The student's Eligibility is Free or Reduced.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > SES


System Administration > Resources > School > School History > Title 1

CTE Cluster

Identifies the career education path for a student who has at least 1 credit of approved career education instruction.

Returns value of Career Cluster if CareerED is PHS, CHS or CNP. Otherwise, field returns a blank value.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Career Cluster


Nontraditional Student

Defined as a person entering a career education training program or occupation nontraditional to their gender. An enrollment of 75% of one gender is considered traditional.

Career Ed and Non Tranditional Student

Returns value when the Non Traditional Student field is marked on the Enrollment record (Y or N) AND the student is assigned a Career Ed value of PHS, CHS or CNP. 

A blank value reports when the Career Ed value is LTO.

Gender  and Non Traditional Student

If the Non Trad Student field is not marked or is set to No:

  • Reports a Y when the CTE Program Type is 0104, 0804, 0010, 0810, 0107, 0807 or 1004 and the student's Gender is F. 
  • Reports a Y when the CTE Program Type is 0604, 0504, 0510. 0610, 0710, 0810, 0507, 0607, 0707 or 704 and the student's Gender is M. 

Otherwise, reports a value of N.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Non Trad Student


Single Parent 

Reports a NULL value for all reporting periods, unless the student is a secondary career education student.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
 December (O)
 February (O)
 April (O)
 June (C)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Single Parent


Displaced Homemaker 

Reports a NULL value for all reporting periods, unless the student is a secondary career education student. 

Reporting Period:

October (O)
 December (O)
 February (O)
 April (O)
 June (C)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Displaced Homemaker



Required for secondary, post-secondary and adult career technical education (CTE) students identified as Perkins Concentrators.

Returns CTE Tech Skills Attainment if CareerEd is CNP or CHS. Otherwise returns a blank value.

Valid options are:

  • PT: Passed Test
  • FT: Failed Test
  • NT: Not Tested
  • NA: Not Available
  • NE: Not Eligible
  • PR: Pending Results

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > CTE Tech Skills Attainment


K8 Grad District Code

DESE 6-digit district code of the K8 district from which the student graduated 8th grade.

Required for grade 9 and 10 non-resident students who graduated 8th grade from a K-8 district.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
December (C)
February (C)
April (C)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 6 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting  Fields > K-8 Graduate District Code


ECO Entry Date

Date of entry into ECSE program. A value reports ONLY if the date is within reporting calendar.

See the note at the end of this table.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (C)*

Date field, 10 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > ECSE Entry Date


ECO Entry Ind 1

Rating at entry into ECSE for Positive social-emotional skills. A value reports ONLY if the ECO Entry Date field is populated and is within the report year.

Options are:
1 - Not Yet
2 - Emerging
3 - Occasionally
4 - Frequently
5 - Completely

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > ECO Entry Indicator 1


ECO Entry Ind 2

Rating at entry into ECSE for Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills. A value reports ONLY if the ECO Entry Date field is populated and is within the report year.

Options are:
1 - Not Yet
2 - Emerging
3 - Occasionally
4 - Frequently
5 - Completely

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > ECO Entry Indicator 2


ECO Entry Ind 3

Rating at entry into ECSE for Use of appropriate behaviors to meet needs. A value reports ONLY if the ECO Entry Date field is populated and is within the report year.

Options are:
1 - Not Yet
2 - Emerging
3 - Occasionally
4 - Frequently
5 - Completely

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > ECO Entry Indicator 3


ECO Exit Date

Date of exit from ECSE Program. A value is returned ONLY if the date is within the dates of the reporting calendar.

See the note at the end of this table.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (C)*

Date field, 10 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > ECSE Exit Date


ECO Exit Ind 1

Rating at exit from ECSE for Positive social-emotional skills. A value reports ONLY if the ECO Exit Date field is populated and is within the report year.

Options are:
1 - Not Yet
2 - Emerging
3 - Occasionally
4 - Frequently
5 - Completely

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > ECO Exit Indicator 1


ECO Exit Ind 2

Rating at exit into ECSE for Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills. A value reports ONLY if the ECO Exit Date field is populated and is within the report year.

Options are:
1 - Not Yet
2 - Emerging
3 - Occasionally
4 - Frequently
5 - Completely

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > ECO Exit Indicator 2


ECO Exit Ind 3

Rating at exit into ECSE for Use of appropriate behaviors to meet needs. A value reports ONLY if the ECO Exit Date field is populated and is within the report year.

Options are:
1 - Not Yet
2 - Emerging
3 - Occasionally
4 - Frequently
5 - Completely

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > ECO Exit Indicator 3


CTE Program Code

The Career Education program where the student's concentration is focused.

Returns the CTE Program Type when the HS Career Ed Student field is LTO on all student core reporting periods (October, December, February, April and June). 

This field does not report when the HS Career Ed Student field is NHS or null.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > CTE Program Type


Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Career Ed



Indicates the EL student was Title III funded.

Reports the code selected in the Title III EL drop list (Student Information > General > Enrollments) if the student has the designation of Receiving Services for EL (RCV) in the LEP/ELL field. If null, reports NE. All other designations report as NE.

Conditional and required if EL/ELL is RCV.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
December (C)
February (C)
April (C)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Title III EL



Title III Immigrant

Indicates the immigrant student was Title III funded.

Reports the selected code when the student is an Immigrant (Y). When the Immigrant field reports Y and Title III field is not populated, reports a value of NE.

Reports a blank value when Immigrant reports as N. 

NENot Eligible
NFNot Funded

Conditional and required if Immigrant is RCV.

Reporting Period Logic:

  • Reports as Required when Reporting Period = October during the report generation period.
  • When Reporting Periods = Dec, Feb, April and June, report when Optional Fields Allowed is marked during the report generation period. If not marked, this field reports blank.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (R)
April (R)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Immigrant

Enrollment. immigrant

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Title III Immigrant


First Year Freshman

Designates the current school year as the student's first high school freshman year.

Reports Y if grade level is 09 and no prior 09 enrollment with attendance exists.

If the 09 grade level is a summer school enrollment, this is not reported.

If grade level is 09 and a prior 09 enrollment with attendance exists, reports N.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade Level



Zip Code

Reports the 5- or 9-digit Postal Zip Code for the primary residence of the student.

If the student is in more than one primary household, the zip code for the household that has the earliest creation date is reported.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (O)

Numeric, 9 digits

Census > People > Households > Address > Zip

Industry Credential

The Department approved industry-recognized credential/certification received by the student.

Reporting Period:

October (N/A)
December (N/A)
February (N/A)
April (N/A)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Industry Credential


Indicates the student's parent/guardian is part of active military duty. This requires the student to have an active (no end date) relationship value with the parent/guardian.

This reports from any active primary household.

If there are multiple guardians with different Military Status data, the record with a household relationship overrides a Military Status record with no household relationship.

Reports a value of AD when any of the student's guardians have an active (no entered end date) record on the Military Connections tab where the Status is:

  • 1: Active Duty, Deployed or
  • 2: Active Duty, Not Deployed or
  • 9: Transitioning out of Active Duty (reports only when the end date is populated)

AND the selected Military Branch is NOT National Guard or Reserve selections.

Reports a value of NGR when any of the student's guardians have an active (no entered end date) record on the Military Connections tab where the Status is:

  • 1: Active Duty, Deployed or
  • 2: Active Duty, Not Deployed or
  • 9: Transitioning out of Active Duty (reports only when the end date is populated)

AND the selected Military Branch is National Guard or Reserve selections.

Reports a value of NM when any of the student's guardians have a record on the Military Connections tab where the Status is:

  • Discharged
  • Inactive
  • Injured
  • Killed in Action
  • Retired
  • Student Military Identifier

AND the selected Military Branch is any of the available options or not populated.

Reports a value of UNK when none of the above applies.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (R)
April (R)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Census > Military Connections > Status


Indicates whether the student is participating in the district's Missouri Preschool Program.

This is required for PK students in districts with an approved Missouri Preschool Program.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
December (O)
February (C)
April (O)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting  Fields > MPP

Foster Care

Indicates whether the student is designated as being in Foster Care.

Reports from the Foster Care tool.

For the June reporting period, reports a value of Y if the student was ever in Foster Care during the selected reporting year.

For all other reporting periods, reports a Y when there is a Foster Care record with a null End Date that is on or after September Count date, December Count Date, January Count Date or Date Range End Date (depending on what Reporting Period is selected).

Reports 'N' when there is no Foster Care Record.

Reports 'N' when there is a Foster Care record and End date is before September Count date, December Count Date, January Count Date or Date Range Start Date (depending on what Reporting Period is selected).

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (R)
February (R)
April (R)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Student Information > Program Participation > Foster Care


PK Eligible State Aid

Indicates whether student is eligible for state aid (Y) or is not eligible for state aid (N).

Reports if an eligible district has selected the PK student to have attendance hours claimed for state aid.

When Reporting Period is December or April this field only reports if Optional Fields allowed is checked.

When Optional Fields Allowed is not checked reports a blank value.

If Y is selected, reports 'Y'. 

If N is selected, reports 'N'.

Reports from most recent enrollment.

  • If null, reports 'N'.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
December (C)
February (C)
April (C)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting  Fields > PK Eligible State Aid

Kindergarten Readiness

Indicates whether a student who is enrolled in a Kindergarten grade level is considered ready for Kindergarten. Reports the selected value from the KG Readiness tool.

If a value is not selected on the Enrollment editor, the default value selected in the Attribute Dictionary reports.

Required when the Reporting Period is October.

  • When Reporting Period is December, February, April, or June, this field only reports if Optional Fields allowed is checked.
  • When Optional Fields Allowed is not checked reports a blank value.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Student Information > Program Participation > KG Readiness > KG Readiness

High Need Student

Indicates whether the IEP student is considered High Need. High Need is defined as a student's educational costs exceeding three times the LEA's current expenditure per Average Daily Attendance (ADA).

This only reports when the Report Optional Fields checkbox is marked and the Reporting Period is set to June.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked for all grades levels except PK. Reports blank when the checkbox is not marked, when the grade level is PK, and when the reporting period is NOT June.

Reporting Period:

October (N/A)
December (N/A)
February (N/A)
April (N/A)
June (O) Required

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > High Need Student


Indicates the student's yearly screening for reading/dyslexia risk factors for grades K-3.

This only when the Report Optional Fields checkbox is marked and the Reporting Period is set to June. If the Reporting Period is NOT June, the field reports blank.

Reports from the active or most recent record within the report generation dates entered on the extract editor. The End date on the Dyslexia record can be blank, within the report generation dates or after the report generation dates.

The selected code assigned on the Dyslexia screening tab reports.

A value of NS (default value) reports when there is no Dyslexia record to report or when the Dyslexia record end date is before the student's first enrollment start date of the school year.

A blank value reports when there is no dyslexia record and the student is in grades PK, 04-12.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (C)

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > Dyslexia

Neglected or Delinquent

Identifies a student residing in a neglected or delinquent institution and is participating in programs for neglected or delinquent students.

This only reports when the Report Optional Fields checkbox is marked and the Reporting Period is set to June.

Reports the selected code on the Enrollment record. If no selected code, reports blank.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Neglected or Delinquent

CTE Certificate

Identifies a student as being CTE Concentrators and receiving CTE Certificates.

This only reports when the Report Optional Fields checkbox is marked for Reporting Periods of October, December, February or April, or when the Report Optional Fields checkbox is not marked and the Reporting Period is set to June.

A value of Y reports when:

  • The CTE Certificate field is marked on the Enrollment record
  • The Enrollment End Status is G01 or G03.
  • The Career Ed field reports a value of CHS or CNP.

A value of N reports when the CTE Certificate field is not marked on the Enrollment record.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (C)

Alphabetic, 1 character (Y or N)

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > CTE Certificate

Instruction Method

Reports the selected value for the Instruction Method for Remote Learning on the Digital Equity tool.

If no value is selected, reports a value of OS.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (O)
February (R)
April (O)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 2 characters
Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > Digital Equity > Instruction Method for Remote Learning

Internet Access

Reports the selected value for Internet Access on the Digital Equity tool.

If no value is selected, reports a value of U.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > Digital Equity > Internet Access for Remote Learning

Device Access

Reports the selected value for Device Access on the Digital Equity tool.

If no value is selected, reports a value of U.

Reporting Period:

October (R)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > Digital Equity > Device Access for Remote Learning

PK Replacement ID

Reports the selected code in the PK Replacement ID field.

This only reports when the Optional Fields Allowed checkbox is marked on the extract editor.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 10 characters
Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > PK Replacement ID

StackCred1This field reports blank. N/A
StackCred2This field reports blank. N/A
ICAPReports a value of Y for students in Grade 8 when the Reporting Period is June.

All other grades levels report blank; all other reporting periods report blank.

Reports as required when the reporting period is June. When the reporting period is October, December, February, or April, data is only reported when the Optional Fields Allowed checkbox is marked.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)
ICAP ReviewReports a value of Y for students in Grades 9 -12 when the Reporting Period is June.

All other reporting periods report blank.

Reports as required when the reporting period is June. When the reporting period is October, December, February, or April, data is only reported when the Optional Fields Allowed checkbox is marked.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)
Seal of BiliteracyReports for students in State Grade 11 and 12 when a State Seal of Biliteracy is selected.

A value of Y reports when selected; a value of N reports when there is no selected value for Seal of Biliteracy or the student does not have a graduation record.

Reports blank when the extract is generated in the October - April reporting period. Also reports blank when the extract is generated in the June reporting period and the Optional Fields Allowed checkbox is unmarked.

Reporting Period:

October (X)
December (X)
February (X)
April (X)
June (C) This is conditional. Required for 11 and 12. Blank for all else.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)
Student Information > General > Graduation > State Seal Information > State Seal of Biliteracy


Seal of Biliteracy Language 1

Reports the selected Language from the first State Seal of Biliteracy record for students in grades 11 and 12 based on the Standard Code column in the Attribute Dictionary.

When there is no language selected, or the language code is not a value of 1-25, this field reports blank.

The Optional Fields Allowed checkbox must be marked for this field to report.

Reports blank when the extract is generated in the October - April reporting period. Also reports blank when the extract is generated in the June reporting period and the Optional Fields Allowed checkbox is unmarked.

Reporting Period:

October (X)
December (X)
February (X)
April (X)
June (C) This is conditional. Required for 11 and 12. Blank for all else.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters
Student Information > General > Graduation > State Seal Information > State Seal of Biliteracy > Language

Seal of Biliteracy Language 2

Reports the selected Language from the second State Seal of Biliteracy record for students in grades 11 and 12  based on the Standard Code column in the Attribute Dictionary.

When there is no language selected, or the language code is not a value of 1-25, this field reports blank. 

The Optional Fields Allowed checkbox must be marked for this field to report.

Reports blank when the extract is generated in the October - April reporting period. Also reports blank when the extract is generated in the June reporting period and the Optional Fields Allowed checkbox is marked.

Reporting Period:

October (X)
December (X)
February (X)
April (X)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 10 characters
Student Information > General > Graduation > State Seal Information > State Seal of Biliteracy > Language

Seal of Biliteracy Language 3

Reports the selected Language from the third State Seal of Biliteracy record for students in grades 11 and 12  based on the Standard Code column in the Attribute Dictionary.

When there is no language selected, or the language code is not a value of 1-25, this field reports blank. 

The Optional Fields Allowed checkbox must be marked for this field to report.

Reports blank when the extract is generated in the October - April reporting period. Also reports blank when the extract is generated in the June reporting period and the Optional Fields Allowed checkbox is marked.

Reporting Period:

October (X)
December (X)
February (X)
April (X)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 10 characters
Student Information > General > Graduation > State Seal Information > State Seal of Biliteracy > Language

Associate Degree

Indicates the student has or will be receiving an Associate's Degree from the selected institution for students in Grade 12. 

Reports a value of Y when the Associate Degree field is populated for  students in Grade 12. Otherwise, reports a value of N.

Reports as required when the reporting period is June. When the reporting period is October, December, February, or April, data is only reported when the Optional Fields Allowed checkbox is marked.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (R)

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)
Student Information > General > Graduation > Associate Degree Institution

Associate Degree Institution

Reports the code of the selected institution for student in Grade 12.  When the Associate Degree field reports a value of Y, this field is required. 

Reports blank if not populated or if the Associate Degree field reports a value of N.

Reports as required when the reporting period is June. When the reporting period is October, December, February, or April, data is only reported when the Optional Fields Allowed checkbox is marked.

Reporting Period:

October (O)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (R)

Numeric, 6 digits
Student Information > General > Graduation > Associate Degree Institution

KG Physical Well-being and Motor SkillsIndicates whether the student has age-appropriate growth, health, physical abilities, such as gross and fine motor skills that indicate the child is ready for kindergarten.

Reports the selected code from the KG Readiness tool. When there is no selection, a value of U (Unknown) reports.

Reports as required when the reporting period is October. When the reporting period is October, December, February, or April, data is only reported when the Optional Fields Allowed checkbox is marked.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y, N or U)
Student Information > Program Participation > KG Readiness > KG Physical Well-being and Motor

KG Social and EmotionalIndicates whether the student has age-appropriate behavioral health and learning abilities, including the abilities to interact with others and self-regulate (social), as well as perceptions of self, abilities to understand the feelings of others and express their own feelings (emotional) that indicate the child is ready for kindergarten.

Reports the selected code from the KG Readiness tool. When there is no selection, a value of U (Unknown) reports.

Reports as required when the reporting period is October. When the reporting period is October, December, February, or April, data is only reported when the Optional Fields Allowed checkbox is marked.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y, N or U)
Student Information > Program Participation > KG Readiness > KG Social and Emotional

KG Cognition and General KnowledgeIndicates whether the student has age-appropriate thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as knowledge about particular objects and the way the world works (including mathematical knowledge, abstract thought and imagination), that indicate the child is ready for kindergarten.

Reports the selected code from the KG Readiness tool. When there is no selection, a value of U (Unknown) reports.

Reports as required when the reporting period is October. When the reporting period is October, December, February, or April, data is only reported when the Optional Fields Allowed checkbox is marked.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y, N or U)
Student Information > Program Participation > KG Readiness > KG Cognition and General Knowledge

KG Approaches Toward LearningIndicates whether the student has age-appropriate use of skills and knowledge (including enthusiasm, curiosity, creativity, confidence, persistence and initiative) that indicate the child is ready for kindergarten.

Reports the selected code from the KG Readiness tool. When there is no selection, a value of U (Unknown) reports.

Reports as required when the reporting period is October. When the reporting period is October, December, February, or April, data is only reported when the Optional Fields Allowed checkbox is marked.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y, N or U)
Student Information > Program Participation > KG Readiness > KG Approaches Toward Learning

KG Language and LiteracyIndicates whether the student has age-appropriate literacy and communication skills such as listening, speaking and writing (emergent literacy includes print awareness, story sense, early writing and the connection of letters to sounds) that indicate the child is ready for kindergarten.

Reports the selected code from the KG Readiness tool. When there is no selection, a value of U (Unknown) reports.

Reports as required when the reporting period is October. When the reporting period is October, December, February, or April, data is only reported when the Optional Fields Allowed checkbox is marked.

Reporting Period:

October (C)
December (O)
February (O)
April (O)
June (O)

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y, N or U)
Student Information > Program Participation > KG Readiness > KG Language and Literacy


ECO Entry Date, ECO Exit Date

Even though these two columns are considered optional, logic behaves as if these fields are conditional for the June reporting period only. If data exists for these fields, data reports, regardless of the user removing the selection of Optional Fields Allowed on the report editor.

  • ECO Entry Date - if this column reports, data may also report for columns 304, 306 and 308 (ECOEntryInd1, ECOEntryInd2, ECOEntryInd3)
  • ECO Exit Date - if this column reports, data may also report for columns 312, 314 and 316 (ECOExitInd1, ECOExitInd2, ECOExitInd3)

Previous Versions

MOSIS Student Core Extract (Missouri) [.2148 - .2203]
MOSIS Student Core Extract (Missouri) [.2140 - .2144]
MOSIS Student Core Extract (Missouri) [.2132 - .2136]
MOSIS Student Core Extract (Missouri) [.2124 - .2128]