Fees (Person) [.2215 - .2227]

Classic View: Census > People > Fees

Search Terms: Fees

The Fees tool lists all fees that have been assigned to a person, including all payments and adjustments and a total of how much is still owed or if a surplus exists. If the person has reached the maximum fee amount established by the school and/or district, that will be noted in the Fees Editor.

If a fee was paid using an online payment, the fee Assignment, Payment or Adjustment should NOT be made void or exempt. If necessary, use the Payments Reporter to refund the payment.

What can I do?

Assign and Edit Fees

For a fee to appear in the Fees Editor, it must first be assigned to the person, either individually or en masse using the Fee Wizard in the Fees section. Fees available for assignment depend on the options set by the school or district and are created in the Fees tool. Only fees that are marked as active can be assigned to students.

Once a fee is assigned to a person, it cannot be deleted, only voided.

Screenshot of the panel that displays after clicking the New Fee Assignment button.New Fee Assignment

Assign a Fee

  1. Click the New Fee Assignment button.
    Result: The New Fee Assignment panel displays.
  2. Select a Fee from the dropdown list. 

    If the fee amount is predetermined, this value appears after the fee description. Otherwise the value will show as 0.00. 
    If the fee amount is variable, an asterisk (*) appears after the amount.
  3. If applicable, enter the Amount of the fee.
     If the description of the fee ends in an asterisk (*), the fee amount can be edited.
  4. Enter a Due Date for the fee in mmddyyyy format. Clicking the date field opens a calendar of the current month which defaults to the current date.
  5. If the person is exempt from paying this fee, mark the Exempt checkbox.
  6. Select the Calendar to which the fee should be assigned.
    The enrollment record from the school/calendar selected in the toolbar is selected by default.
  7. Enter any comments related to the fee assignment in the Comments field.
  8. Click the Save button.
    The new fee displays in the Fee Editor with the Unpaid Fees total adjusted appropriately.

Edit a Fee Assignment

Once a fee is assigned, click the Assignment line to display the Assignment panel. The Assignment panel displays the Fee, the Amount and the Due Date, the Exempt checkbox, any Comments attached to the fee, the calendar in which the fee was created and the name of the user(s) who created and modified the fee. To edit a Fee Assignment, 

Only the Due Date, Exempt, and Comments fields can be modified in this panel. To change the amount of a fee, make an adjustment.

Screenshot when editing a fee assignment. The panel displays after clicking a fee assignment.  

Adjust Fees

Fee adjustments are used to modify the amount due for a fee. Fee adjustments may only be made for up to the amount of the fee assignment. 

Screenshot of the panel that displays when the user clicks a fee assignment. The Make Adjustment button appears on the panel.

Make an Adjustment

  1. Select the Fee Assignment(s) for which the adjustment is being made.
    Result: The Assignment panel displays.
  2. Click Make Adjustment button.
    Result: The Adjustments panel displays.
    Screenshot of Adjustments panel after clicking the Make Adjustments button.
  3. Enter an Adjustment Date in mmddyyyy format.

    Click the date field to open a calendar of the current month which defaults to the current date.

  4. If applicable, select the Adjustment Type such as Activity Cancelled, Cost Adjustment or Uncollectible.
  5. Enter the amount to be removed from the fee(s) in the Adjustment Amount or % field.

    The subtracted amount cannot exceed the amount of the fee assignment. Enter a dollar amount in the Adjustment Amount field OR a Percentage amount (do not enter the '%' sign, just numeric up to three decimal points, like 10 or 10.567).
  6. Enter any Comments associated with the adjustment.
  7. Click Save when finished.
    Result: Upon saving, the entered adjustment displays below the fee to which it was applied with the date of the adjustment, the amount deducted in the Credit column.

Edit an Adjustment

Once an adjustment is made, clicking on the adjustment displays the Adjustment panel which includes the adjusted Fee, the Adjustment Date, the Adjustment Type, any Comments attached to the adjustment, the calendar in which the adjustment was made and the name of the user(s) who created and modified the adjustment.

Only the adjustment Type and Comments can be added or modified in this panel. Click Save when finished.

Pay Fees

Tool Search: Fees

Fees can be paid one at a time or you can pay multiple fees with a single payment.

Screenshot of an Example of Paying Multiple Fees with One Payment

Make a Payment

  1. Click the Make Payment button at the bottom of the screen.
    Result: The Payment panel displays all fees from all years for which a payment is needed.
    Click here to expand...

    Screenshot after the user clicks the Make Payment button located at the bottom of the Fees tool.
    You can also access the Payment panel by clicking an individual fee then clicking the Make Payment button on the Assignment panel.
    Screenshot of panel after the user clicks an individual fee assignment. The Make Payment button is highlighted.
  2. Enter a Payment Date in mmddyyyy format.
  3. Enter the amount of the payment using one of the following options.
    Pay AllClick Pay All to populate this field with the total amount remaining to be paid.
    Screenshot of the Payment panel with the Pay All button highlighted.
    Payment TotalThe Payment Total field at the top of the panel allows you to enter the amount to be paid. If the total amount exceeds the Fee Assignment amount, the remaining amount is deposited as a surplus.
    Screenshot of the Payment panel with the Payment Total highlighted.
    Payment AmountThe Payment Amount column allows you allows you to manually enter a unique value for each line. Campus automatically updates the Payment Total to match the values you enter.
    Screenshot of the Payment panel showing where the Payment Amount is entered.
  4. Enter any Comments associated with the payment.

  5. Select one of the following Payment Methods and complete the payment.

    Payment MethodDescription
    CashClick the Make Payment button.
    If more than the amount of the fee selected is paid, the extra amount becomes a Surplus. Campus saves the surplus amount and it can be applied to other fees.

    The Check # field displays when you select this option. Enter the Check # then click the Make Payment button.

    Screenshot when Check is selected as the Payment Method. The Payment Method and Check Number fields are highlighted.

    The payment displays below the fee(s) with the type and date of the payment, the amount paid in the Credit column.

    If more than the amount of the fee selected is paid, the extra amount becomes a Surplus. Campus saves the surplus amount and it can be applied to other fees.

    Surplus (Balance: $XX.XX) 

    This option only displays if a surplus is available on the account. 

    Click the Make Payment button.
    Screenshot when Surplus is selected as the Payment Method. The Payment Method field is highlighted.
    The Surplus Balance is reduced by the amount used to pay the fee. The payment displays below the fee(s) with the type and date of the payment, the amount paid in the Credit column. 

    Record Credit/Debit Card

    If your district does NOT use Online Payments or a Desktop Card Reader, enter the Reference Number then click the Make Payment button.
     Screenshot when Record Credit/Debit Card is selected as the Payment Method.

    The payment displays below the fee(s) with the type and date of the payment, the amount paid in the Credit column. If more than the amount of the fee selected is paid, the extra amount becomes a Surplus  Campus saves the surplus amount and it can be applied to other fees.

    Process Credit/Debit Card 
    (Card Swipe)

    Complete these steps if you are using a Desktop Card Reader.

    Click here to expand...
    1. Click the Make Payment button.
      The Card Present Processing window displays.
      Screenshot of the Card Present Processing window.
    2. Click the Click to enable swipe in the Card Swipe field then swipe the card through the card reader.
      A progress bar appears in the Card Swipe field. When the process completes, the message changes to Success.

    3. Enter an Email address. (Optional)

      If Email Settings are set up, Campus will send the receipt to the Email address entered here. This email is not included in the Sent Message Log.

    4. Click the Submit Payment button.

      If the transaction is successful, the receipt displays and you can print the receipt from your browser. A receipt is emailed if an email address was entered in the Email field.
      Screenshot of the receipt after the Submit Payment button is clicked.
    5. Click the Close button.

      The payment displays below the fee(s) with the type and date of the payment, the amount paid in the Credit column and Balances and Totals updated accordingly.
    Process Credit/Debit Card (Manual Entry)

     Complete these steps if you do not have a Desktop Card Reader.

    Click here to expand...
    1. Click the Make Payment button.
      The Card Present Processing window displays.
      Screenshot of the Card Present Processing window when Manual Entry is selected in the Processing Mode dropdown list.
    2. Select Manual Entry in the Processing Mode dropdown list.
    3. Fill out the following fields.
      • Card Number
      • Card Expiration
      • Name on Card
      • Address
      • Zip Code
      • Email
    4. Click the Submit Payment button.

      If the transaction is successful, the receipt displays and you can print the receipt from your browser. A receipt is emailed if an email address was entered in the Email field. This email is not included in the Sent Message Log.
      Screenshot of the receipt after the Submit Payment button is clicked.
    5. Click the Close button.
      The payment displays below the fee(s) with the type and date of the payment, the amount paid in the Credit column and Balances and Totals updated accordingly. 

Payment Panel

Only Comments can be added or modified in this panel.

After a payment is made, you can click the payment to display the Payment panel. This panel includes the Payment Date, the total Amount, the Payment Method, and any Comments attached to the payment. The calendar in which the payment was made and the name of the user(s) who created the payment also display.   

Below the Comments section, the panel displays all fees paid with that payment, the due dates of each fee, and the amount paid for each fee.

Screenshot of a payment that is highlighted on the Fees tool. An arrow is pointing to another screenshot below this one.

Void a Fee Assignment, Payment, or Adjustment

Transactions may NOT be deleted. Instead, they are voided which reverses the transaction. The procedures in this article describe voiding Fee Payments and Adjustments that were entered using the Fees tool in Campus. 

Important Information About this Process

  • Deposits cannot be voided, only refunded.
  • Voiding a Fee Assignment also voids all Payments and Adjustments attached to the assignment.
  • If a payment transaction originally included surplus funds which were then reallocated to another fee, the original payment cannot be voided. Later payments made with the surplus funds must first be voided before the original payment can be voided.
  • When voiding a fee that was paid using an online payment, this message appears:
    When voiding a fee that was paid using an online payment, this message appearsClicking Continue voids the payment and deposits the amount of the online payment into the surplus, and the payment can NOT be refunded in the Payments Reporter tool.
    Clicking Cancel does NOT void the online payment through the Fees tool. Instead, you can use the Payments Reporter to refund the payment. 

Void an Assignment, Payment, Or Adjustment

  1. Select the Assignment, Adjustment or Payment and click the Void button.
    Result: A Void Detail screen displays.
    When voiding...The Void Detail Screen... 
    an Assignmentincludes the Fee assigned, the Amount, the Due Date and any Fee Comments. Expand the area below to see an example of this screen.
    Click here to expand...
    Screenshot of the fields that need to be populated when voiding an assignment.
    a Paymentincludes the Payment Date, the Amount paid, the Payment Method and any Fee Payment Comments. A table detailing the payment transaction appears following the summary information which includes the Fee, the Due Date, the Amount owed and the Payment Amount, as well as any deposits made as a result of the payment.
    When voiding a Payment, indicate the Payment Void Type.
    • Void payment to this fee and create deposit voids the selected payment only and creates a surplus with the amount paid.
    • Void payments to all fee assignments paid with this fee payment voids the selected payment and any other payments made in the same transaction. All payments made in the transaction payment are listed in the payment transaction table.

    Expand the area below to see an example of this screen.

    Click here to expand...
    Screenshot of the fields that need to be populated when voiding a payment.

    an Adjustmentincludes the Void Date, Void Reason, and any Adjustment Comments.

    Expand the area below to see an example of this screen.

    Click here to expand...
    Screenshot of the fields that need to be populated when voiding an adjustment.

  2. Enter a Void Date in mmddyyyy format. Clicking the date field will open a calendar of the current month below. This field defaults to the current date.
  3. Select a Void Reason from the dropdown list, such as Activity Cancelled, Office Mistake or Uncollectible.
  4. Enter any Comments associated with the void transaction.
  5. Click Void when finished.
    Result: After a Payment or Adjustment is void, Campus adds a line to the editor to reverse the credit. When an Assignment is void, Campus adds a line to reverse the debit and labels the assignment as Void.

    Screenshot of the results after voiding an adjustment or payment.

Make a Deposit (Surplus)

Deposits create a surplus that can be applied to future fee assignments.

If the Autopay Fees with Surplus Balance option is set to 'Yes' in System Preferences, the surplus created by the deposit is automatically applied to any outstanding fees for that student.

Screenshot of the payment window in Make deposit

  1. Click the Make Deposit button.
    The Payment panel displays.
  2. Enter the amount of the deposit in the Payment Total field.
  3. Enter the Payment Date in mmddyyyy format.
  4. Select a Payment Method from the dropdown list. 
    • Cash
    • Check - enter a Check #
    • Record Credit/Debit Card - enter a Reference #
  5. Enter any Comments associated with the deposit.
  6. Click Make Deposit.
    The Surplus amount is updated and can be applied to an unpaid fee at any time.
    Screenshot of an updated surplus

Make Refund from Surplus Amount

Deposits create a surplus that can be applied to future fee assignments. Any amount paid which exceeds the amount owed also becomes a Surplus. The Surplus amount appears at the top of the Fees Editor. 

To refund all or part of a Surplus, click the Make Refund button. The Refund panel displays and you can enter a Refund Amount, a Transaction Date, any Comments associated with the refund and click Make Refund. Campus subtracts the refund amount from the surplus total.

The district or school is responsible for returning the refund to the account holder.

Screenshot of the refund panel