Wisconsin Ed-Fi Checklist for Starting 2019-2020 School Year

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This article describes the steps you should take in order to properly move Ed-Fi to the 2019-2020 school year. This article also contains general recommendations for processes to complete at the end of the school year and beginning of the school year.

Configuring Ed-Fi for the 2019-2020 School Year

This section will describe the process necessary for configuring Campus to report Ed-Fi data for the 2019-2020 school year. 

Step 1. Update to the most recent version of Campus

In order to have the schema and logic in place, it is critical you update to the most recent version of Campus. Failure to do this will result in an inability to properly report data for the 2019-2020 school year.

Step 2. Create a New Ed-Fi Configuration for 2019-2020

You will need to create a new Ed-Fi configuration for the 2019-2020 school year. 

To do this:

  1. Navigate to the Ed-Fi Connection Configuration tool (System Administration > Ed-Fi > Ed-Fi Configuration).
  2. Select the New button.
  3. Select the Connection Type, either Core or State.
  4. Enter a Connection Name.
  5. Select a School Year of 2019-2020

    a. Enter the following values:

    O-Auth URLhttps://wisedataapi.dpi.wi.gov/EdFiWebApiV3
    API URLhttps://wisedataapi.dpi.wi.gov/EdFiWebApiV3
    Client Key

    This will be the same Client Key as the 2018-2019 Ed-Fi configuration unless instructed differently by the Wisconsin Department of Education.

    Client SecretThis will be the same Client Secret as the 2018-2019 Ed-Fi configuration unless instructed differently by the Wisconsin Department of Education.
    Timeout in SecondsThis field defaults to a value of 60 seconds and determines (in seconds) the amount of time allowed to pass before the connection between Campus and Ed-Fi is considered timed out and Ed-Fi events are not processed. These Ed-Fi events are then reprocessed the next time a quartz job runs. 

    An API Profile enables the creation of a data policy for a particular set of API Resources, generally in support of a specific usage scenario (such as for Nutrition or Special Education specialty applications).

    The policy is expressed as a set of rules for explicit inclusion or exclusion of properties, references, collections and/or collection items (based on Type or Ed-Fi Descriptor values) at all levels of a Resource.

    The proper profile will be sent with the ed-fi data based on the item selected below.

    • Send Choice profile if droplist is = Choice or Choice + Private Opt In
    • Send Public profile if droplist is = Public

    This will also determine the student population that gets sent:

    • When Choice Only is selected, only students who have an enrollment where Choice = Yes report with a Choice profile.
    • When Choice + Private Opt In is selected, all students will report with a Choice Profile. 
    • When Public is selected, all students report regardless of choice status.
  6. Click the Save button.
  7. Move on to step 3.

Step 3. Update the Active Year to 2019-2020

Next, you need to make 2019-2020 the active school year within the School Years tool. If you have already set 2019-2020 as the active school year, skip to Step 4.

To do this:

  1. Go the School Years tool (System Administration > Calendar > School Year).
  2. Select the 2019-2020 school year in the School Years Editor window. 

     If the 2019-2020 school year is not available for selection, you will need to create it by selecting the New button and entering Label, Start Year and End Year values. See the School Years article for information on this process.
  3. Mark the Active checkbox. 
  4. Click the Save icon.
  5. Move on to Step 4.

Step 4. Go through the Ed-Fi Setup Checklist to Ensure Items are Complete

To ensure data is set up properly throughout Campus, review and/or update data based on the Ed-Fi Setup checklist.

Once complete, move on to Step 5.

TaskUI Location
Enable Ed-Fi functionality via the Enable Ed-Fi system preference.System Administration > Preferences > System Preferences > Enable Ed-Fi
Enter Connection Configuration, and ensure a Profile value is selected.System Administration > Ed-Fi > Ed-Fi Configuration > Connection Config
Set tool rights for Ed-Fi.System Administration > User Security > Users/User Groups > Tool Rights
Set all Resources to 'Off' and map the Ed-Fi Codes to Campus Codes via the Resource Preferences.System Administration > Ed-Fi > Ed-Fi Configuration > Connection Config
Assign Ed-Fi IDs.Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers
Enter District Agency Key for reporting Ed-Fi District Numbers.System Administration > Resources > District Information
Enter School Agency Key for reporting Ed-Fi School Numbers on the School Editor.System Administration > Resources > School Information
Toggle Resources to 'On' in Resource Preferences once all data setup is complete.System Administration > Ed-Fi > Ed-Fi Configuration > Connection Config

Step 5. Perform a WISEid Import

The WISEid Import updates or adds state IDs generated by WISEid for students and staff.

The import identifies individuals (students and staff, depending on the import file) who have a new state ID generated by the WISEid system. The import matches the required fields based on the header name of the column data, not the position  of the column. The import matches data in the file to the local database to determine a single identity match. If a person identifier is included in the file, the WISE ID is imported to the Student/Staff State ID field and the Ed-FI ID field.

As required by the Department of Public Instruction, staff IDs must be imported at the beginning of the year, even if the staff person already exists in WISE. 

 For detailed information about this process, please see the WISEid Import article.

To do this:

  1. Determine the Import Population.
  2. Select the option for what the File Contains.
  3. Determine the Work to Perform by choosing either Validate and Test or Import.
  4. Click the Browse button to locate the file.
  5. Click the Upload button to import the information.
  6. Move on to Step 5.

Step 6. Do an Ed-Fi Resync for the 2019-2020 Scope Year

Now that the 2019-2020 Ed-Fi configuration is in place, the Active Year is set, and data has been properly reviewed, an ordered resync should be completed as the first resync of the year. This is completed using the Resync tool.

 For detailed information about this process, please see the Resync (Ed-Fi) article.
 Resyncing will generate a large volume of items in your event queue, so it may be helpful to plan your resync for an off-peak time period and resync in groups of calendars rather than all calendars.

To do this:

  1. Go the Resync tool (System Administration > Ed-Fi > Ed-Fi Tools > Resync).
  2. Select a School Year of 2019-2020. 

  3. Mark the checkbox next to each data set should be resynced. Campus highly recommends marking the Select Dependencies checkbox to ensure related data is sent properly and complete.

     Campus highly recommends using the order of resync detailed on the Wisconsin Ed-Fi Setup Checklist 
  4. The options marked in the Ed-Fi Resource Preferences tool determine which options are available for selection here.
  5. Once data sets have been marked and you are ready to resync, select the Start Resync button. Data will begin resyncing between Campus and the Ed-Fi system.

Step 7. Update the Year on Ed-Fi Scheduled Tasks

Users need to update the year on Ed-Fi scheduled tasks. For additional information, please refer to the Wisconsin Ed-Fi Scheduled Tasks article.

General End of Year Checklist

For a general (not Ed-Fi specific) checklist of activities that should be performed within Campus at the end of a school year, please see the End-of-Year Checklist. Performing these steps aids in closing out the current year and preparing for the next school year.

Beginning of New School Year

For a general (not Ed-Fi specific) checklist of activities that should be performed within Campus at the beginning of a new school year, please see the Beginning of School Year Process article