Provides information on generating and printing attendance letters.
This document provides information on adding terms and term dates to calendars.
Information on scheduling and managing automated system tasks within Campus.
This article provides information on managing code definitions within Campus.
This article provides information for district staff who need to add money to their food service account.
The Roster tool can be used to review student information for all students in a selected course section. In this lesson, a teacher needs to review student information in her US History class.
Information on establishing report preferences for schedule-based reports.
Last Updated: 10/22/2022
in Study Guides Academic Planner
The Academic Planner allows schools to manage a student's academic plan through their entire school career. Academic Planning is a process that requires the use of several tools in Campus and several roles in a school. This study guide covers the components necessary to enable the basic functionality of the Academic Planner.
This document provides information on using the Fill Counselor tool.
This document provides information on generating the Schedule Batch Report.