The Campus Learning Usage tool allows participating districts to evaluate how teachers are using the premium Campus Learning offerings, such as student instructions and various types of file attachments and student submissions.
This article describes configuring a OneRoster connection, including the types available and how to enable a connection.
This article describes configuring an LTI connection, including the types available and how to enable a connection.
This article provides information about the Learning Interoperability tool.
This article provides information about specific Digital Learning Partners which may prove helpful in managing connections.
This article provides information about enabling connections to Google Classroom through OneRoster and troubleshooting issues with those connections.
This article describes the performance recommendations that should be communicated with third party users of the OneRoster API.
This article outlines the differences between Campus's implementation of version 1.1 and 1.2 of the OneRoster Specification.
The article describes the REST Documentation Client provided in conjunction with the OneRoster API.
This article provides troubleshooting tips for OneRoster version 1.1, including sourcedIds