ISBE 504 Extract [.2112 - .2211]

Classic View: IL State Reporting > ISBE Extracts > 504

Search Terms: ISBE Extracts

The Section 504 Extract reports students who have an active primary enrollment in the selected calendar as of the report date where an active Section 504 record exists (Student Information > Program Participation > Section 504). One record reports for each calendar of enrollment.

ISBE Section 504 Extract

Report Logic

One record reports for each student who has a Primary Enrollment in the selected calendar from the Effective Date entered on the report editor to the school year start date where a Section 504 record exists. The End Date of the 504 record can be blank or within the reporting year, and within the start and end dates of the enrollment record. 

One record reports for each calendar of enrollment. If the student enrolled, withdrew and re-enrolled, a record reports for each enrollment period.

A record reports even when the student is no longer enrolled as of the entered Effective Date. This captures students who may have had an active 504 record prior to the Effective Date.  

Report Editor

Extract TypeSelection determines the extract that is generated. For this instance, select the 504 option.
Effective Date

Entered date is used to return current enrollments for the report. This field automatically populates with the current date, but can be changed by entering a new date in mm/dd/yyyy format or by clicking the calendar icon to select a date. This date is required in order to generate the report.

  • If an enrollment record has an end date before the effective date, that record is not included
  • If an enrollment record has an end date after the effective date or does not have an end date, that record is included.
File IdentifierIndicates the number attached to the end of the file name and is used to differentiate the file from other files generated.
FormatDetermines how the report generates. Use the State Format (Comma Delimited) when submitting the report to the state. Use the HTML or Tab Delimited option when reviewing data prior to state submission. 
Ad hocSelect a saved ad hoc filter to use when generating this report. Only those students included in the filter are returned on the report if they meet the reporting requirements.
Calendar SelectionAt least one calendar needs to be selected for the report to generate. Calendars can be chosen by Active Year, by School or by Year. If a calendar is selected in the Campus toolbar, that calendar is automatically selected.
Report GenerationThe report can be generated immediately using the Generate Extract button. When there is a larger amount of data chosen (several calendars, large date range, etc.), use the Submit to Batch button, which allows the user to choose when the report is generated. See the Batch Queue article for more information.

Generate the Report

  1. Select 504 from the Extract Type field.
  2. Enter the Effective Date for the report.
  3. Enter a File Identifier. This is a three digit number attached to the file name used to differentiate itself from other ISBE Demographic and Enrollment Extract files generated.
  4. Select which Format to generate the report in. To preview information prior to submission to the state, use the HTML format. When submitting data to the state, use the State Format (Comma Delimited).
  5. If desired, select an Ad hoc Filter from which to pull the student set.
  6. Select which Calendars to include within the report.
  7. Select the Generate Extract button or use the Submit to Batch option. The report displays in a separate window in the designated format. 

504 Extract - State Format

504 Extraction - HTML Format

504 Extract - Tab Delimited Format

504 Extract Layout

Header Layout




File Type

The name of the extract being generated. This always reports a value of 504 Plan.


Student Count

The total amount of records generated.


File Name

EN + RCDT or District Name + _ + Date (mmddyyy)_File Identifier (i.e., EN_310453000260_01302015_001.txt)


File Date

The date the extract was generated.

Date field, 8 characters




The Region-County-District-Type-School code that uniquely identifies the school generating the extract.


System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number, Type, Region Number, County

System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number






Extract Layout




Student ID

The student identifier assigned in the ISBE SIS.

Numeric, 9 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifies > State ID



The Student ID number used by the school to identify the student within their local system.

Numeric, 50 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student Number


Legal Last Name

The student's legal last name.

When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the report editor, the student's last name reports from the Legal Last Name field if populated.

Alphabetical, 30 characters

Census > People > Identity Information > Last Name


Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name


Legal First Name

The student's legal first name.

When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the report editor, the student's first name reports from the Legal First Name field if populated.

Alphabetical, 30 characters

Census > People > Identity Information > First Name


Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name


Date of Birth

The student's date of birth.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date


RCDTS Home School

The Region-County-District-Type-School code that uniquely identifies the elementary, middle/junior, or high school the student attends or would attend if not placed/transferred to another school/program to receive needed services.

When the Home School field is populated, that value and the Home District value is concatenated.

  • When the Home School field is blank but the Home District field is populated, the Home District reports and is concatenated with the School of Enrollment.
  • When the Home School field is populated but the Home District field is not, the reported value is concatenated with the District Region value.
  • When the Home School and Home District fields are blank, standard RCDTS logic is used.


Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Home School, Home District







RCDTS Serving School

The Region-County-District-Type-School code that uniquely identifies the school/program where a student is being educated.

When the Serving School field is populated, that value and the Serving District value is concatenated.

  • When the Serving School field is blank but the Serving District field is populated, the Serving District reports and is concatenated with the School of Enrollment.
  • When the Serving School field is populated but the Serving District field is not, the reported value is concatenated with the District Region value.
  • When the Serving School and Serving District fields are blank, standard RCDTS logic is used.


System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number, Type, Region Number, County

System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number

Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Serving School, Serving District







School Year

The school year for which the enrollment is applicable.

YYYY, 4 digits

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Calendar > End Date


504 Plan Start Date

Reports the month, day and year on which the 504 Plan began.

A record reports for each enrollment start date aligned to the student.

  • If the student has ended enrollment and re-enrolled by the Effective Date entered on the Report editor.the student is included twice.
  • If the Enrollment Start Date is before the 504 Plan Start Date, the 504 Plan Start Date reports.
  • If the Enrollment Start Date is after the 504 Plan Start Date, the Enrollment Start Date reports.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Student Information > Program Participation > 504 > Start Date


Student Information > General > Enrollment > Start Date


504 Plan End Date

Reports the month, day and year on which the 504 Plan ended or the student's enrollment was ended. 

The End Date reports from the 504 record when that day is within the calendar school year.

When the student is no longer enrolled and the 504 End Date field is not populated, the enrollment end date reports.

When the Enrollment End Date is not populated, and the 504 End Date is not populated, a blank value reports. 

When the 504 Plan is continuing into the next school year, the 504 Plan Date should equal the Enrollment Exit Date. 

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Student Information > Program Participation > 504 > End Date


Student Information > General > Enrollment > End Date


Delete RecordThis field reports blank. N/A