TR Topic Articles


Scheduling Center Tool Rights Topic Article
For full access to the Scheduling Center, users must be assigned R rights to Scheduling > Scheduling Center.  Users also need AT LEAST R rights to each of the tools that can be accessed from the Scheduling Center.  Classic Navigation Tool Rig...
Course Planner Tool Rights Topic Article
Access to the Course Planner requires the following: Read Rights: Access Course Planner. View Course Planner cards, including detail information (list of courses, etc.). Filter list of courses. Open and view the Course Planner Side Panel. ...
Scheduling Board Tool Rights
The tool rights listed here apply to BOTH Scheduling Board Trials and Scheduling Board.  NOTE: Access to Scheduling Board should be limited to one or two people in district/school to limit potential overwriting of work. Classic View: Scheduli...
Staff Planner Tool Rights Topic Article
Access to the Staff Planner requires the following: Read Rights: Access Staff Planner. View Staff Planner cards, including detail information (list of courses, etc.). Open and view the Staff Planner Side Panel. Print a CSV download of the ...