View and Approve Terms of Service (Digital Repository)

For the most up-to-date information on this functionality, please see the Digital Repository Preferences article.


Classic View: System Administration > Digital Repository > Preferences > Digital Repository

Search Term: Digital Repository Preferences

You must agree to the Terms of Service before files can be uploaded to the Digital Repository. Only authorized district personnel should accept these Terms.

Acknowledgement of the Terms of Service allows your district 1MB of storage space per student at no cost. The student count used is your state reported student number. Read the Terms of Service to see additional costs for using space beyond your free amount.  

Please allow up to 24 hours for your free storage allocation to be calculated.

To accept the terms of service, read the Terms of Service, mark the I accept the Terms of Service checkbox and click Accept.

Click here to see a copy of the Terms of Service. This document is also available through the Preferences tab once the Terms of Service are accepted.

Terms of Service

After accepting the terms of service, the Digital Repository tab will open where district Preferences concerning file number and size can be set.