Individual Education Plans (Ohio) [.2223 and previous]

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The editors available on the Individual Education Plan provide all required information by the State of Ohio. Editors and fields are listed below. Included here are instructions on entering data into Campus and references to state-defined guidelines.

The current format of this document is the OH IEP 2019.2 Format. Plan formats are selected in Plan Types.

Ohio IEP Editors  

Ohio users have the option to print a single editor using the Print Editor button in the action bar. This button will generate a PDF of the portion of the IEP that includes information entered in the editor being viewed.

Individual Education Plan Editors

The following table lists the editors available on the student's Individual Education Plan, the section(s) of the print format that include the entered information, a description of what the editor is used for, and any special considerations and instructions for using the editor.

Fields that are included in any state reporting extract are required.

Editor Name

Printed Document Section


Special Considerations and Instructions

Education Plan

Meeting Information, IEP Time Lines, Child's Information, Other Information

The Education Plan editor provides student summary information and lists the dates of the plan meetings.

This editor must be saved with the required fields before continuing to other areas of the plan.

Start Date will auto-populate to match Meeting Date. End Date and Next IEP Review Date will auto-populate to be one year minus one day from the Start Date. Date of Last ETR will auto-populate based on the Date of the most recent, locked ETR.

Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon next to the header of the appropriate sections.

Enrollment Status 


The Enrollment Editor provides a snapshot of the student's enrollment data when the plan is generated.

Clicking Get Special Ed Status from Enrollment will synchronize the information in the editor with the most recent information from the student's Enrollments tool. District and School information does not populate automatically. When the plan is marked as Complete and is locked, Special Ed Status values will be updated in the enrollment based on the values selected in this editor.

When establishing the Plan Type in System Administration, three Enrollment editors are available. Users should chose the editor that best meets their needs. The above logic describes the third editor, which is the most commonly used.

See the following Enrollment Editor Data Elements section for a description of these fields.

Student Demographics

Child's Information

The Student Demographics editor populates basic information about the student such as demographic information and student and school address.

Clicking Refresh Student Information will synchronize the information in the editor with the most recent information about the student, from the Demographics, Households, Enrollments and School tools.

Parent/Guardian Demographics

Parent's/Guardian Information

The Parent/Guardian Demographics Editor populates based on established student/guardian relationships created on the student's Relationships tool or indicated by the guardian checkbox on the Households tool. The editor includes Demographics information for the student's guardian.

Clicking Refresh Guardian Information will synchronize information in the editor with the most recent information from the student's guardian's Demographics and Households tools.

Future Planning

1) Future Planning

The Future Planning Editor is a text entry editor that provides educators the opportunity to engage the student and family in planning for the student's future. This editor is used to document thoughts, ideas, plans, visions and processes that are discussed and identified to help the student transition to adult life.

Conversations and discussion about the future can be ongoing and occur outside of the context of formal meetings.

Special Factors

2) Special Instructional Factors

The Special Factors editor includes information about the student that may impede the student's learning and progress toward achievement of education goals.

This editor contains a series of questions the Case Manager or other designated team member should answer by selecting Yes or No. A selection must be made for each question. If a selection is not made, a warning message will appear upon saving this editor indicating a required entry is needed.


3) Profile

The Profile editor describes the student in detail. This editor can be used to describe the student's education success, hobbies, and a description of why the student is on a Special Education Plan.


Extended School Year Services 4) Extended School Year ServicesThe Extended School Year editor indicates if the student requires services beyond the standard school time, such as beyond school hours or during breaks.N/A

Postsecondary Transition Services

5) Postsecondary Transition

The Transition Services editor is designed to track activities and goals for the student's academic and functional achievement to facilitate the movement from school to post-school activities, including post-secondary education, vocational education, employment, adult services, independent living and community participation.

Federal and state guidelines for entering these goals are available on the Ohio Special Education Transition Services website.

Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon next to the header of the appropriate sections.

Measurable Annual Standards 6) Measurable Annual Goals

The Measurable Annual Standards editor describes what a student is expected to accomplish in one year in the identified area of need and the method(s) used to determine a child's progress towards the child's measurable annual goal.

See the following Measurable Annual Goals Data Elements section for a description of these field. Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon next the header of the summary section.

Measurable Annual Goals

6) Measurable Annual Goals

The Measurable Annual Goals editor describes what a student is expected to accomplish in one year in the identified area of need.

See the following Measurable Annual Goals Data Elements section for a description of these field. Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon next the header of the summary section.

Specially Designed Instruction

7) Description(s) of Specially Designed Services: Specially Designed Instruction section

The Specially Designed Instruction editor identifies accommodations or modifications needed for the student to access and progress in the general education curriculum.

Only active Services with a Type of Normal Services can be included in this editor. Services, Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration. Frequency options populate from the Attribute Dictionary.

Since services are usually unique to each student, it is recommended that a Service Description is entered.

Related Services

7) Description(s) of Specially Designed Services: Related Services section

The Related Services editor identifies developmental, corrective, and other supportive services that are required to assist a child who has a disability to benefit from special education. This includes speech-language pathology and audiology services, in addition to other services that may be available.

Only active Services with a Type of Related can be included in this editor. Services, Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration. Frequency options populate from the Attribute Dictionary.

The # of Sessions field will auto-populate to 1, but only values of 2 or greater will be included in the printed IEP.

Since services are usually unique to each student, it is recommended that a Service Description is entered.

Assistive Technology

7) Description(s) of Specially Designed Services: Assistive Technology section

Identifies assistive technology provided to the student, such as hearing amplification or braille readers.

Only active Services with a Type of Assistive can be included in this editor. Services, Service Providers, and Service Positions are established in System Administration. Frequency options populate from the Attribute Dictionary.

Since services are usually unique to each student, it is recommended that a Service Description is entered.


7) Description(s) of Specially Designed Services: Accommodations section

The Accommodations Editor identifies the changes made in the way materials are presented or in the way children demonstrate learning.

Only active Services with a Type of Accommodation can be included in this editor. Services, Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration.  Frequency options populate from the Attribute Dictionary.

Since services are usually unique to each student, it is recommended that a Service Description is entered.


7) Description(s) of Specially Designed Services: Modifications section

Modifications of the curriculum will result in the child taught different curriculum or taught the same curriculum but with the complexity of the material significantly altered from that of the child’s age and grade level peers. The Modifications editor tracks these changes.

Only active Services with a Type of Modification can be included in this editor. Services, Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration. Frequency options populate from the Attribute Dictionary.

Since services are usually unique to each student, it is recommended that a Service Description is entered.

Support for School Personnel

7) Description(s) of Specially Designed Services: Support for School Personnel section

The Support for School Personnel editor provides an opportunity for the team to discuss and articulate those specific supports or training necessary for school personnel to provide a free appropriate public education to the student.

Only active Services with a Type of Support can be included in this editor. Services, Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration. Frequency options populate from the Attribute Dictionary.

Since services are usually unique to each student, it is recommended that a Service Description is entered.

Service(s) to Support Medical Needs 

7) Description(s) of Specially Designed Services: Service(s) to Support Medical Needs

The Service(s) to Support Medical Needs editor lists the services a student receives that allow him/her to receive an education. These services can include medication that is dispensed during a school day or other medical services that are required for the student and performed by school personnel.

Only active Services with a Type of Medical can be included in this editor. Services, Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration. Frequency options populate from the Attribute Dictionary.

Since services are usually unique to each student, it is recommended that a Service Description is entered.

Transportation as a Related Service

8) Transportation as a Related Service

The Transportation as a Related Service editor indicates specialized equipment or personnel needed to transport the child safely. This may include fitting and/or retrofitting vehicles with specialized equipment such as car seats, securement systems and harnesses.


Nonacademic and Extracurricular Activities

9) Nonacademic and Extracurricular Activities

The Nonacademic and Extracurricular Activities editor provides text fields for recording a student's opportunity for participating in outside activities. These include counseling services, athletics, transportation, health services, etc.

Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon next the header of the appropriate sections.

General Factors

10) General Factors

The General Factors editor reviews the IEP team's consideration of the student's strengths, parental concerns for education, student's most recent evaluations and other needs of the child.


Least Restrictive Environment

11) Least Restrictive Environment

The Least Restrictive Environment editor records information related to the student's school environment and interaction with non-disabled peers.


Statewide and Districtwide Testing

12) Statewide and Districtwide Testing

The Statewide and Districtwide Testing editor reviews the IEP team's decision on how the student will be tested to meet state guidelines. Details of accommodations and how the student will be assessed are required.

Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon next to the header of the appropriate sections.

Exemptions 13) ExemptionsThe Exemptions editor identifies if the child is exempt from taking the reading diagnostic assessment associated with the Third Grade Reading Guarantee, excused from consequences of not passing required graduation tests, or excused from taking other assessments, and the justifications for the listed exemptions.If "Applicable" is marked under Graduation Tests, the "Is the child excused from the consequences of not passing required graduation tests?" question becomes required. If "Yes" is marked for the "Is the child excused from the consequences of not passing required graduation tests?" question, the Category, Course Title, and Justification text boxes become required.

If "N/A" is marked under Graduation Tests, no further action is required. If "No" is selected for the "Is the child excused from the consequences of not passing required graduation tests?" question, no further action is required. These fields are grayed out and no values can be entered.

Meeting Participants

14) Meeting Participants

The Meeting Participants editor lists who was in attendance at the last team meeting where decisions were made concerning the student's education plan.

Team members must be added in the Team Members tool before entering participants.


15) Signatures

The Signatures editor records agreements from the parent/guardian, the school personnel, and the student on the information contained in the IEP.


ildren with Visual Impairments 16) Children With Visual ImpairmentsThe Children with Visual Impairments editor provides a form for identifying the reading and writing media considered in delivering instruction when appropriate to meet the educational needs of the child.A copy of this completed form is part of, and must be attached to, the child's IEP form.

Form Status Checklist


The Form Status Checklist Editor provides a checklist of the plan sections that can be marked once those sections are complete.


Enrollment Editor Data Elements

The following fields appear on the IEP Enrollment Editor.



State ID

Identification number assigned to the student by the state Department of Education (different than the Student ID, which is assigned by the district).

Primary and Secondary Disabilities

Student's designated disability as determined by the school district and associated team members. See the list of available Disabilities following this table.

Special Education Status

Student's Special Education Status. The following options are available:

  • IEDP: IEP Resulted in Due Process
  • IENS: IEP Complete - Not Served
  • IEPR: IEP Complete - Parental Refusal
  • N: No 
  • Y: Receiving Services

Special Education Setting

Indicates the student's major least restrictive environment instructional setting. See the list of available Settings following this table.

Resident District

Indicates the School District in which the student resides, but not necessarily in which the student attends school.

Home Primary Language

Indicates the language most often spoken at home.

Primary and Secondary Disabilities




Not Applicable


Multiple Disabilities (other than Deaf-Blind)




Deafness (Hearing Impairments)


Visual Impairments


Speech and Language Impairments


Orthopedic Impairments


Emotional Disturbance (SBH)


Cognitive Disabilities


Specific Learning Disabilities




Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)


Other Health Impaired (Major)


Other Health Impaired (Minor)


Developmental Delay

Special Education Settings




Special Education outside regular class less than 21% of day


Special Education outside regular class 21% to 60% of day


Special Education outside regular class more than 60% of day


Public Separate School


Private Separate School


Public Residential Facility


Private Residential Facility




Student disability in approved non-public IEP school


Disabled student education paid by private resident


Regular Early Childhood Program at least 80% of time


Regular Early Childhood Program 10 or more hours/week, most in EC Program


Regular Early Childhood Program less than 10 hours per week, most in Early Childhood Program


Regular Early Childhood Program less than 40%


Regular Early Childhood Program 10 or more hours per week, not in Early Childhood Program


Regular Early Childhood Program less than 10 hours per week, not in Early Childhood Program


Pre-school - Special Education - Separate Class


Pre-school - Special Education - Separate School


Preschool - Special Education  - Residential Facility


Preschool - Home


Preschool - Service Provider Location

Measurable Annual Goals Data Elements

Data Elements



Entry is related to student's participation and achievement in the goal.

Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance

Describes the individual strengths and needs of the student in relation to accessing and mastering general curriculum. This section should provide details on what the student is missing from academic instruction and aid in developing goals the student can achieve.

Measurable Annual Goal

Describes the goal the student should achieve based on grade-level standards. The following should be considered:

  • Student's present level of performance
  • Timeframe
  • Conditions of goal
  • Measurement of goal

Methods for Measuring Child's Progress Towards Annual Goal

A letter represents the method for measurement. A text field is available for entering the related method letter. See the Methods for Measuring Progress table for a list of options.

Method for Reporting the Child's Progress to Parents

Selection indicates the method(s) and frequency of updates being given for reporting student progress. Select all methods that may apply. Designate an interval of time for these methods. Options are:

  • Written Report
  • Email
  • Phone Call
  • Journal Entry
  • The child's progress will be reported to the child's parents each time report cards are issued.
  • Other

