My Schedule


My Schedule (Planner)
This articles describes the schedule view of the Planner.
View My Schedule in the Planner - Video
My Schedule in the Planner shows all sections the user has been assigned to teach as well as when each section meets. This video demonstrates how to view schedule details in the Planner.
View My Schedule in the Planner - Simulation
Teachers can view their daily schedules with all course sections they teach from My Schedule within the Planner. In this lesson, a teacher would like to define calendar settings, review her school schedule and view another teacher's schedule.
Print My Schedule Details - Video
My Schedule in the Planner allows teachers to print a copy of their schedule. This video demonstrates how to print a teacher’s schedule details.
Print My Schedule Details - Simulation
In this simulation, the user will learn how to print a schedule from the Planner.
View Student Attendance via My Schedule - Video
My Schedule in the Planner allows teachers to view attendance details for a section. This video demonstrates how to view student attendance details.
View Student Attendance via My Schedule - Simulation
In this simulation, the user will learn how to view a course section attendance roster from the Schedule Planner.