This article describes the key concepts and tools used for Online Payments, the School Store , and Fees . The following image represents the relationship between these tools. This article takes a closer look at these tools and explains each tool...
Last Updated: 02/13/2024
If you're brand new to Campus, here are some resources that will help you get comfortable with ...... (Some of the content in General Info should be moved here, and much of what's in there is outdated and/or not quite what a person new to Campus wo...
The Public Store is a place where anyone can shop for goods or services from your district. You might want to create a Public Store to sell spiritwear, tickets to events, or items for booster club fundraising. Example of the Public Store
Getting Started asedfasdfdasfdsafdsaf afdfdsafdsfdsafasdf asdfdsfsadfdsafdsafsadfasdf asfdsfasdfsdaf asfdasfdasfdf asdfadfad How-To asedfasdfdasfdsafdsaf afdfdsafdsfdsafasdf asdfdsfsadfdsafdsafsadfasdf asfdsfasdfsdaf a...
Counts of meals served at Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) schools can be entered in the Tally Meal Entry tool.
Last Updated: 02/12/2024
Getting Started - Overview of the User Management tools ( Explanation ) - Links to basic articles/videos for new people (if there are any) How To's and Tutorials Would it be worth the time and effort to maintain a list of article links for a s...
This page is IN PROGRESS SIS-168858 LCP-57297 NEW 2411 Tool Search: Requests & Rosters Requests and Rosters is a task-based tool that provides the scheduling team (counselors, administrators, etc.) a way to manage student requests and sect...
Last Updated: 02/09/2024
in Scheduling & Courses
Last Updated: 02/07/2024
in Test Jen's Sandbox
Object Triggering POST Reports a record when the Behavior Incident has at least one event with a behavior that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Code AND has at least one reportable student associated to it AND is marked as "Complete." Do not ...
Last Updated: 02/02/2024
in SME Icon Panels
Tool Search: Assignments, Progress Monitor Reflections allow teachers to record information about how a piece of curriculum was used in their class and if it worked well. Access curriculum via the Curriculum List .
Reflections can be enter...