Last Updated: 10/22/2022
in Reporting Federal Reporting
This article provides information on Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) Reporting tools.
Last Updated: 10/22/2022
in Census Census People Identities
Provides information on People Identity information.
The Score Copier tool allows teachers to accept assignment scores for students who have transferred into one of their course sections. In this lesson, a teacher needs to transfer scores for one of his students from one course section to another.
This article provides information on generating the class roster for a substitute teacher.
This article collects all of the release notes for cases included in the Campus.2120 release pack.
Information on combining people within Campus using the Combine Person tool.
Provides information on using the Data Viewer.
Provides information on using the Building Tools in the Schedule Wizard.
Provides information on using the Selection Editor Filter Type option.
This article collects all of the release notes for cases included in the Campus.2152 release pack.