South Dakota Special Education


Evaluation (South Dakota)
This document provides information about the South Dakota Evaluation.
Individual Education Plan (South Dakota)
This document provides information concerning the editors available in the South Dakota Individual Education Plan.
Manage South Dakota Student Evaluations - Video
From the Special Ed Documents tab, users are able to manage special education evaluations.
Manage South Dakota Student IEPs - Video
Individual Education Plans can be created from a student's Special Education Documents tab.
Understand Special Education Teams for South Dakota - Video
The Team Members tab allows users to manage the team members for a student who has an IEP.
Manage Caseload for South Dakota - Video
The Special Ed Caseload tool provides a way for Special Education Case Managers and Service Providers to see a list of students assigned to his or her caseload.
Upload Documents for South Dakota - Video
Special Education documents can be uploaded and saved to a student's Documents tab.
Manage South Dakota Custom Forms - Video
Special Education Custom Forms can be used to track information about a student related to special ed. This video describes how to fill out and save a Custom Form to Campus.
Generate South Dakota Child Count Report - Video
The SD Child Count Report is used to generate a report of students who have disabilities and are receiving special education services.
Understand Special Education Process Alerts for South Dakota - Video
Process alerts are used to deliver messages that remind special education case managers to complete specific time-sensitive tasks.
Configure User Group Tool Rights for South Dakota Special Ed - Video
The Special Ed area of Campus contains several tools for managing a student's Special Ed information.
Archived Special Ed Documents (South Dakota)
This article lists the archived print formats for each state's Special Ed documents.