Updated Articles

  1. Orders

  2. Orders Report - Video

    The Orders Report in Campus School Store can be used to create a report or file extract of orders placed for particular items. KxTcBsyp ...
  3. Pick List

  4. Pick List - Video

    The Pick List report provides a comprehensive list of purchased items that tracks whether items have been picked up. KxTcBsyp ...
  5. Sales

  6. Sales - Video

    The School Store Sales report provides a list of sales activity for all school stores within the district. KxTcBsyp Previous Versions Sales - Video [.2024 - .2036] ...
  7. Summary

  8. School Store Summary Report - Video

    The Summary report in School Store is used to summarize items sold on a given day. KxTcBsyp ...
  9. Create a School Store and Public Store Checklist

    The Infinite Campus School Store gives members of your school easy online access for purchasing goods and services. Each school in your district can have their own store. The stores display in Campus Parent and Campus Student. This article walk...
  10. Public Store

    This article provides the process and procedures for setting up a Public Store.