Online Registration

OLR streamlines the student registration process.


Online Registration (OLR) Workflow
This document provides an overview of the Online Registration tools and tool rights.
Online Registration Tool Rights
This article describes all the tools available in the Online Registration toolset and the associated tool rights.
Multi-Language Editor
This document provides information on using the Multi-Language Editor.
Language Groups
This document provides information on using the Language Groups Online Registration tool.
OLR Literals Bank
This document provides information on using the OLR Literals Bank tool.
OLR Lists Bank
This document provides information on using the OLR Lists Bank tool.
OLR Status
This document provides information on using the OLR Status tool.
OLR Setup (Configuration Setup)
This document provides information on using the OLR Setup tool.
OLR System Settings
This document provides information on using the OLR System Settings tool.
Registration Window by School (Prime)
This document provides information on using the Registration Window by School tool.
Document Upload Options
This document provides information on using the Document Upload Options tool for Online Registration.
OLR Builder
This document provides information on using the OLR Builder tool.
OLR Notification Editor (Prime)
This document provides information on using the OLR Notification Editor.
OLR Information Center
This document provides information on using the OLR Information Center.
OLR Configuration List Editor
This document provides information on configuring OLR Lists.
OLR Queue Setup (Prime)
This document provides information on using the OLR Queue Setup tool.
OLR Queue Applications (Prime)
This document provides information on using the OLR Queue Applications tool.
OLR Ad hoc Letters
This document provides information on using the OLR Ad hoc Letters tool.