Screen Example and Field Definitions (Household Applications)

Classic View: FRAM > Household Applications

Search Terms: Household Applications

This article includes information for each field in each application section.

New Application Type



Meal Benefits Application

Indicates a Meal Benefits Application will be saved within Campus.

Educational Benefits Application

Indicates an Educational Benefits Application will be saved within Campus. 

The Educational Benefits Application is only available if one or more schools in your district participates in Provision programs. A school must have Provision fields entered on the School tab and the Educational Benefits Applications Processed preference enabled on the FRAM Preferences tool.

New Application Detail



Application Date

The date on which the application was signed by the parent/guardian.

Effective Date

The eligibility effective date based on the approval of the application.

Expiration Date

The expiration date of the eligibility. This field is auto-populated with the Default Expiration Date entered in the FRAM Application Preferences, typically 30 days into the next school year. 


It is recommended not to change the auto-populated Default Expiration Date.

Determining Official

The name of the district employee (FRAM Processor) who processed the Meal and/or Educational Benefits Application. 


The FRAM Processor must be identified by selecting the check box in District Assignment. Only one district assignment record is needed with FRAM Processor checked to have FRAM Processor appear in the Determining Official field.

School Year

The year to which the application applies.

Opt Out Medicaid

If Yes is selected, the guardian does NOT want to be contacted by Medicaid regarding Medicaid benefits.


This option only displays if the Display Medicaid Opt Out checkbox is marked in the  FRAM Preferences. This option is not required in all states.


If Yes is selected, the guardian does NOT want to be contacted by SCHIP (State Children's Health Insurance Program) regarding insurance benefits.


This option only displays if the Display SCHIP Opt Out checkbox is marked in the  FRAM Preferences . This option is not required in all states.

Permission Detail

 This section is only available if Permissions have been created within the Permission Preferences tab. 
Column Description

Permission Name

The name of the established district permission(s).

Share Permission

This indicates whether or not the parent/guardian allows the district permission to share their child(ren)'s benefits eligibility with other district staff members and district programs. 

Race & Ethnicity Detail

Responding to this section is optional and does not affect eligibility for free or reduced price meals. The race and ethnicity information is linked to the Household application and not to a specific person.
Column Description

Indicates the household's ethnic identity. Options include

  • Hispanic or Latino
  • Not Hispanic or Latino
  • No Response

Indicates the race(s) with which the household identifies. Options include

  • American Indian or Alaskan Native
  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • White

New Student(s) In Household

Column Description

Current Eligibility

The student's current eligibility status. 


f there is an eligibility displayed here, the "Best Practice" recommendation would be for the FRAM Processor to investigate the existing eligibility before processing the application. If the application is processed, the existing eligibility may be overwritten or end dated depending on the existing eligibility dates. Point of Sale customers only: This could create a discrepancy between eligibilities on Point of Sale transactions processed to date.


The name(s) of students included on the application.


The date of birth for the listed student(s).


The school in which the student is enrolled at the time of processing.


The grade level in which the student is enrolled at the time of processing.

Homeless /Runaway/Migrant/Foster/Head Start

This column indicates whether the student is considered Homeless, Foster, Runaway, Migrant, or Head Start.

Remove (button)

This button removes selected students from the New Student(s) in Household section.

New Case Number for Household

Field Description
Case Number

The case number for SNAP/FDPIR/TANF benefits. This number is issued to a household member by the agency and indicates student members are eligible for free benefits based on participation in the program. If a case number is entered, the application can be processed without an SSN.

If one member in a household participates in one of the benefit programs listed, all students within the household are automatically considered eligible for free benefits.

Income in Household

 Per USDA policy, income may only be whole dollar amounts.
Field Description

App Sign

This radio button indicates the household member who signed the application. An application must be signed to be processed. If a signer is not selected, the application will be denied because it has not been signed.


The checkbox allows you to select household members to remove or to add to the student section of the application.


The names of household members included on the application.


The date of birth for the listed household members. 


As of the E.1222 Release Pack: If Human Resources functionality is enabled, date of birth information will not display for staff members unless they have a current student enrollment for the reporting year.

Campus does not currently use this field. The number for SNAP/FDPIR/TANF benefits is entered in the Case Number field.


The household member's regular earnings from employment. The amount is followed by a letter in brackets [ ] to indicate how often the amount is received:

  • M Monthly (12 payments annually)
  • SM Semi-monthly (24 payments annually)
  • BW Bi-weekly (26 payments annually)
  • W Weekly (52 payments annually)
  • A Annual (1 payment annually)


    This option is only available if your administrator has not chosen the Hide Annual (Yearly) option on the Application Preferences tab.

Welfare, CS, Alimony

The amount of welfare, child support or alimony the household member receives. The amount is followed by a letter in brackets [ ] to indicate how often the amount is received:

  • M Monthly (12 payments annually)
  • SM Semi-monthly (24 payments annually)
  • BW Bi-weekly (26 payments annually)
  • W Weekly (52 payments annually)
  • A Annual (1 payment annually)


    This option is only available if your administrator has not chosen the Hide Annual (Yearly) option on the Application Preferences tab.

Pension, Retirement, SS

The amount of pension, retirement or social security benefits the household member receives. The amount is followed by a letter in brackets [ ] to indicate how often the amount is received:

  • M Monthly (12 payments annually)
  • SM Semi-monthly (24 payments annually)
  • BW Bi-weekly (26 payments annually)
  • W Weekly (52 payments annually)
  • A Annual (1 payment annually)


    This option is only available if your administrator has not chosen the Hide Annual (Yearly) option on the Application Preferences tab.

Other Income

The miscellaneous income the household member receives. The amount is followed by a letter in brackets [ ] to indicate how often the amount is received:

  • M Monthly (12 payments annually)
  • SM Semi-monthly (24 payments annually)
  • BW Bi-weekly (26 payments annually)
  • W Weekly (52 payments annually)
  • A Annual (1 payment annually)


    This option is only available if your administrator has not chosen the Hide Annual (Yearly) option on the Application Preferences tab.

Remove (button)

This button allows you to remove household members from the application.

Add Student (button)

This button allows you to add selected people to the Student section of the application. Only students entered in  Census  may be added. 


It is possible to add a non-enrolled child to the student section. If a child will be enrolled in school at some point during the school year or at the start of the next school year consider adding the child to the student section. Upon receiving an enrollment the eligibility will auto-populate for the child.

Last Name / First Name / Quick Add (button)

These fields allow you to add household members to the application if a household member is missing from the member list.

Before adding a person to the application, perform a thorough search to be sure that the person does not have a record in Campus that can be associated with the application. The Quick Add button does NOT add the person to Campus. Quick add only adds the person to the application. People added via Quick Add cannot be added to the Student section of the application.

Application Status

Field Descrption

Household Income

The sum of all income for all people in the household, as reported on the application and displayed in the Work Earnings; Welfare, Child Support, Alimony; Pension Retirement, Social Security; and Other Income columns for all household members. The amount is followed by brackets that indicate how frequently the income is received. Household income totals and household size are compared with federal income guidelines (according to values set on the tool) to determine the outcome of the household application. Income is annualized if there are multiple frequencies entered. If all income frequencies entered are the same, it is not annualized.
See the FRAM > Income Guide tool for more information.

Household Size

The number of people in the household (based on the application).

Approved Eligibility

The eligibility assigned to a student included on the application.

  • Free: Students included on the application are eligible for free benefits.
  • Reduced: Students included on the application are eligible for reduced benefits.
  • High Income. Students included on the application are NOT eligible for benefits and the application will be denied based on the household earning a high income.

Application Status

The value in this field indicates the status of the household Meal or Educational Benefits application. The following statuses may apply:

  • Complete: Income Approval. The application will be approved because it meets federal income guidelines. The household will be awarded free or reduced benefits with an eligibility value of "Free" or "Reduced."
  • Complete: Categorical. The application will be approved as categorical based on a SNAP, FDPIR, TANF, Migrant, Homeless, Runaway or Head Start student status. This household/student will be awarded free benefits with an eligibility value of "Free."
  • Complete: Foster Approval. The application was approved based on the student's status as a foster child. This household/student will be awarded free benefits with an eligibility of "Free."
  • Complete: High Income. The application was denied because the household exceeded the federal maximum household income allowed for benefits. This household will not be awarded benefits and will have an eligibility value of "Paid."
  • Incomplete: Missing Applicant Social Security Number. This application was denied because a SSN was not provided by the application's signer. This household will not be awarded benefits and will retain previously assigned eligibilities. 
  • Incomplete: Missing Applicant Signature. This application was denied because a signature was not provided by the application's signer. This household will not be awarded benefits and will retain previously assigned eligibilities.

Reference Number

The application number that is used for reference purposes.

Application Name

The name of the application's signer or the household name under which the application is filed (per the setting of the Auto Fill Application Name field of the FRAM Preferences). If online Meal Benefits Application is enabled the default value will be the name of the Application Signer.

Override Status

This dropdown list allows you to override the Eligibility status. The application will be approved based on the Override Status selected. The Override Status does not apply to Foster children and is not available for Categorical application.

Override Reason

The reason why the Determining Official (FRAM Processor) chose to override the original Eligibility, determined by the application, with the value shown in the Override Status field.

Application Eligibility Approval by Student

Field Description


The name(s) of students included on the application.

Approved Eligibility

The eligibility assigned to a student included on the application.

  • Free. Students included on the application are eligible for free benefits.
  • Reduced. Students included on the application are eligible for reduced benefits.
  • High Income. Students included on the application are NOT eligible for meal benefits and the application will be denied based on the household earning a high income.

Certified Type

The criteria determining the value in the Approved Eligibility column.

  • Direct
  • Categorical
  • Income
  • Override
  • Runaway
  • Foster
  • Migrant
  • Homeless
  • Declined
  • Denied
  • Did Not Apply
  • Socioeconomic Status
  • Head Start