Activity Builder [.2124 - .2219]

Classic View: Activity Registration > Activity Monitor > Activity Builder

Search Terms: Activity Monitor

Use the Activity Monitor tool to add new activities to Campus.

Before You Begin
  • Add supplemental Activity Registration documents in the Custom Forms tool.
  • Create an Ad Hoc filter for selecting eligible students.

This article walks you through the setup process step-by-step.

While using the Activity Builder, click Save & Hold to save the activity and return to the Activity Monitor. Click Save & Next to continue to the next step in the Activity Builder.

Step 1 - Create Activity

The first step in the Activity Builder is to define parameters for the activity. To add an activity, click the New button in the action bar.

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Use the following field descriptions to complete the Create Activity screen.

Activity NameA name for the activity you are creating.
This is a required field.

The Activity Name can be changed until registration is closed. If you have already associated a Product with this activity and the product has the same name, Campus gives you the option to change the product name too.

Please note that if you change the Activity Name, any completed purchases/registrations that exist when you change the name will still use the original name (name at the time the purchase was made) in School Store reports.
TypeThe activity Type is provided by Campus. Options include the following:
  • Activity
  • Athletics
  • Field Trip

This is a required field.

StatusThe Activities status. This is a read-only field.
  • Draft 
  • Ready
  • Registration Open
  • Registration Closed
  • Active - Registration Open
  • Active - Registration Closed
  • Complete
  • Cancelled

If the Registration Closed Date is after the Activity Start Date, the Status is Active - Registration Open.

School(s)The school(s) to which you can associate the Activity. Only schools to which you have tool rights display. This is a required field.
Activity Owners (Primary)The primary person(s) responsible for the Activity. To appear in this field, the person must have an active assignment in the selected school and

You may select more than one person in the field.

For access to attendance and messaging options, the person must also have Teacher marked on their District Assignment or be assigned the Teacher role on their Work Assignment (HR Only).

When a Primary Owner is not the person who created the activity and changes the Primary Owner to another person, they will not have access to the activity after they save their changes.

When a Primary Owner is not the person who created the activity and adds themselves as the Activity Owner (Secondary), they will only have read-only access to the activity after they save their changes.

This is a required field.
Activity Owners (Secondary)The secondary person(s) responsible for the Activity.
To appear in this field, the person must have an active assignment in the selected school and

You may select more than one person in the field.

For access to attendance and messaging options, the person must also have Teacher marked on their District Assignment or be assigned the Teacher role on their Work Assignment (HR Only).

Registration Open Date
The first day on which the Activity displays in the School Store and people can register for the Activity. The date must be prior to the Activity Start Date and Registration Close Date. This is a required field.
Registration Close DateThe last day on which the Activity displays in the School Store. The date must be after the Registration Open Date and prior or equal to the Activity End Date. If you do not enter a date, Campus automatically uses the Activity End Date.
Activity Start DateThe date on which the Activity begins. The date cannot be prior to the Registration Open Date or after the Activity End Date. This is a required field.
Activity End DateThe date on which the Activity ends. The date cannot be prior to the Activity Start Date or Registration Close Date. This is a required field.

Step 2 - Build Roster

Define eligible participants by selecting a saved Ad Hoc filter.

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Use the following field descriptions to complete the Build Roster screen.

School(s)This field displays the school(s) that were selected in Step 1 - Create Activity.
Ad Hoc FilterThe Ad Hoc filter for selecting eligible students. Campus only allows students who are included in the Ad Hoc filter and have an active enrollment in the school(s) associated with the activity to register for the activity. This is a required field.
PreviewClick this button to preview roster information in a side panel. The panel displays an estimate of the total number of students listed by school then provides the student's names. If a student has multiple enrollments and Campus cannot identify the primary enrollment, an asterisk (*) displays behind the student's name.
IF your district includes a school in its Ad hoc filter, verify the same school is selected on Step 1 - Create Activity. If the Ad hoc filter and the activity are associated with different schools, the Preview displays irregular results.
If you do not have access to the ad hoc filter that is assigned to the activity, the Preview button does not display.

Step 3 - Form Selection

Select the appropriate forms for registration and indicate whether the form is considered required.

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Use the following field descriptions to complete the Form Selection screen.

Activity TypeThis field displays the Activity Type that were selected in Step 1 - Create Activity.
  • Activity
  • Athletics
  • Field Trip
Form TitleThis field displays the custom forms associated with the Activity Type. You must select at least one form.
You can add multiple forms by clicking the Add Form button. This is a required field.
Tip: If the form title is grey and cannot be selected, check the form's active dates. The form must be active for the full time that your activity has registration open. 
RequiredMark this checkbox to display a red star next to the form in the School Store. The following image demonstrates how this appears in the store.

Step 4 - Link to Portal

On this screen, configure how the activity should display in the School Store and set up the associated costs.

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Use the following field descriptions to complete the Link to Portal screen.

Category Information
CategoryCategories are how similar products are grouped together in the store. When a portal user selects a category, only the products assigned to that category display. This is a required field.
See the Categories (School Store) article for more information about managing categories.
Product Information
Product NameThe name that displays in the store. This is a required field.
Product Type
Product Types are assigned to products and to Fund Accounts. When a product is purchased, funds are deposited into the bank associated with the Fund Account that is assigned to the same Product Type. Product Types are set up in the School Store: System Administration > School Store > Product Types.
This is a required field.
ActiveWhen this checkbox is marked, the product displays on the School Store. However, if this checkbox is not marked, the product is not available even if registration is currently open. This checkbox is most useful for troubleshooting issues in the School Store. If the Category associated to the activity is inactivated, this checkbox is automatically unmarked.
The Active checkbox does NOT display when the Activity is in a Draft or Cancelled status.
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Restrict to Associated School EnrollmentsWhen this checkbox is marked, the Recipient dropdown list will only display students who have an enrollment in the active school year at the school to which the activity is attached. This includes primary, secondary, and end dated enrollments.

If you have an Activity attached to the High School only and this checkbox is marked, parents will only be able to select their student(s) with active High School enrollments. Please note that if the same Activity is associated with multiple schools; e.g., a middle school and a high school, parents can select both middle and high school students in both stores.

Image Upload
This option allows you to add a picture of the product.
Product Description and Special Instructions
Detailed information about the product. This description appears below the picture of the product.
Use this area to provide more information about the activity like meeting times, locations, and contact information. You could also provide special instructions such as how to turn in the forms.
Customer Comments
When this checkbox is marked, customers can add information to their purchase before they check out.
Associated Costs
Track Limits
Mark this checkbox if you want to track the number of openings or items you have available or if you want to cap the number of students allowed to enroll. When this checkbox is marked, Campus calculates the amount of inventory you have available after a purchase is made through the School Store. Marking this checkbox enables the Inventory Limit field and makes it required.

Do NOT mark this checkbox if you do not want to limit the number of registrations that can be sold.
Partial RefundsWhen this checkbox is marked, partial refunds can be issued in the Payments Reporter for the activity. If this Partial Refunds checkbox is marked and the Track Limits option is also selected, the Payments Reporter will allow you to increase the number of available openings or items when you make a partial refund.
Item NameThe Product Name automatically displays here but can be changed. This is a required field.
If more than one option is available for users to select, this is the name of the option that displays under the Product in the School Store.
Selling PriceThe price customers see and pay in the School Store. The price can be $0.00. This is a required field.
Reduced PriceThe price students with reduced eligibility status pay and see in the School Store. The price can be $0.00.
To use this feature, the Allow Free and Reduced Pricing checkbox must be marked in the School Store setup.
Free PriceThe price students with a free eligibility status pay and see in the School Store. The price can be $0.00.
To use this feature, the Allow Free and Reduced Pricing checkbox must be marked in the School Store setup.
Inventory LimitThis field is only available if you marked the Track Limits checkbox. Enter the maximum number that may be purchased. Once this number is reached, the product does not display in the School Store. If you process a refund during registration, Campus returns the inventory for purchase. This is a required field when tracking limits.
Add (button)Click the Add button to add another item that may be purchased for this product. In the following example, an option was added that includes an activity bus.
Receipt CommentsThis field allows you to enter comments or special instructions that you want on the customer's receipt. For example, you could add reminders for event times, meeting places, or what to bring.  

Step 5 - Finish

Review the Activity Registration product display for the Campus School Store and validate the appropriate Custom Forms are attached. Click Finish to complete the process. After you click Finish, the Activity is in a Ready or Registration Open status.

Editing is limited when an activity is in a Registration Open status. Most fields cannot be changed.

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The following image is an example of this activity on the School Store.

Once a student has registered for an activity, that activity no longer appears for them in the School Store.