Fees Archive


Void Fee Assignments (Fees Wizard) [.2124 - .2227]
This article provides information for voiding fee assignments.
Fees (Student) [.2211 - .2223]
Provides information about the student's Fees editor.
Print a Student's Fee Statement [.2211 - .2219]
Classic View: Student Information > General > Fees Search Terms: Fees This report generates a PDF in a format that can be folded and mailed to a person's primary address. The Fee Statement provides a list of totals, including the number and ...
Fees Editor [.2211 - .2219]
Classic View: Census > Household > Fees Search Terms:  Fees The Fees Editor itemizes all fees assigned to each member of a household, including totals of how much was charged, how much was paid and the remaining debt or surplus. The fo...
Print a Fee Billing Statement for a Household [.2211 - .2219]
Classic View: Census > Household > Fees Search Terms:  Fees To print a report detailing what fees remain unpaid, click the Print button. The Fee Billing Statement generates in a PDF format that can be printed, folded, and mailed to the...
Exempt or Unexempt Fee Assignments (Fees Wizard) [.2124 - .2227]
This information applies when the Exempt/Unexempt Fee Assignments option is selected in the first step of the Fees Wizard. Classic View:   Fees > Wizards > Fee Wizard Search Term: Fee Wizard  The Exempt/Unexempt Fee Assignments...
Adjust Fee Assignments (Fees Wizard) [.2124 - .2227]
This article provides information on adjusting student fee assignments.
Void Fees for Household Members [.2211 - .2227]
This article provides procedures for voiding household fees.
Adjust Fees for Household Members [.2211 - .2227]
This article provides procedures for adjusting household fees.
Fees (Person) [.2215 - .2227]
This article provides the process and procedures for managing Fees in Census.
Adjust Fees [.2211 - .2227]
Fee adjustments are used to modify the amount due for a fee. Fee adjustments may only be made for up to the amount of the fee assignment.  If a fee was paid using an online payment, the fee assignment should NOT be adjusted. If necessary, ...
Void a Fee Assignment, Payment, or Adjustment [.2211 - .2227]
This article provides procedures for voiding a Fee Assignment, Payment, Or Adjustment.
Fees Wizard - Video [.2211 - .2227]
The Fees Wizard may be used to create, void, exempt, remove an exemption from a fee, adjust fee assignments or mark fee assignments as uncollectible for students. ...