PIMS Course Instructor Template (Pennsylvania) [.2215 and previous]

Classic View: PA State Reporting > PIMS Extracts > Course Instructor Template 

Search Terms: PIMS Extracts

This PIMS Course Instructor Template reports the name of the instructor of each section of every course reported in the Course Template.

See the PIMS Reporting article for additional PIMS Reporting information.

PIMS Course Instructor Template 

Report Logic

A record reports for each primary teacher assigned to a Course Section, including current teachers and historical teachers, regardless of the teaching having an end date on the Staff History tool for that section. Multiple records can report for a section.

  • A record reports for each course section where the Semester is unique. 
  • A record reports for each course that reports the PIMS Course Template.
  • A record reports for each unique Location Code Override that are assigned to the students scheduled into those courses. When the Location Code Override field is not populated for the students, the Location Code reports from the Alt School Number or State School Number field. 

Report Editor

The following provides details on the available fields for the PIMS Course Instructor Template.



Extract Type

Determines the type of PIMS Extract being generated.

Reporting Period

Indicates the time of year for which the extract is being generated.

Effective Date

Entered date causes the extract to report all students actively enrolled as of that date and/or all data as of this date. This date entered is considered the end date of the reporting period, unless it is a snapshot extract.

Prior Reporting Date

Indicates staff who were employed between the entered date and the Effective Date/Reporting Date.


Determines how the extract generates.  Extracts can be generated in State Format (comma delimited) or HTML.  Use the HTML format for reviewing and verifying data prior to submission to the state.  Use the State Format for submitting the data to the Department of Education.

Staff Ad hoc Filter

Select an existing ad hoc filter from which to report school staff. Only those staff included in the Census/Staff Data Type Filter and who meet the reporting population are included in the extract.

CalendarsAt least one calendar must be selected when generating a PIMS extract. Calendars can be selected by the Active Year, by School or by Year.  If a calendar is chosen in the Campus toolbar, that calendar is automatically be selected.
Report Generation

To generate the report immediately, use the Generate Extract option. To choose when the report generates, use the Submit to Batch option. Submit to Batch is useful when generating the report for several calendars or for larger amounts of data being reported. See the Batch Queue article for more information.

Generate the Course Instructor Template

  1. Select Course Instructor Template from the Extract Type from the dropdown list.
  2. Select the desired Reporting Period.
  3. Enter the Effective Date of the extract in mmddyy format or use the calendar icon to select a date.
  4. Enter the Prior Reporting Date of the extract in mmddyy format or use the calendar icon to select a date.
  5. Select the Format of the extract.
  6. Select a Staff Ad hoc Filter, if desired.
  7. Select the appropriate Calendar(s) from which to include data on the extract.
  8. Click the Generate Extract button or the Submit to Batch button, if available. The extract displays in the selected format.

PIMS Course Instructor Template - HTML Format  

PIMS Course Instructor Template - State Format  

Report Layout

Data ElementDescriptionLocation

District Code

State District Number

Reports the district number of the reporting school unless there is a different district located in the Funding District. 

Numeric, 9 digits

System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number


Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Funding District

Location Code

Reports the PDE 4-digit code identifying the school. 

This field reports from the Location Code Override field assigned to the students on the Enrollment record using the following logic.

  • The value reports from the Alt School Number field, if populated, or from the State School Number field. 
  • Then, each student enrolled into the course's sections are reviewed. All students who have the Location Code Override field populated are found.
  • From that list of students, a record reports for each unique Location Code Override.

When the Location Code Override field is not populated, this value reports from the Alt School Number field on the School editor. If that field is not populated, the State School Number field on the School editor is used. 

Duplicate location codes are not reported. 

Numeric, 4 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Location Code Override


System Administration > Resources > School > Alt School Number, State School Number



School Year

Reports as June 30th of the end year of the calendar.

Date field, 10 characters (YYYY-06-30)

System Administration > Calendar > School Years > School Year Detail


 Fields 4-7 These fields do not reported.
Primary Instructor IDReports the staff number of the teacher of record for the course.

Numeric, 7 digits
Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Staff State ID

  Fields 9-16 These fields do not reported. N/A

Indicates if a course is offered in either semester or if it spans the entire school year.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section > Semester Code

  Field 18 This field does not reported.
Course Code LongReports the course number assigned to the course.

Numeric, 12 digits
Scheduling > Courses > Course > Number

Primary Instruction Language CodeReports the primary language in which the course is taught.

Alphanumeric, 16 characters
Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section > Primary Instruction Code

  Field 21 This field does not reported. N/A
Section Code Long
Reports the state code assigned to the course.

Alphanumeric, 12 characters
Scheduling > Courses > Course > State Code
