Behavior Management (Hawaii) [.2219]

Behavior Management

Classic View:Behavior > Behavior Management

Search TermsBehavior Management

Behavior Incident Detail Editor

Actions Taken Prior to Referral

In this field, users are able to provide documentation of all administered interventions or classroom management strategies prior to sending referrals to administration.

Behavior Management Participant Fields

Event Type

The identifying code and name of the event. Event Types are created in Hawaii Behavior Admin Setup and are mapped to State Event Codes. While a Behavior Incident can be created to record any type of behavior, Hawaii requires additional information for any incident tied to the following types of behavior: Drug-Related Incidents and Weapon-Related Incidents

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Behavior > Behavior Event > code

Behavior > Behavior Event > stateEventCode

Police Contacted and Police Contacted Date

The Police Contacted and Police Contacted Date fields allow users to indicate if law enforcement was contacted. If law enforcement is contacted, users may also enter the date on which they were contacted.

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Police Contacted Options
DescriptionDatabase LocationAd Hoc InquiriesDefinition
Police ContactedBehaviorRole.lawReferralCode


Indicates if law enforcement was contacted
Police Contacted DateBehavior > Behavior Role > lawReferralCode

Behavior > Behavior Role > lawReferralDate

Indicates the date on which law enforcement was contacted

Protected Class

A Protected Class is a group of people qualified for special protection by a law, policy, or similar authority. The DOE strictly prohibits any form of discrimination, including harassment, based on a person’s membership in a protected class.

For the purposes of Hawaii’s Chapter 19 includes race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity gender expression, age, national origin, ancestry, disability, physical appearance and characteristics, and socio-economic status.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Behavior > Behavior Role > protectedClass


Use the multi-select Protected Class field to select the protected class, or classes, targeted in the incident. Users may select as many classes as apply to the incident.

Drug-Related Incidents

In addition to the data required for all Behavior Incidents, drug-related incidents require further data described below.

Drug-Related Incident Event and Participant Detail Editor

CRAFT Screening Conducted Date and CRAFT Screening Results

The CRAFT is a seven-item instrument that is a research-validated tool recommended by the national alcohol and drug organization due to its sensitivity and specificity of identifying adolescents who need intensive substance abuse treatment. CRAFT is an acronym derived from the words in this questionnaire:

  • Have you ever ridden in a Car driven by someone* (including yourself) who was “high” or who had been using alcohol or drugs? *Other than parent/guardian 
  • Do you ever use alcohol or drugs to Relax, feel better about yourself, or fit in?
  • Do you ever use alcohol or drugs while you are Alone by yourself?
  • Do your family or Friends ever tell you that you should cut down on your drinking or drug use?
  • Have you ever gotten into Trouble while you were using alcohol or drugs? 

Only complex and/or school personnel who have been formally trained are allowed to administer the Adolescent Screening Interview Tool. 

The CRAFT Screen Result, or score, is based on a student's answers to the questions above. Each "yes" response scores 1 point. Users are able to enter this score in the Screening Result drop-list. 

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CRAFT Options
DescriptionDatabase LocationAd Hoc InquiriesDefinition
CRAFT Screening Conducted DateBehaviorRole.craftScreeningConductedDate

Behavior > Behavior Role > craftScreeningConductedDate

Indicates the date on which the screening occurred.
CRAFT Screening ResultsBehaviorRole.craftScreeningResults

Behavior > Behavior Role > craftScreeningResults

Indicates the CRAFT interview score.

Drug Type

Use the drop-list to select the drug(s) involved in the incident.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Behavior > BehaviorDrug > drugType


For incidents involving more than one type of drug, press the Add button to include multiple drug types.

Weapon-Related Incidents

In addition to the data required for all Behavior Incidents, weapon-related incidents require further data described below.

Weapon-Related Incident Event and Participant Detail Editor

Weapon Type

Use the drop-list to select the weapon(s) involved in the incident.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Behavior > BehaviorWeapon > weaponType


For incidents involving more than one type of weapon, press the Add button to include multiple weapon types.

Behavior Resolution Fields

Behavior Resolution Types

The identifying code and name of the resolution. Resolution Types are created in Hawaii Behavior Admin Setup and are mapped to State Resolution Codes. While a Behavior Resolution can be created to record any type of resolution, Hawaii requires additional information for any incident tied to the following types of resolution: Alternative Educational Activities (AEA), Arrest, and Suspension.

If the student is excluded from attending school, the principal or designee shall ensure that alternate educational activities or other appropriate student support assistance shall be provided, and that the student is referred for appropriate intervention or treatment services, or both, as determined by the principal or designee in consultation with the appropriate school staff or in accordance with the Hawaii administrative rules for students with disabilities, if applicable.

Resolution Details Editor

Resolution End Date and Duration in School Days

The Resolution End Date and Duration in School days indicate the date on which the assigned resolution ends while Duration in School Days indicates the number of school days for which the resolution was assigned.

Once the Resolution End Date field is populated, the Duration in School Days field automatically populates and vice versa.

If the number of instructional days remaining in the school year is fewer than the Duration in School Days number, the Resolution End Date will be the last day of school.


Interventions are used to support the individual needs of students. Use the field to assign all Interventions necessary for the student.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Behavior > BehaviorResolution > interventionServices


  1. CAS approval is required if out-of-school disciplinary days exceeds 10 days in a calendar year for SPED students who have a locked, active (Resolution Start Date occurs within the Start and End Dates of the IEP) IEP.
  2. For non-SPED students, CAS approval is required if out-of-school disciplinary days exceeds 10 days for either half of the calendar year.
  3. For each student tied to the incident, the number of Suspended Days appears beside their name. This total is divided into the number of days in the first half of the year and the second half of the year. 
    • For a non-SPED student, if the total number of days for either half of the year exceeds 10 days, this total displays in red.
    • For a SPED student, If the total number of days within the calendar year exceeds 10 days, this total displays in red.

Alternative Educational Activities (AEA)

Alternate Educational Activities (AEA) are provided in order for a student to complete his or her education in an environment outside the classroom.

AEA Resolution Details Editor

Alternative Educational Activities

Alternate educational activities and other assistance when students are found to be in violation of this chapter. (a) The complex area superintendent shall ensure that alternate educational activities or active participation of the public or private agencies are provided as appropriate for all students who are crisis removed for a period exceeding ten school days or suspended for a period exceeding ten school days. 

For Section 504 eligible students, beginning on the 11thday of suspension (consecutive or cumulative), the school must make arrangements to provide alternate educational activities

The complex area superintendent shall ensure that alternate educational activities or active participation of the public or private agencies are provided as appropriate for all students who are crisis removed for a period exceeding ten school days or suspended for a period exceeding ten school days.

(b) For all students who are suspended for one to ten school days, the principal or designee may consider providing alternate educational activities based on student’s need.

Note: The Alternate Educational Activities multi-select list is required when the Behavior Resolution is associated with Behavior State Code = AEA: Alternate Educational Activities.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Behavior > BehaviorResolution > altEducationalActivities

CAS Fields

Behavior Resolutions of Alternate Educational Activities (AEA) must be reviewed, and approved, by the Complex Area Superintendent (CAS).

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FieldDefinitionDatabase LocationAd Hoc Inquiries
CAS Resolution Decision

The CAS Resolution Decision drop-list indicates if the resolution is: Y: Approved,      R: Reduced, or N: Not Approved.

CustomBehaviorResolution.valueStudent > Behavior > Custom BehaviorResolution > casResolutionDecision
CAS Determined ByUse this field to enter the name of the CAS who made the resolution determinationCustomBehaviorResolution.valueStudent > Behavior > Custom BehaviorResolution > casDecisionDeterminedBy
CAS Decision DateThis field indicates the date on which the decision was made.CustomBehaviorResolution.valueStudent > Behavior > Custom BehaviorResolution > casDecisionDate


Behavior Resolutions that result in arrest of the student(s) require information pertaining to the police record.

Arrest Resolution Details Editor

Police Officer Name and Police Report Number

These fields are used to record the name of the arresting officer and the number of the police report created in relation to the incident.

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FieldDefinitionDatabase LocationAd Hoc Inquiries
Police Officer Name

Enter the name of the arresting police officer

BehaviorResolution.lawContactNameStudent > Behavior > Custom BehaviorResolution > casResolutionDecision
Police Report NumberUse this field to enter the police report number created in relation to the incidentCustomBehaviorResolution.valueStudent > Behavior > Custom BehaviorResolution > policeReportNumber

Parent/Guardian Contacted and Parent/Guardian Name

These fields are used to record contact data for the student's Parent/Guardian.

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FieldDefinitionDatabase LocationAd Hoc Inquiries
Parent/Guardian Contacted

Mark this checkbox to indicate a parent/guardian was contacted in regards to the arrest

CustomBehaviorResolution.valueStudent > Behavior > Custom BehaviorResolution > parentContacted
Parent/Guardian NameUse this field to enter the name of the parent/guardian contactedCustomBehaviorResolution.valueStudent > Behavior > Custom BehaviorResolution > parentName


Behavior Resolutions involving student suspension require users to record suspension timelines and interventions assigned to the student.

Suspension Resolution Details Editor

Behavior Notifications

If a student is suspended from school for more than ten days, it is required that CAS review and approve the extended suspension.

Student Behavior Tab

The Student Behavior tab provides a history of the student’s behavior events, both positive and negative. This collection of student information can be used to review an individual's participation in behavior incidents, such as in a conference with parents. Information about other participants is not included in this tab. Behavior records do not lock and can be edited at any time.

Incidents appear in date order grouped by the calendar of enrollment. Any outstanding detention time and all suspension days assigned to the student based on the Duration in School Days field on the Resolution editor are totaled at the top of the tab.

When the Behavior Preference to lock completed discipline incidents is set to Yes, a lock icon displays next to those records in the Behavior list.

 Student Behavior tab fields that are specific to the state of Hawaii are described below. For all other inquiries, please visit the Behavior (Student) article.

Student Behavior Tab

Total Suspension Days

Users may view the Total Suspension Days for students broken down to the number of day in the calendar year, first half of the year, and second half of the year. These fields are auto-calculated/populated.

Previous Versions

Behavior Management (Hawaii) [.2215 and previous]