System Settings


Instruction/Curriculum Preferences - Video [.2124 - .2223]
The Instruction/Curriculum Preferences tool allows the digital repository to be enabled for staff file uploads as well as student file submissions.
Meeting Preferences - Video [.2124 - .2223]
From Digital Repository Preferences, users can enable Campus Digital Repository use for Meetings services. This video demonstrates how to enable the digital repository for the Meetings tool.
Student Number Format [.2124 - .2239] - Video
The Student Number Format tool allows users to control how Local Student Numbers are automatically generated for students.
Person Preferences - Video [.2124 - .2223]
The Digital Repository Person Preferences tool allows you to determine where Document Upload should be available. This lesson demonstrates how to set up Document Upload.
Campus Attribute Comparison Report - Video [.2124 - .2219]
The Campus Attribute Comparison Report displays differences between the district’s attribute dictionary and the Campus-defined attribute dictionary. This video demonstrates how to generate the Campus Attribute Comparison Report.
Student Number Format [.2211 - .2239]
Information on dictating how Local Student Numbers are auto-generated for students within Campus.
Schedule Report Preferences [.2124 - .2211]
Information on establishing report preferences for schedule-based reports.
Configure Human Resources File Attachments - Video [.2124 - .2223]
Documents can be uploaded from Campus Human Resources to the Digital Repository. This video demonstrates how to configure human resources file attachments.
Payments Reporter [.2124 - .2227]
This article provides detailed information about using the Payments Reporter.
Transcript Report Preferences [.2124 - .2215]
This article explains the preferences for transcript reports.
Deposit Reporter - Video [.2211]
The Deposit Reporter tool lets staff check the status of deposits made into a district's or school's bank account.
Settings (Payments Setup) - Video [.2112 - .2215]
Staff can determine which options to use within Campus' Online Payments module using the Settings tool.
Payments Notifications - Video [.2203 - .2215]
The Payments Notifications tool allows staff to have the Deposit Request Report emailed to them as a PDF document.
Search Framework Status [.2124 - .2219]
The Search Framework Status tool provides a simplified way to quickly and easily identify the health and status of the search framework within Infinite Campus.
Digital Repository Preferences [.2124 - .2223]
Information on registering, setting and viewing Digital Repository Preferences.
Digital Repository Preferences - Video [.2124 - .2223]
This video demonstrates how to set digital repository preferences.
Deposit Reporter - Video [.2215 - .2223]
The Deposit Reporter tool lets staff check the status of deposits made into a district's or school's bank account.
Payments Reporter - Video [.2203 - .2227]
The Payments Reporter tool lets staff check the status of transactions or refund online payments. The tool also allows you to save settings and options in a template.
Search Framework Status - Video [.2124 - .2231]
The Search Framework Status tool provides system administrators with a high level overview of the health and status of the Campus Search Framework.