SPED IEP Interchange - Student Participation End of Year (Colorado) [.2144 - .2211]

Classic View: CO State Reporting > Data Pipeline > SPED IEP Interchange > Student Participation End of Year

Search Terms: SPED IEP Interchange

The Student Participation End of Year report collects information on the services students in Special Education receive. See the Colorado Special Education articles for more information.

Unless noted otherwise, data reports from the student's most recent enrollment closest to the end date of report generation.

Student Participation End of Year

Report Logic

A student is included in the report when at least ONE of the following is true:

  • At least one date - Special Ed Start Date, Special Ed End Date - falls within the reporting period. OR
  • The student has an active and locked IEP AND at least one date of the plan falls within the reporting period. OR
  • The student has an active and locked Evaluation AND at least one date of the plan falls within the reporting period. 
    • If a student has an active and locked Evaluation with Part C Referral of 06 AND Eligibility & Services of 04 during the reporting period AND has an IEP with Services that were active during the reporting period, then the most recent service IEP is used to calculate the Service Hours per Week, Total School Hours per Week, Extended School Year Services. See the Hours of Service table for conversion values.

Only one record per administrative unit code reports for the student.

Records are not included when:

  • The student's enrollment record is marked as a No Show.
  • The enrollment record is marked as State Exclude.
  • The Grade Level of enrollment is marked as State Exclude.
  • The Calendar selected is marked as State Exclude.

Students who have an ILP or other plan type that is not an IEP are NOT included in this report.

Special Education IEP

The following fields report from the IEP. Refer to the Individual Education Plan article for more information.             

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Education Plan Editor

PATH: Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > IEP > Education Plan

  • Field 10, SPED Program Code
  • Field 17, Date of Entry into Special Education (IEP Start Date or Enrollment Start Date, whichever is first)
  • Field 44, PATH 2 Date IEP was Implemented C to B (IEP Start Date)
  • Field 51, PATH 3 Date Initial IEP was Finalized Part B
  • Field 52, PATH 3 Reason for Delay in Finalizing the Initial IEP Part B

IEP Educaton Plan Editor  

Services Editor

PATH: Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > IEP > Services

  • Field 25, Hours of Special Education Services per week (calculated value)

Student IEP Services Editor 

Enrollment Status Editor

PATH: Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status

  • Field 26, Total School Hours per Week (calculated value)

Student IEP Enrollment Status Editor 

Extended School Year Editor

PATH: Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > IEP > Extended School Year

  • Field 27, Extended School Year Services

Student IEP Extended School Year Editor 

Special Education Evaluation

The following fields report from the student's Special Education Evaluation State Reporting Data Editor. The report layout identifies the logic and Campus location of these fields based on the print format in use (prior to 2018.2or 2018.2 and after).      

Refer to the             Evaluation article for more information.             

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Special Ed/Part C Referral Type of 01: Part C Evaluation - Path 1 Only

PATH: Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Evaluation > State Reporting Data

  • Field 32, Date Referred for Part C Evaluation     
  • Field 33, Date of Parental Consent to Evaluate Part C     
  • Field 34, Date Evaluation Completed Part C     
  • Field 35, Reason for Delay in Completing Evaluation Part C     
  • Field 36, Eligibility and Services Path 1     

Student Evaluation - State Reporting Data Editor for Path 1         

Special Ed/Part C Referral Type of 02: Part C to Part B Transition - Path 2 Only

PATH: Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Evaluation > State Reporting Data

  • Field 37, Date Child is Found Eligible for Part C Services     
  • Field 38, Date of Referral to Administrative Unit from the Local Community Centered Board     
  • Field 39, Date of Parental Consent to Evaluate C to B     
  • Field 40, Date Evaluation Completed C to B     
  • Field 41, Reason for Delay in Completing Evaluation C to B     
  • Field 42, Date of Initial Eligibility Meeting C to B     
  • Field 43, Reason for Delay in Initial Eligibility Meeting C to B     
  • Field 45, Reason for Delay in IEP Implementation C to B     
  • Field 46, Eligibility and Services      

Student Evaluation - State Reporting Data Editor for Path 2         

Special Ed/Part C Referral Type of 03: Part B Services - Path 3 Only

PATH: Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Evaluation > State Reporting Data

  • Field 47, Date of Parental Consent to Evaluate Part B
  • Field 48, Date Evaluation Completed Part B
  • Field 49, Reason for Delay in Completing the Evaluation Part B
  • Field 50, Date of Initial Eligibility Meeting Part B
  • Field 54, Reason the IEP was Never Implemented Part B
  • Field 55. Eligibility and Services Path 3

Student Evaluation - State Reporting Data Editor for Path 3  

Report Editor

Report TypeSelection determines the Special Education Interchange report that generates. Choose Student Participation End of Year.
Ad hoc FilterSelect a saved ad hoc filter to only include those students in the filter in the report, assuming those students meet the reporting logic and business rules of this report.
Start Date/End DateThe entered date is auto-populated to the current first and last dates of the selected calendar in the Campus toolbar. Only those students actively enrolled in the selected calendar on this date.
Report Legal NameWhen marked, the student's name and gender report from the Protected Identity Information section on the student's Identities record.
Report FormatThis report can be generated in either CSV or HTML formats.
Calendar SelectionAt least one calendar needs to be selected in order to generate the report. Reports can be selected by Active Year, School or Year.
Report GenerationUse the Generate Report button to display the results of the report immediately. Use the Submit to Batch option to determine when the report generates. Submit to Batch is helpful when generating the report for multiple calendars and a large range of dates.
  1. Select the Student Participation End of Year option from the Report Type field.
  2. If desired, select students from an existing Ad hoc Filter.
  3. Enter the desired Start and End Dates.
  4. Mark the Report Legal Name, if desired.
  5. Select the Report Format of the report.
  6. Select the Calendar(s) from which to report information.
  7. Click the Generate Extract button or the Submit to Batch button. The report displays in the desired format.

Student Participation End of Year Report - CSV Format   

Student Participation End of Year Report - HTML Format   

Report Layout

Data ElementDescriptionLocation

Administrative Unit

The Administrative Unit Code assigned to the school by the Colorado Department of Education. This code is entered on the School tab. When the Admin Unit Code field is blank, this field reports 00000 (five zeros).

Numeric, 5 digits

Data not stored


The unique 10 digit number assigned to each student by the Colorado Department of Education.

Numeric, 10 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID



The district-defined local student ID.

Numeric, 10 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number


Student First Name

Reports the student's first name.

When the Report Legal Name checkbox is marked, the student's First Name reports from the Legal First Name field.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > First Name

Identity.first Name

Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name


Student Last Name

Reports the student's last name.

When the Report Legal Name checkbox is marked, the student's Last Name reports from the Legal Last Name field.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name

Identity.last Name

Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name


Student Gender

Reports the student's gender.

  • 01 - Female
  • 02 - Male

When the Report Legal Name checkbox is marked, the student's Gender reports from the Legal Gender field. 

Numeric, 2 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Gender


Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Gender


Student Date of Birth

The student's date of birth.

Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY)

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date


Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Birth Date 

Primary Disability  

A two-digit code representing the student's assigned disability as noted on the student's most recent enrollment or the current enrollment as of the effective date.

When the student has more than one disability, the reported code is that of the major disability as reflected on the student's IEP.

When there is no assigned primary disability, this field reports as 00.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Disability Type

School Code

Reports the school number of the student's current enrollment as of the effective date or the end date of report generation..

  • When the student has a Special Education Attendance Code of 31 (Administrative Unit) or 32 (State Operated Program), the 4-digit code from the School of Accountability field reports. When this is NULL then this field reports from Serving District.
  • For all other students, reports the school code from student's latest enrollment where IEP = Yes as long as the enrollment is before or equal to the end date of report generation or the most recent enrollment closest to the end date of report generation.

Numeric, 4 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > School of Accountability

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Serving District


SPED Program Code

Reports the code assigned to the special education program, as noted on the student's most recent IEP.

A student must have an IEP with a date that continues in the date range chosen in the extract editor. The IEP start date can be before July 1 of the reporting year.

When there is no assigned program code, this field reports 0000.

Numeric, 4 digits

Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Plan > IEP > State Special Ed Program Code

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > State Special Ed Program Code


Grade LevelReports the student's grade level of enrollment.

Numeric, 2 digits
Student Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Start Date

District of AttendanceReports the assigned Serving District code.
  • When the Serving District field is blank, the last four digits of the district number reports.
  • When Special Education Attendance Code is 19, 22, 27, 30 or 32, or if the serving district number is more than four digits, this field reports 0000.
  • Otherwise, the field reports the Serving District number.
  • When the State Code or Country Code is selected, the field reports 0000.

Numeric, 4 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Serving District

Pupils Attendance Information  

Reports the selected Pupil Attendance Code. When this field is not populated, reports 00.

Data reports from the student's current enrollment record.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Education Fields > Special Ed Attendance

State of Attendance

The state code of attendance for each student who attends school in a district other than their district of residence.

  • When Special Education Attendance Code is 19, 22, 27 or 30, the field reports 0000.
  • When the State Code or Country Code is selected, the field reports 0000.

Alphabetic, 2 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Serving District

Education Orphan  

Indicates whether the student is an educational orphan (living in an approved residential facility within the boundaries of the reporting administrative unit).

When no Educational Orphan code is selected on the enrollment record, this field reports 00.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Education Fields > Educational Orphan

Parentally Placed In Private School 

Indicates whether the student is placed by their parents in a private or parochial school.  When the student is attending a private school, indicates whether they are receiving services on an ISP.

When here is no parentally placed code selected on the enrollment record, this field reports 00.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Education Fields > Parentally Placed

Special Education Funding Status

Determines if the student record being submitted is eligible for ECEA funding.

When there is no funding status code selected, this field reports 00.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Education Fields > Funding Status

 Educational Environment Reports the 3-digit code representing the student's educational setting. When there is no educational environment code selected, this field reports 000.

Numeric, 3 digits
Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Education Fields > Special Ed Settings

Primary Service Providers EDID

Reports the Staff ID of the Primary Provider/Service Coordinator. This is the student's Case Manager that is listed on the Team Members tab. The Case Manager must have an active District Assignment for the Admin Unit Code being reported. The Case Manager must have an active District Assignment on or before the Effective Date selected on the Report Editor. The Staff ID does not report when the Case Manager's District Assignment is inactive after the Effective Date selected on the Report Editor.

This is the person listed as the student's Service Provider on the Team Member's tab and the staff person must have an active District Assignment for the Administrative Unit Code being reported.

Case Managers who do not have a District Assignment in the Administrative Unit Code are not included. Whenmore than one case manager is assigned, the manager with the lowest team member ID reports.

  • The student must have an IEP as designated on the Enrollment record.
  • The Team Member Start Date must be on or before the end date entered on the Report editor and the Team Member must be active (no end date or an end date after the start date entered on the report editor).
  • The most recent Case Manager reports, based on the start date. When an end date exists on all case managers but one, the non-ended case manager reports.
  • Note the following:
    • When the Special Education Attendance Code is 11, the staff member's Assignment Code must be 202 or 238.
    • When the Special Education Attendance Code is between 1-10 or 12-21, or 32, the staff member's Assignment Code must be 202, 234, 235, or 238.
    • When the Special Education Attendance Code is blank or any selection between 22-31, the field reports 00000000.

Numeric, 8 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Staff ID


Student Information > Special Education > General > Team Members > Role

Secondary Service Providers EDID1

Reports the staff ID of the Primary Provider/Service Coordinator. This is the person listed as the student's Service Provider on the Team Member's tab and the staff person must have an active District Assignment for the Administrative Unit Code being reported.

A team member may NOT be reported more than once per student record. When the team member has already been reported for the students, the secondary fields do not report.

  • The student must have an IEP as designated on the Enrollment record.
  • The Team Member Start Date must be on or before the end date entered on the Report editor and the Team Member must be active (no end date or an end date after the start date entered on the report editor).
  • The most recent Service Provider reports, based on the start date.
  • The team member may not be reported more than once per student. When the team member has already been reported for the student, this field does not report.
Note the following:
  • When the Special Education Attendance Code is 11, the staff member's Assignment Code must be 202 or 238.
  • When the Special Education Attendance Code is between 1-10 or 12-21, or 32, the staff member's Assignment Code must be 202, 234, 235, or 238.
  • When the Special Education Attendance Code is blank or any selection between 22-31, the field reports 00000000.

Numeric, 8 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Staff ID


Student Information > Special Education > General > Team Members > Role

Secondary Service Provider EDID2

Reports the staff ID of the Primary Provider/Service Coordinator. This is the person listed as the student's Service Provider on the Team Member's tab and the staff person must have an active District Assignment for the Administrative Unit Code being reported.

A team member may NOT be reported more than once per student record. When the team member has already been reported for the students, the secondary fields do not report.

  • The student must have an IEP as designated on the Enrollment record.
  • The Team Member Start Date must be on or before the end date entered on the Report editor and the Team Member must be active (no end date or an end date after the start date entered on the report editor).
  • The most recent Service Provider reports, based on the start date.
  • The team member may not be reported more than once per student. When the team member has already been reported for the student, this field does not report.
Note the following:
  • When the Special Education Attendance Code is 11, the staff member's Assignment Code must be 202 or 238.
  • When the Special Education Attendance Code is between 1-10 or 12-21, or 32, the staff member's Assignment Code must be 202, 234, 235, or 238.
  • When the Special Education Attendance Code is blank or any selection between 22-31, the field reports 
  • 00000000.

Numeric, 8 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Staff ID

Student Information > Special Education > General > Team Members > Role
Secondary Service Providers EDID3

Reports the staff ID of the Primary Provider/Service Coordinator. This is the person listed as the student's Service Provider on the Team Member's tab and the staff person must have an active District Assignment for the Administrative Unit Code being reported.

A team member may NOT be reported more than once per student record. When the team member has already been reported for the students, the secondary fields do not report.

  • The student must have an IEP as designated on the Enrollment record.
  • The Team Member Start Date must be on or before the end date entered on the Report editor and the Team Member must be active (no end date or an end date after the start date entered on the report editor).
  • The most recent Service Provider reports based on the start date.
  • The team member may not be reported more than once per student. When the team member has already been reported for the student, this field does not report.
Note the following:
  • When the Special Education Attendance Code is 11, the staff member's Assignment Code must be 202 or 238.
  • When the Special Education Attendance Code is between 1-10 or 12-21, or 32, the staff member's Assignment Code must be 202, 234, 235, or 238.
  • When the Special Education Attendance Code is blank or any selection between 22-31, the field reports 00000000.

Numeric, 8 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Staff ID


Student Information > Special Education > Team Members > Role

Secondary Service Providers EDID4

Reports the staff ID of the Primary Provider/Service Coordinator. This is the person listed as the student's Service Provider  on the Team Member's tab and the staff person must have an active District Assignment for the Administrative Unit Code being reported.

A team member may NOT be reported more than once per student record. When the team member has already been reported for the students, the secondary fields do not report.

  • The student must have an IEP as designated on the Enrollment record.
  • The Team Member Start Date must be on or before the end date entered on the Report editor and the Team Member must be active (no end date or an end date after the start date entered on the report editor).
  • The most recent Service Provider reports based on the start date.
  • The team member may not be reported more than once per student. When the team member has already been reported for the student, this field does not report.
Note the following:
  • When the Special Education Attendance Code is 11, the staff member's Assignment Code must be 202 or 238.
  • When the Special Education Attendance Code is between 1-10 or 12-21, or 32, the staff member's Assignment Code must be 202, 234, 235, or 238.
  • When the Special Education Attendance Code is blank or any selection between 22-31, the field reports 00000000.

Numeric, 8 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Staff ID


Student Information > Special Education > General > Team Members > Role

Hours of Special Education Services per Week

Number of hours the student receives special education and related services per week. Both direct and indirect services are reported, but the total must not be greater than 80.

Reports the sum of the number of minutes from the Direct and Indirect minutes from the Services editor for ALL services the student receives.

When no services exists, this field reports 0000.

When the calculated time is greater than 80, a value of 80 reports.

This is a calculated value based on the hours per week. Total minutes are calculated as follows:

  • Daily - (minutes)/12
  • Weekly - (minutes)/60
  • Monthly - (minutes)/258

The first two characters report the hours and the last two characters report any portion of an hour.

See the Hours of Service table at the end of this article for a complete list of calculations.

Numeric, 4 digits

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > Services > Service Provided List > Service Provided Editor > Total Minutes


Total School Hours Per Week

The total number of hours of instructional time per week for the school the student attends.

This is the number of hours available for all students in the school. This is used to calculate the percent of time in Special Education.

The total school hours per week cannot be greater than 40. When the calculated value is greater than 40, a value of 40 reports.

The calculation is as follows:

  • The number of weeks in the school year based on the first day and the last day marked as instructional on the Calendar Days tab is counted.
  • The number of instructional days in the calendar is counted.
  • The number of instructional days is divided by the number of weeks. This equals the average number of days of each week in the school year, which is then rounded to the nearest whole number.
  • This average total is multiplies by the standard day minutes for the grade level in which the student is enrolled.
  • That number s divided by a value of 60. When the Standard Day field is null, Student Day is calculated from the Calendar tab.

This field reports a value of 0000 when there is not a value for the hours per week.

See the Hours of Service table at the end of this article for a complete list of calculations.

Numeric, 4 digits

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Total Instructional Minutes per Week

Extended School Year Services

Indicates if the student receives Extended School Year Services. Reports 1 when Yes, reports 0 when No or blank.

ESY services are special education and related services that provided beyond the normal school year in accordance with the child's IEP at no cost to the parents and includes summer as well as extended breaks.

When a student is receiving special education services:

  • The IEP exists that starts or continues in the date range set in the extract editor.
  • The IEP has assigned services.
  • For the question of Is the student eligible for Extended School Year Services? on the ESY editor on the IEP:
    • When the Yes checkbox is marked, reports 1.
    • When the No checkbox is marked, reports 0.
    • When neither checkbox is marked, reports 0.

Numeric, 1 digit

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > Extended School Year > Extended School Year

sepExtendedYear. deter
Date of Entry to Special Education

Reports the earliest date the student began receiving special education services, either from the student's Enrollment or from the IEP.

Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY)

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Start Date


Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > Education Plan > IEP Start Date


Date of Exit from Special Education

Reports the date the student ended special education services.

  • When reporting from the enrollment AND the Special Education Exit Date falls within the reporting period, the Special Education Exit Date reports.
  • When reporting from the IEP AND the IEP End Date falls within the reporting period, the IEP End Date reports.
  • When there is no end date, this field reports 00000000 (8 zeros).

Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY)

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Exit Date


Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > Education Plan > IEP End Date


 Basis of Exit 

Indicates the circumstances under which the student exited from Special Education.

When there is no Exit Reason Code, reports 00.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Education Fields > Exit Reason

Special Education Part C Referral

Indicates the type of referrals that occurred for each student.

Reports the appropriate code based on the evaluations the student received during the defined reporting period:

  • A value of 01 reports when the student has only one locked initial evaluation with an evaluation date within the report date range and a locked initial IEP the report date range, or the student does not have an IEP in the reporting period but has only one evaluation with a Part C Referral of Type 01 with a date on or after July 1 of the previous year.
  • A value of 02 reports when the student's only evaluation with Part C Referral is 02 and the evaluation date is on or after March 1 of the previous year.
  • A value of 03 reports when the student's only evaluation with Part C Referral is 03 and the evaluation date is on or after March 1 of the previous year.
  • A value of 04 reports when the student has a Part C Referral Type of 01 with an evaluation date on or after July 1 of the reporting year and the student has a Part C Referral Type of 02 with an evaluation date on or after March 1 of the previous year.
  • A value of 05 reports when the student has a Part C Referral Type of 01 with an evaluation date on or after July 1 of the reporting year and a Part C Referral Type of 03 with an evaluation date on or after March 1 of the previous year.
  • A value of 06 reports when the student has a Part C Referral Type of 06 and a Part C Referral Type of 03 with an evaluation date on or after March 1 of the previous year.
  • A value of 06 reports when there is no Initial IEP or there are no dates within the date range of the report editor.
  • A value of 07 reports when the student has a Part C Referral Type of 02 with an evaluation start date on or after March 1 of the previous year.

When the student has more than two evaluation types, the two most recent evaluations are reported. When all evaluations have the same start date, the highest evaluation ID reports.

These evaluation types can be selected from the Evaluation Header:

  • 01: Part C Evaluation (Path 1 Only)
  • 02: Part C to Part B Transition (Path 2 Only)
  • 03: Part B Services (Path 3 Only)
  • 04: Part C Evaluation and Part C to Part B Transition (Paths 1 and 2)
  • 05: Part C and Part B Evaluation (Paths 1 and 3)
  • 06: No Initial Referral During Current Reporting Period
  • 07: Part C to Part B Transition and Part B Evaluation (Paths 2 and 3)

When the student has no IEP and but does have one Initial evaluation where the Special Education Part C Referral option is 01 and Eligibility and Services option is 02, and Evaluation Date is on or after July 1, this field reports a value of 01.

When the student has no IEP and but does have one Initial evaluation where the Special Education Part C Referral option is 01 and Eligibility and Services option is 04, and Evaluation Date is on or after July 1, this field reports a value of 01.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Evaluation > Special Ed/Part C Referral Type

Eligibility and Services

Indicates whether this student has received Early Intervening Services, Special Education Services, both or neither between July 1 and June 30.

Reports the code selected from the student's most recent evaluation during the selected reporting period.

  • Student must have an evaluation between the dates of July 1, XXXX of school year being reported to June 30, XXXX of school year being reported for Part C Referral code = 01. If blank, reports a value of 00.
  • Student must have an evaluation between the dates of March 1 of the previous school year  to June 30, XXXX of school year being reported for Part C Referral code = 02, 03, 04 and 05. If blank, reports a value of 00.
  • For all students who did not have a referral during this reporting period, reports '00'; except when Special Ed/Part C Referral Type = 06, reports 02.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Evaluation > Eligibility and Services

Path 1
Date Referred for Part C Evaluation

Reports the Date Referred for Part C Evaluation from the Evaluation State Reporting Data editor.

When the Special Ed/Part C Referral Type Code is 01: Part C Evaluation - Paths 1, 4 and 5:

  • The evaluation must have dates between July 1 and June 30 of the school year being reported.
  • When a student does not have a referral during the reporting period, this field reports 8 zeros (00000000).

Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY)

Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Evaluation > State Reporting Data > Special Ed/Part C Referral Type > Date Referred for Part C Evaluation


Date of Parental Consent to Evaluate Part C

Reports the Date of Parental Consent to Evaluate Part C from the Evaluation State Reporting Data editor.

When the Special Ed/Part C Referral Type Code is 01: Part C Evaluation - Paths 1, 4 and 5:

  • The evaluation must have dates between July 1 and June 30 of the school year being reported.
  • When a student does not have a referral during the reporting period, this field reports 8 zeros (00000000).

Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY)

Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Evaluation > State Reporting Data > Special Ed/Part C Referral Type > Date of Parental Consent to Evaluate Part C 


Date Evaluation Completed Part C

Reports the Date Evaluation Completed Part C from the Evaluation State Reporting Data editor.

When the Special Ed/Part C Referral Type Code is 01: Part C Evaluation - Paths 1, 4 and 5:

  • The evaluation must have dates between July 1 and June 30 of the school year being reported.
  • When a student does not have a referral during the reporting period, this field reports 8 zeros (00000000).

Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY)

Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Evaluation > State Reporting Data > Special Ed/Part C Referral Type > Date  Evaluation Completed Part C


Reason for Delay in Completing Evaluation Part C

Reports the Reason for Delay in Completing Evaluation Part C from the Evaluation State Reporting Data editor.

When the Special Ed/Part C Referral Type Code is 01: Part C Evaluation - Paths 1, 4 and 5:

  • The evaluation must have dates between July 1 and June 30 of the school year being reported.
  • When a student does not have a referral during the reporting period, this field reports 8 zeros (00000000).

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Evaluation > State Reporting Data > Special Ed/Part C Referral Type > Reason for Delay in Completing Evaluation Part C   


Eligibility and Services Path 1

Tracks the eligibility and services based on evaluations of special education students.

  • 01 - Early Intervening Services Only
  • 02 - Part C Eligibility and/or Special Education Eligibility
  • 03 - Early Intervening Services and Special Education Eligibility
  • 04 - Not Eligible for Part C or Special Education
  • 05 - Early Intervening Services and Special Education Ineligibility

The student must have an evaluation between July 1 and June 30 of the school year being reported. For students who do not have a referral between these dates, reports 00.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Special Education > General > Evaluation > Eligibility and Services


Path 2
Date Child is Found Eligible for Part C Services

Reports the Date Child Found Eligible for Part C Services when the Special Ed/Part C Referral Type Code is 02: Part C to Part B Transition  - Paths 2, 4 and 7.

The student must have an evaluation between the dates of March 1 and June 30 of the reporting year.

For students who do not have a referral between these dates, reports 00000000.

Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY)

   Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Evaluation > State Reporting Data > Date Child Found Eligible for Part C Services


Date of Referral to Administration Unit

Reports the Date of Referral to Administrative Unit from Local Community Centered Board from the Evaluation State Reporting Data editor when the Special Ed/Part C Referral Type Code is 02: Part C to Part B Transition - Paths 2, 4 and 7.

The student must have a locked evaluation between the dates of March 1 of the previous school year and June 30 of the school year. For students who do not have a referral between these dates, reports 00000000.

Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY)

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Evaluation > State Reporting Data > Date of Referral to Administrative Unit from the Local Community Centered Board


Date of Parental Consent to Evaluate C to B

Reports the Date of Parental Consent to Evaluate C to B from the Evaluation State Reporting Data editor when the Special Ed/Part C Referral Type Code is 02: Part C to Part B Transition - Paths 2, 4 and 7.

The student must have a locked evaluation between the dates of March 1 of the previous school year and June 30 of the school year. For students who do not have a referral between these dates, reports 00000000.

Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY)

Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Evaluation > State Reporting Data > Date of Parental Consent to Evaluate C to B


Date Evaluation Completed C to B

Reports the Date Evaluation Completed C to B from the Evaluation State Reporting Data editor when the Special Ed/Part C Referral Type Code is 02: Part C to Part B Transition - Paths 2, 4 and 7. 

The student must have a locked evaluation between the dates of March 1 of the previous school year and June 30 of the reporting year. For students who do not have a referral between these dates, reports 00000000.

Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY)

Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Evaluation > State Reporting Data > Date Evaluation Completed C to B


Reason for Delay in Completing Evaluation C to B

Reports the Reason for Delay in Completing Evaluation C to B from the Evaluation State Reporting Data editor where the student has a Special Education/Part C Referral Type Code of 02: Part C to Part B Transition - Paths 2, 4 and 7 from a locked evaluation between March 1 of the previous reporting year and June 30 of the current reporting year.

When here is no selected code, field reports 00.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > IEP  > Reason for Delay in IEP Implementation


Date of Initial Eligibility Meeting C to B

Reports the Date of Initial Eligibility Meeting C to B from the Evaluation State Reporting Data editor where the student has a Special Education/Part C Referral Type of Code 02: Part C to Part B Transition - Paths 2, 4 and 7 between March 1 of the previous reporting year and June 30 of the current reporting year.

When there is no date, field reports 00000000.

Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY)

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Evaluation > State Reporting Data > Date of Initial Eligibility Meeting C to B


Reason for Delay in Initial Eligibility Meeting C to B

Reports the selected code from Reason for Delay in Initial Eligibility Meeting C to B from Evaluation State Reporting Data editor where the student has a Special Education/Part C Referral Type of Code 02: Part C to Part B - Paths 2, 4 and 7 between July 1 and June 30 of the reporting year.          

When there is no selected code, field reports 00.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Evaluation > State Reporting Data > Reason for Delay in Eligibility Meeting C to B


Date IEP was Implemented C to B

Reports the earliest IEP Start Date where the student has a Special Education/Part C Referral Type of Code 02: Part C to Part B Transition - Paths 2, 4 and 7 from the selected school year.

  • Student must have an evaluation between March 1 of the previous school year and June 30 of the reporting year for Part C Referral Code of 02 and 03.
  • Student must have a locked IEP with a start date between the dates of July 1 of and June 30 of the school year being reported.
  • When there is no selected code, field reports 00000000.

Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY)

Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Evaluation > State Reporting Data >Special Ed/Part C Referral Type: 02 Part C to Part B Transition - Paths 2, 4 and 7


Reason for Delay in IEP Implementation C to B

Reports the selected code from the Reason for Delay in Initial Eligibility Meeting C to B from the Evaluation State Reporting Data editor where the the student has a Special Education/Part C Referral Type of Code 02: Part C to Part B Transition - Paths 2, 4 and 7 between July 1 and June 30 of the reporting year.

When there is no selected code, field reports 00.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > IEP > Eligibility and Services   


Eligibility and Services Path 2

Reports the selected code from the Evaluation State Reporting Data editor when the the student has a Special Education/Part C Referral Type of Code 02: Part C to Part B Transition - Paths 2, 4 and 7 between March 1 of the previous school year and June 30 of the reporting year.

When there is no selected code, field reports 00.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Evaluation > State Reporting Data > Eligibility and Services  


Path 3
Date of Parental Consent to Evaluate Part B

Reports the Consent Date where the student has a Special Education/Part C Referral Type of Code 03: Part B Services - Paths 3, 5 and 7 between March 1 of the previous school year and June 30 of the reporting year on a locked evaluation.

When there is no date populated, field reports 00000000.

Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY)

Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Evaluation > State Reporting Data > Date of Parental Consent to Evaluate Part B


Date Evaluation Completed Part B

Reports the Date Evaluation Completed Part B from the State Reporting Data editor where the student has a Special Education/Part C Referral Type of Code 03: Part B Services - Paths 3, 5 and 7 between March 1 of the previous school year and June 30 of the reporting year on a locked evaluation.

When there is no date populated, field reports 00000000.

Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY)

Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Evaluation > State Reporting Data > Date Evaluation Completed Part B


Reason for Delay in Completing Evaluation Part B

Reports the selection code from the Reason for Delay in Completing Evaluation Part B from the State Reporting Data editor where the student has a Special Education/Part C Referral Type of Code 03: Part B Services - Paths 3, 5 and 7 between March 1 of the previous school year and June 30 of the reporting year on a locked evaluation.

When there is no code selected, field reports 00.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Evaluation > State Reporting Data > Reason for Delay in Completing Evaluation Part B


Date of Initial Eligibility Meeting Part B

Reports the date of the initial eligibility meeting where the student has a Special Education/Part C Referral Type of Code 03: Part B Services - Paths 3, 5 and 7 between March 1 of the previous school year and June 30 of the reporting year on a locked evaluation.

When there is no date populated, field reports 00000000.

Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY)

Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Evaluation > State Reporting Data > Date of Initial Eligibility Meeting Part B 


Date Initial IEP was Finalized Part B

Reports the date the initial IEP was finalized where the student has a Special Ed/Part C Referral Type Code 03 on the student's locked IEP with a start date between July 1 and June 30 of the school year being reported.

When there is no IEP that meets these requirements, field reports 00000000.

Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY)

Student Information>Special Ed> IEP> Education Plan>Date Initial IEP was Finalized


Reason for Delay in Finalizing the Initial IEP Part B

Reports the code selected for the delay in finalizing the Initial IEP for students who have an Initial IEP that is locked between July 1 and June 30 of the reporting year.

When there is no selected code, field reports 00.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Education Plan > IEP > Reason for Delay in Finalizing the Initial IEP

Date IEP was Implemented Part B

Reports the date the student's IEP was implemented. 

When the student has an Evaluation between the dates of March 1 of the previous school year snd June 30 of the school year being reported AND Part C Referral Code = 03 Part B Services (Path 3 Only) AND the Evaluation Type is Initial, then:

  • If Eligibility & Services = 02 AND IEP Start Date (Evaluation) contains a value, that value reports in MMDDYYYY format. 
    • If the IEP Start Date is NULL, a value of 00000000 reports.
  • If Eligibility & Services = 04, the Date of Initial IEP Meeting Part B reports in MMDDYYYY format.

Otherwise, a value of 00000000 reports.

Numeric, 8 digits

Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Evaluation > Evaluation Header  > Evaluation Editor > IEP Start Date, Date of Initial Eligibility Meeting Part B

Reason the IEP was Never Implemented Part B

Reports the selected code from the Reason IEP was Never Implemented where the student has a Special Education/Part C Referral Type of Code 03: Part B Services - Paths 3, 5 and 7 between March 1 of the previous school year and June 30 of the reporting year on a locked evaluation.

When there is no selected code, field reports 00.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Evaluation > State Reporting Data > Reason the  IEP was Never Implemented Part B                


Eligibility and Services Path 3

Reports the selected code from the Evaluation header when the Special Education/Part C Referral Type of Code 03: Part B Services - Paths 3, 5 and 7 between March 1 of the previous school year and June 30 of the reporting year on a locked evaluation.

When there is no selected code, field reports 00.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Evaluation > Eligibility and Services Path


Hours of Service

MinuteCalculated Value
MinuteCalculated Value