Popular Articles

  1. Campus.2231

  2. Credit Summary

    This article provides information on the student's Credit Summary tool.
  3. Grade Submission Process - Study Guide

    The student grade submission process involves proper grading setup on courses, opening/closing the grading window and generating report cards.
  4. Terminals

    This article includes procedures for using the Terminals tool. The Terminals tool contains system information and settings for all Point of Sale terminals within a district.
  5. Early Warning - Study Guide

    Early Warning discovers relationships between your students' educational records and their enrollment outcomes, and helps you find students at risk of not persisting to graduation. The tool uses data already in Campus and is integrated with your existing caseload lists. You'll be able to view students' risk histories and discover what categories of risk are most important for each student.
  6. Eligibility Import Wizard

    This article provides information about using the Eligibility Import Wizard to upload and import data files containing student meal service and socioeconomic eligibilities.
  7. Rx Pack - Campus.2239

    This article provides release notes for the Rx Packs to Campus.2239.
  8. Enrollment Status

    This document provides information on generating the Enrollment Status Report.
  9. Conditions

    This article provides information on student health conditions.
  10. Check In/Out

    This document describes how to use the Check In/Out tool.