Enrollment Status [.2124 - .2211]

Classic View: Student Information > Reports > Enrollment Status Report

Search Terms: Enrollment Status

The Enrollment Status Report displays all enrollment information for a certain student within a certain calendar. If a student is enrolled, and then leaves the district but moves back, both enrollments are included on the report.


BIE users: Select the BIE version of this report which reports data based on BIE Start and End Status values.

Kentucky users: This report SHOULD NOT be used to find students with a start status of No Show. Instead, use the Dropout Report.

Enrollment Status Report

Report Editor

The following information defines the fields available on the Enrollment Status Report.

Student Selection

Select students either by a Grade level or an Ad hoc Filter.

  • All grade levels served in the district are listed for selection. If generating the report for all elementary schools in the district, for example, leave the Grade selection at All Students.
  • Selecting an Ad hoc Filter returns only those students included in the filter who meet the other criteria selected on the report.

Enrollment date ranges are used to further narrow the students included in the report. These dates are not needed to generate the report, but could be helpful if a report is needed to see enrollment gains and losses for a particular period of time. The report can also be generated using just Enrollment Add Dates or only Enrollment Drop Dates. Dates are entered in mmddyy format or can be chosen by selecting the calendar icon.

Display Options

The student's enrollment Start Date and End Dates display on the report if selected here. Otherwise, just the student's name, mailing address and calendar of enrollment returns on the report.

Sort Options

The report can be sorted one of three ways:

  • Alphabetical (by student last name)
  • Grade level (lowest grade level in the selected calendar first)
  • Student Number (lowest number assigned to the student first)
Calendar Selection

Select the calendar(s) to include on the report. The calendar selected in the Campus toolbar is automatically selected. The report can be generated for one school at a time, or a set of schools at a time (all elementary schools, for example). At least one calendar needs to be selected.

It is recommended that users do not select all schools in the district at one time.

Calendars can be listed by the Active Year, by School name or by Year.

Enrollment Statuses

Select which enrollment statuses, both start and end statuses, to include on the report. All statuses are automatically selected by default, but if wanting to see which students may have dropped enrollment for a particular reason, selecting just that end status may be helpful.

Select whether to use State Start and End Statuses or Local Start and End Statuses.

Attention Bureau of Indian Education Users

BIE users should select the BIE radio button at the top of the report editor in order to report BIE Start and End Status values.

Attention Kentucky Users

To see a list of students who have No Show as an enrollment status, use the Dropout Report.

Report Format

Select one of the following formats in which the report should generate:

  • PDF
  • CSV
  • HTML
  • DOCX

Generate the Enrollment Status Report

  1. Select the students to include in the report by selecting either a Grade level or an Ad hoc Filter.
  2. Select the calendar(s) to include in the report.
  3. Enter an Enrollment Add Date range to find students who enrolled in the school AFTER the first day of school.
  4. Enter an Enrollment Drop Date range to find students who dropped enrollment in the school BEFORE the last day of school.
  5. Select the Display Options to include in the report, including the student's Start Date of enrollment and the student's End Date of enrollment.
  6. Determine how the report should be sorted - Alphabetical by student Last Name, by ascending Grade level or by ascending Student Number.
  7. Determine whether to use State Start and End Statuses or Local Start and End Statuses, then select the desired statuses to include in the report.
  8. Select the desired Report Format to determine the format in which the report generates.
  9. Click the Generate Report button. The report displays in the selected format.

When one calendar is selected, the left side of the report header displays the name of that calendar. 

When more than one calendar is selected, the left hand side of report headers displays the name of the district. The selected calendars are listed on the right side of the report header. 

Enrollment Status Report - PDF Format

Enrollment Status Report - CSV Format

Enrollment Status Report - HTML Format

Enrollment Status Report - DOCX Format