Virginia State Tools


Behavior (Virginia)
This article provides information about the Behavior Editors localized for Virginia.
Career Tech (Virginia)
The Career Tech tab stores CTE program information for individual students. The information stored here is reported in the Student Record Collection (SRC).
Graduation (Virginia)
This article describes the state Graduation fields for Virginia and how those fields are used for state reporting.
Home Primary Language (Virginia)
Describes the language codes used in Virginia state reporting.
Immunization Rules (Virginia)
This article provides information on the Virginia vaccines and their associated compliance listings based on state guidelines.
Transcript Post (Virginia)
This article provides information on posting transcript data for Virginia districts.
Truancy Tab (Virginia)
This article provides general information about the Truancy Tab.
Verified Credits Workflow (Virginia)
Provides information on the desired workflow for reporting verified credits.
Virginia Verified Credits - Video
In this lesson, the requirements for Virginia Verified Credits will be reviewed.