Updated Articles

  1. Attendance Group (Kentucky)

    Understanding and managing Kentucky attendance group information for individual students
  2. Testing Roster Extract (Kentucky)

    Understanding and generating the Kentucky testing roster extract.
  3. Student Participation Extract (Kentucky)

    This article will walk you through generating and understand the KY Student Participation report.
  4. FRYSC Individual Intervention Rosters (Kentucky)

    Information on generating and understanding the FRYSC Individual Intervention Rosters report.
  5. TA (Test Accommodations Report) (Indiana)

    This article provides the report logic and layout for the TA (Test Accomodations Report).
  6. ME (Membership Report) (Indiana)

    This article provides the report logic and layout for the ME (Membership Report) report.
  7. CP (Certified Positions Extract) (Indiana)

    This article provides the report logic and layout for the CP (Certified Positions Extract) report.
  8. GR (Graduate Report) (Indiana)

    This article provides the report logic and layout for the GR (Graduate Report) report.
  9. Test Accommodations (Illinois)

    This document provides information on adding student test accommodation information for Illinois.
  10. End of Year Report (Illinois)

    This article provides information on the available Illinois End of Year extracts.