Search Framework Status [.2124 - .2219]

Classic View: System Administration > Search Framework Status

Search Term: Search Framework Status

The Search Framework Status tool provides a simplified way to quickly and easily identify the health and status of the search framework within Infinite Campus.

Framework status details are only displayed on quartz enabled Campus app servers. 

Tool Rights

Classic View: System Administration > User Security > Users > User Account

Search Term: User Account

Users must have the Student Information System (SIS) product security role Limited District Edition (LDE) equivalent, in order to access and use this tool.

All users with the Student Information System (SIS) product security role will receive Process Alert messages when Search Framework issues/errors occur.

Understanding Status Details

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Syncing: Search Framework Versus DIS

To be clear, the search framework and DIS (Data Interchange Services) utilize completely different underlying technologies and are not interrelated. These are configured and troubleshot as independent systems. Disabling search framework functionality does not disable DIS functionality.

The only similarities are that both systems keep data in sync between the Campus District Edition and another data source, and both are involved in student and staff locator searches on Cloud-hosted environments. Resyncing search framework data does not resync DIS data.

Use the table below to better understand each field provided: 

Status Indicator

The color-coded status indicator is a quick and easy way to understand the general health of the search framework.

  • Green = Everything is working correctly and no issues are present. 
  • Blue = The site is currently in the middle of configuration or indexing. This may indicate errors or issues occurred during startup but the system was able to recover. These issues should be investigated if they reoccur on a regular basis.
  • Yellow = At least one medium to high level priority issue has been found. There are issues that need to be investigated but some systems may still be functioning.
  • Red = The search framework is down. Please contact Campus Support. 
EnabledIndicates if the search framework preference is set to Yes (True) or No (False).
(displayed as the status indicator color and status)
SyncingIndicates indexes have successfully been initialized, created, and populated. Everything is running properly and data is actively syncing from Campus to the search framework.
InitializingIndexes are being created and populated for the first time. This may take several minutes or hour.
IndexingIndices are being populated with data from the Campus database.
Queuing Reindex

A reindex containing all mapped data for specified indices has been been scheduled, either manually or automatically as part of self-healing. 

This is a temporary status and should only be visual for a brief period of time (few seconds).  Refresh the status page accordingly.

Queuing Differential Sync 

A differential (partial) sync, containing data changes from up to 3 days for specified indices, has been been scheduled. This was either triggered manually or automatically as part of self-healing.

This is a temporary status and should only be visual for a brief period of time (few seconds). Refresh the status page accordingly.


A full reindex for specified indices is underway. This was triggered either manually or automatically as part of self-healing.

Previously entered data is still searchable, but new data will not be searchable until the reindex is complete. This may take several minutes, up to hours, depending on the size of your site's indices.

Differential Sync

A differential (partial) sync for specified indices spanning up to 3 days is underway. This was triggered either manually or automatically as part of self-healing.

Previously entered data is still searchable, but new data will not be searchable until the differential sync is complete. This should take considerably less time than a full reindex, but will vary depending on the number and size of records modified during the specified window. 

SyncingAt least one sync failure or veto returned within the past day.
ReindexingAt least one forced reindex or differential resync was requested within the past day.

This was either triggered manually or automatically as part of self-healing.

SyncingSearch Framework contains a registration for an app instance that does not exist in Camp.

An app server may have been removed from the pool and is no longer active. An automated process removes expired app instance registrations after 2 days


At least one index has inconsistent counts.


The last successful quartz registration was more than 24 hours ago.

At least one app in the pool has not successfully registered within the past 24 hours.

An app instance for at least one of the apps cannot be found in the search framework (missing).

SyncingAt least one index should be disabled but is currently set to enabled.
IndexingThe search index is taking longer to index than expected. This message appears if a site is taking more than 4 hours to index.
ReindexingThe search framework is taking longer to reindex than expected.
This message appears if a site is taking more than 4 hours to reindex.
Not InitializedThe search framework is not initialized.
Initialization ErrorThe search framework is encountering errors initializing.
OfflineThe search framework is offline. Either this is intentional or the job to create and populate the indices has failed.
Initialized QuartzThe search framework is initialized, but not indexing. The job to create and populate the indices has not yet started.

This should only be present for a brief time. If this state persists after refreshing, then this is a problem.
Initialization Non-quartzThe search framework is not initialized (non-quartz).
Initialization Failed The search framework encountered errors initializing or the initialization failed.
Registration FailedCannot find registration for this site in search framework. This pertain to the Campus quartz app server.
SyncingAt least one index should be enabled or initialized but is currently set to disabled or not initialized.
IndexingThe search framework is taking much longer to index than expected. This message appears if a site is taking more than 24 hours to index.
ReindexingThe search framework is taking much longer to reindex than expected.
This message appears if a site is taking more than 24 hours to reindex.
Unique IdentifierThe lowercase value of the Campus database GUID used for unique tracking purposes.
ClusterIndicates the search framework cluster for which the site is configured.
Hosting ModelIndicates your district's hosting model. 
Last Registration TimeIndicates the last time the quartz-enabled Campus app server successfully contacted the centralized search framework, in order to confirm proper registration. This should occur on a daily basis.


The Indices table allows you to review and monitor the status of each index in the search framework. Indices are essentially data sources that can be used for search or data analysis purposes. If an index is not initialized or enabled, it cannot be used for search purposes.

The table below describes each column in the Indices table:

TypeThe name of the index. This name usually describes the type of index.
Enabled / Expect EnabledIndicates whether or not the index is enabled and whether or not it should be enabled. 
InitializedIndicates whether or not the index is initialized.
Campus CountIndicates a count of records in the Campus database mapped to the corresponding index.
Framework CountIndicates the count of records in the centralized search framework index. This number is expected to match the Campus Count within ~7 seconds, based on a scheduled 5 second sync quartz job.
Sync On / Expect OnIndicates whether or not the index is currently configured for syncing and whether or not the index is expected to be configured for syncing.
SharedIndicates whether or not the index is a shared index.

Non-shared indices sync data on 5 second intervals and have two aliases mapped to separate index indices, so that data is searchable during a reindex or selective resync.

Shared indices are common across all Campus sites and do no not sync on 5 second intervals. They are primarily for internal tracking purposes, not Campus search purposes, and are updated on triggered events. 

Tracked Tables

The Tracked Tables section allows you to monitor whether or not change tracking is enabled for each table.

The search framework relies on Microsoft Change Tracking to detect when data has been changed in the Campus datasource. In order for search contexts to provide the most recent and accurate data, change tracking needs to be enabled and working properly for each table shown in this section.

Jobs Table

The Jobs table allows you to view information on existing Quartz jobs relevant to the search framework; including the name of each job, the job’s status, trigger name, and trigger status.

The table below describes each job and their function.

Job NameFunctionExpected Trigger Status
ES create and populate indicesResponsible for building the indices and populating them with data from the source Campus database. Indices are the datasets used for search and query purposes.Active at all times
ES data sync with SQLPeriodic sync job that checks to see if there are changes in the source SQL Campus database and syncs them to the search framework accordingly.

The sync job ensures that the search data is constantly populated with the latest data from the Campus database.
Active, unless the search framework is indexing or an individual index is either performing a full reindex or differential sync.
ES ReIndexUsed for forcing a full reindex intended to fix issues where an index may not contain all data from the source Campus database. This job is either initiated automatically via a watcher or manually.Inactive, unless a differential sync was fired to fix an issue.

Used for forcing a differential sync of all changes spanning up to the last 3 days, intended to fix issues where an index may not contain all data from the source Campus database. This job is either initiated automatically via a watcher or manually.

Inactive, unless a differential sync was fired to fix an issue.

A daily phone home job to validate the Campus application can successfully communicate with the search framework and report back metadata about the site's configuration. 

Active at all times.

App Instances

The App Instances table tracks a list of Campus app servers and the last time they successfully registered with the search framework. If Campus is hosted across multiple app servers, then each of those app servers phones home and registers with the search framework on a daily basis. 

It is possible for users to experience search framework issues across all apps or only specific apps.

Most Recent Reindex Logs

The Most Recent Reindex Logs table details the 20 more recent reindex/differential resync requests, with information on the reason, the action taken, the indices reindexed, the timestamp, the update time, and the duration of the reindex.

Refresh the Search Framework Status

Click the Refresh button near the bottom of the tool to refresh the search framework status.

Process Alert Messages for Issues and Resolutions

The table below details the Process Alert messages generated when search framework issues are encountered, the impact of each issue, and the success message sent once an issue is resolved. 

Classic CampusNew Look and Feel of Infinite Campus





Success Message

Search Framework Client Connection

Error [performing action]. Contact support if errors are not resolved for app server: [AppServerName]

Example = turning off CampusTool

Inability to reach the search framework.

No search framework functionality, including new look search contexts.Success [performing action] for app server: [AppServerName]
Search Framework Create/ReindexAn issue has been encountered bulk updating your search data. Please review the linked Search Status page and contact Infinite Campus Support if further assistance is needed.One or more search framework indices are not populated correctly.One of the search indices will have no or inaccurate data.Success bulk updating your search data. Tool Tip: Affected searches [SearchName Array]
Search Framework Index SyncAn issue has been encountered updating your search data. Please review the linked Search Status page and contact Infinite Campus Support if further assistance is needed.One or more search framework indices are not updating.One of the search indices will have inaccurate data.Success updating your search data.
Search Framework Quartz ServerThe Campus SIS has failed to register with the Search Framework. Please review the linked Search Status page and contact Infinite Campus Support if further assistance is needed.The quartz server is not communicating successfully with the search framework.No available search framework functionality such as new look or campus tool search. or search indices may have out of date data.
Success registering Campus SIS with the Search Framework.
Search Framework Repeated SearchesFailures have been encountered with the following search: [Search Term Would Show Here]. Please contact Infinite Campus support if search errors have not been resolved on app server: [AppServerName]Users have encountered excessive errors when attempting to perform searches.Temporary or sustained issues with one or more search indices.Search errors resolved on app server: [AppServerName]