Standardized Test


View Standardized Test Scores
Article describes viewing student scores on standardized tests and entering scores for teacher-scored assessments.
Enter teacher-scored assessment data in Campus Instruction - Video
The Standardized Test tool in Campus Instruction allows teachers to enter assessment data for teacher-scored standardized tests. This video demonstrates how to add assessment data in the Standardized Test tool.
Enter teacher-scored assessment data in Campus Instruction - Simulation
The Standardized Test tool allows teachers to enter assessment scores for teacher-scored standardized tests. In this lesson, a teacher needs to enter student scores in the Standardized Test tool.
View student standardized test data - Video
The Standardized Test tool within Campus Instruction can be used to view standardized test data that aligns to an assigned course section. This video demonstrates how to view student standardized test data in the Standardized Test tool.
View student standardized test data - Simulation
The Standardized Test tool can be used to view assessment scores for standardized tests. In this lesson, a teacher would like to review the results of a standardized test aligned to one of his courses.