ESS DDC Report (Arizona) [.2219 - .2227]

Classic View: AZ State Reporting > ESS DDC Report

Search Term: ESS DDC Report

The ESS DDC Report is used to identify and report students who are both designated as Special Ed and have a qualifying set of behavior records tied to the selected calendar(s).

Tool Rights

Classic View: System Administration > User Security > Users > Tool Rights

Search Term: Tool Rights

Users must have at least R(ead) tool rights in order to generate and view the ESS DDC Report. 

Reporting Population and Logic Rules

Student must be tied to a Behavior Event that ties to a state code value
  • Behavior Event date should overlap the ESS DCC Start/End date time span
  • If the ESS DDC Start Date is NULL, consider 7/1/YYYY as the default begin of the report time span (with YYYY as the start year set in the Campus toolbar)
  • If the ESS DDC End Date is NULL, consider currentDate as the default end of the report time span
Student must be tied to a Behavior Incident that has at least one Behavior Resolution that ties to a state code value
  • Behavior Resolution must be mapped to an active State Resolution Code
  • If there is more than one Behavior Resolution mapped to an active State Resolution Code tied to a single Behavior incident, then a violation record should be sent for each state mapped resolution
Student must be tied to a Behavior Incident that has at least one participant that is an offender
Student must be a Special Ed student:
  • Student has a locked IEP that overlaps the dates of the reported enrollment record.
    • If student has NO IEPs, then the 'Special Ed Status' field on the enrollment that overlaps the behavior event being set to 'Receiving Services' counts as a SPED student as well.
  • If Ad Hoc filter is populated, extract all students in the filter regardless of SPED status
  • Do not report students whose enrollment records are state excluded
  • Do not report students whose enrollment records are tied to a calendar that is state excluded
  • Do not report students whose enrollment records are tied to a grade level that is state excluded
  • Do not report students whose enrollment records are marked as "No Show"

Generate the Report

  1. Enter the Start Date
  2. Enter the End Date. Only behavior records occurring between the start date and end date entered are considered for reporting.
  3. To include comments left on violations and resolutions, mark the Extract Comment Data checkbox.
  4. Select which calendar(s) will report data.
  5. Filter data by selecting an existing Ad Hoc Filter (optional).
  6. Click Generate Report to generate the report immediately or click Submit to Batch to schedule when the system will process and generate the report.

Example of the Report XML

Understand the Report

Use the table below to understand each element in the report XML:

XML LocationElementDescriptionData Source GUI Path 
schoolincidentdataschoolIDThe Entity ID as assigned by ADESysAdmin > Resources > School > Entity ID
schoolincidentdata/incidentSMSIncidentIDThe Incident ID of the reporting incident.Incident Detail > Incident ID
Incident DateDate the incident was brought to disciplinary authorities' attention. Expressed as Year-month-day.

  1. Incident Date must be on or after the first Instructional day of the school year and on or before the date the report is generated
  2. When multiple students are tied to an event, each student must report a value
Incident Detail > Date of Incident
Referral DateDate incident was referred to office.Incident Detail > Submitted Date
Referred by First NameFirst name of person who reported the incident.Incident Detail > Submitted By
Referred by Last NameLast Name of person who reported the incident.Incident Detail > Submitted By

Not currently being reported.
Referred by Phone NumberPhone Number of person who reported the incident.Does not report
Ed-Fi IDEd-Fi ID (State Student ID) of student involved in the incident.Student Information > Census > People > Demographics > State Student ID
SMSViolationIDThe Event ID of the incident violation.Event Editor > Event Details > Event ID
Violation Code
  1. Report the mapped State Event Code value after the dash ( - ) from code column. If there is not dash ( - ), just report the code.
    1. Example: When a Behavior Event is mapped to a State Event Code of Aggravated Assault (5-36), report 36
  2. If the mapped State Event Code = 700, report the Standard Code value from the Violation Level 1 drop down.

Event Editor > Event Details > Event Type


Event Editor > Participant Details > Violation Level 1

Primary Violation Indicator

Indicates if the violation was marked as Most Severe. 

If 'Most Severe' checkbox is checked, report True

Else report False

Event Editor > Event Details > Most Severe
Drug CategoryIndicates the type of drug used in the incident.
7Other Illicit Drug
Event Editor > Participant Details > Violation Level 3
Drug intentionIndicates the intention of the drug use.
1Sale, distribution, or intent to sell or distribute

Event Editor > Participant Details > Violation Level 2
Violation CommentsAny comments entered for the violation.

This element will only report data if the Extract Comment Data checkbox is marked on the extract editor.
Event Editor > Participant Details > Details
SMSActionIDThe Resolution ID of the action taken. Resolution editor > Resolution Details > Resolution ID
Action CodeIndicates the Resolution Type assigned the incident.

Report the mapped State Resolution Code


  1. A state coded Resolution is mandatory for reporting any event
  2. Behavior Resolution names are defined at the school level. 
  3. Student is allowed to report multiple resolutions. When this occurs, each Resolution will have its own set of Actions components.
Resolution editor > Resolution Details > Resolution Type
Number of Removal / Reassignment HoursIndicates the duration of the behavior resolution.

Logic reports the value set in the Duration in School Hours field. 
Resolution editor > Resolution Details > Duration in School Hours
Assigned Action Start DateThe Start Date of the behavior resolution.Resolution editor > Resolution Details > Resolution Start Date
Assigned Action End DateThe End Date of the behavior resolution.Resolution editor > Resolution Details > Resolution End Date
Is service declinedIndicates if Behavior Resolution service was declined. Resolution editor > Resolution Details > Service Declined
Action CommentsReports any comments left on the behavior resolution.

This element will only report data if the Extract Comment Data checkbox is marked on the extract editor.  
Resolution editor > Resolution Details > Details > Comments