Master Schedule Report (Virginia) [.2203 - .2239]

Classic View: VA State Reporting > Master Schedule

Search Terms: Master Schedule

The Master Schedule Report includes student, course and staff information.

This report collects data required to satisfy federal assurances for Indicators (b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3) of the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF). In meeting the vast requirements of those indicators, this collection also provides data that was previously collected through Instructional Personnel (IPAL) and Math & Science Course Enrollment (CEDC).

It also includes enrollments for nontraditional students in designated Career and Technical Education classes.

Virginia Master Schedule Report Editor  

Report Logic

  • The Master Schedule Report collects all students scheduled into 20 or more hours of course instruction on or before the Effective Date entered in the report editor when the following requirements are also met:
    • The course must be linked to a State Reported Grading Task or Standard.
    • The student may or may not have a final grade in the course.
    • Courses are reported regardless of whether the student has dropped the course.
    • This report honors State Exclude indications.
    • Students with No Show flagged are not reported.
  • When generating the Fall extract F-Student Record, students report if they are enrolled in the course as of the Effective Date. For courses that are complete as of the Effective Date, students will report in the F record when they have a grade associated with any grading task or standard. For future courses, the student must be scheduled into a section with a teacher. Courses must have SCED data.
  • The Master Schedule's C, D, F, I and J records report course sections/students/teachers when the section start date is AFTER the Master Schedule report generation Effective Date when the Course > Perkins Code is NOT NULL (CTE) or the Course Type is J
  •  The future section must have a teacher or primary teacher associated with it and students must be enrolled in the section for reporting.
  • Teachers that are not active teachers of the course section on the effective date do not report unless they are the last instructor on the course and have not been replaced.
  • The following logic applies when determining the Local Provider ID.
    • The Local Provider ID reports on the student’s record based on the section’s Primary Teacher in the Staff History of the course.
    • The Primary Teacher may have any role code associated with their Section Staff History Record for the course.
    • If there is a Primary Teacher for the section, they report as the Local Provider ID.
    • Teachers that were an active instructor of the course as of the report's effective date are also considered for determining the Local Provider ID.
    • A section staff member or other Teacher (non-Primary teacher) may report as the Local Provider ID if there is no active Primary Teacher as of the report's effective date.
    • Section staff or other Teachers on the section with a Teacher Role of NULL or = O: Other (excluded from reporting) will NOT populate the Local Provider ID.
    • If there is no teacher active as of the report's effective date, the Local Provider ID considers the most recently active Teacher by end date.
    • If there is no Primary Teacher, but multiple section staff/other teachers report first from the most recently active Teacher by End date. If the Teachers have the same dates on the Section Staff history, the person with the lowest Person ID reports first.
  • A second F record is created for the student if a Course section has a Section staff or other Teacher who gives instruction to that specific student and the instructor does not work with the entire roster of the course section.
  • If the teacher/section staff has a role code of 1, 4, 6, 7 then Campus checks to see whether there is a Roster Verification completed for that staff person for the course section.
    • The Roster Verification must have a State Code of 01: MSC - End of Year.
    • The Roster Verification must be certified.
    • The Roster Verification must associate the instructor with at least one student on the roster, but not the entire roster of students (<100%).
    • For each student associated with the staff person via the Roster Verification, if the instruction time is greater than zero, a second F record generates for the student with the Local Provider ID populated from the instructor indicated via the Roster Verification.
    • If the teacher/section staff does not have one of the role codes (1, 4, 6, 7), a second F record does NOT generate for the student for that course section.
    • If a qualifying Roster Verification does not exist, a second F record does NOT generate for the student for that course section.
  • The following collections only report when a Primary teacher is selected on the Section Staff History: C) Course, F) Students, and D) Teachers.

  • STEM Schools report when the School Type (System Administration > Resources > School Type) codes is = STEM.

Record Report Population Logic

The Master Schedule Report includes multiple different data collections. Marking the checkboxes in the extract editor will control which records will be included in the report.




Includes a header record.

When multiple calendars are selected in the same year, only one A record reports.


Includes a record for each teacher in the section into which the student is scheduled. Reports only one record for each teacher, regardless of the number of sections or courses they teach, the number of Credential or employment records, or the number of calendars. License Number is not necessary for a teacher to report.

A record also generates for each staff member with a District Assignment record active on or before the Effective Date that has a Type of 07 or 08. No record reports if the Assignment Code is Null or section Staff History Role is O: Other (excluded from reporting).

B records do NOT report for individuals with a Provider code of 1, 2, 3, or 5 (Census > People > District Assignment > Provider Description).

If Sort by Calendar is selected on the editor, a record reports for each assignment in each calendar.

If Sort by  Record Type is selected on the editor, only one record will report per school.


A single record reports per unique Section ID. If a Course Section is marked as State Exclude, the Course Section does not report.

This collection only reports when a Primary teacher is selected on the Section Staff History.

When the Course is for PK students, the C - Course record and all associated records report even when the course does not have a state reported grading task or standard associated with it.

CTE Course Section

  • CTE Courses are indicated with a Perkins Code (Perkins Code on the course is NOT NULL).
  • A record reports for each qualifying CTE Course Section.
    • A course section will report if it includes at least 1 scheduled, non-excluded student on the roster.
    • For course sections completed or in progress as of the report Effective Date, students actively scheduled in the course at any point during the course section report.
    • For future course sections in the report year, students scheduled to take the course as of the section start date report.

Regular Course Section

  • Regular/non-CTE Courses are indicated by not having a Perkins Code (Perkins Code on the course is NULL).
  • Only regular course sections with at least one State Reporting Grading Task attached report.
  • A record reports when the Course Section has at least 1 scheduled, non-excluded student on the roster.
  • If the Course Section is completed or in progress as of the report Effective Date, only students scheduled for at least 20 hours of instruction as of the report Effective date will report.
  • Future Course Sections do not report.


Includes a record for each teacher in the section into which the student is scheduled. Reports only one record for each Teacher with a License Number in a section and an Active Teacher Role on the Effective Date. If there is no active Teacher as of the Effective date of the report, the next qualifying teacher/ teaching team with the most recent Start Date reports.

No record reports if section Staff History Role is O: Other (excluded from reporting).

This collection only reports when a Primary teacher is selected on the Section Staff History.


Reports a single record for each non-licensed teacher and/or non-administrator of the section into which the student is scheduled.

  • Non-licensed teachers are only reported one time, regardless of the number of sections or courses they teach or the number of calendars.
  • Staff members will report an E record if either License Prefix or License Number is Null.
  • No record reports if section Staff History Role is O: Other (excluded from reporting).
  • If there is no active Teacher as of the Effective Date of the report, the next qualifying teacher/ teaching team with the next most recent Start Date reports. 
  • If the teacher's district assignment records have the same date, data reports from the highest assignment ID. 
  • If multiple calendars are selected and staff has multiple eligible records, a record will generate from the district assignment with the most recent Start Date. If the Start Dates are the same, a record reports from the highest assignment ID. If a single calendar is selected, a record reports for each eligible calendar.

Sections of a Course marked as Course Exclude do not report. To report, the course section must meet one of the following sets of criteria.

CTE Courses (indicated with a Perkins Code)

  • CTE courses must have at least one non-excluded student actively scheduled into the course at any point on or before the Effective Date.
  • In progress and completed sections report based on the report Effective Date.
  • Future CTE course sections in the reporting year can also report based on the section Start Date instead of the report Effective Date.

Regular/Non-CTE Courses (Perkins Code on the course is NULL)

  • In progress and completed sections report based on the report Effective Date.
  • To report, a qualifying Regular course section must have at least one State Reported Grading Task attached and at least one non-excluded student scheduled for at least 20 hours of instruction as of the report Effective date.
  • A record reports for each qualifying person with an active Section Staff record on the section staff history of the course section.


Reports students rostered into non-excluded course sections.

CTE Courses (indicated with a Perkins Code)

  • CTE Course (indicated with a Perkins Code).

Regular/Non-CTE Courses (Perkins Code on the course is NULL)

  • Non CTE courses will report if student is schedule as of Effective Date.  For Regular/Non-CTE Courses (Perkins Code on the course is NULL), a qualifying Regular course section must have at least one State Reported Grading Task attached to report.

Enrollments, Calendar, or Grade Levels marked as State Exclude will not be included in the extract.

This collection only reports when a Primary teacher is selected on the Section Staff History.


Includes a record for each teacher in the section into which the student is scheduled when the teacher has a District Assignment active on or before the extract Effective Date with a Type of 7: Pupil Personnel Service Provider, 8: Administrator, or 10: Other Staff not connected to a section. Reports one record per teacher, per Type, per school, regardless of the number of calendars.

District Assignment Code cannot be blank. 

Staff members that report a G record also report a B record.

If Sort by Calendar is selected on the editor, a record reports for each assignment in each calendar.

If Sort by Record Type is selected on the editor, only one record will report per school.

 I Includes a record for each CTE course, indicated with a Perkins Code.
 J Includes a record for each course with a Type of J.

Reports the Course Sections of the course where the Interdisciplinary Flag (IF) is populated. The (IF) must be populated with the connected Section ID number.

The following fields report this combination of values: D + District Number-School Number-Course Number-Section Number.  See below for more information about how this combination of values is obtained.

Section ID field (field 4)reporting a record for the Course Section with the Interdisciplinary Flag (IF) populated.

Connected Section ID (field 5)reporting the matching course sections that have the Interdisciplinary Flag (IF) populated. These section numbers report for the connected section from the Section ID number.

D + District Number-School Number-Course Number-Section Number

Example D014-1234-123456789-123

ValueReports From...

The default value for the first position is D.

Example D014-1234-123456789-123

District NumberResources > District Info > State District Number with a dash separating this number from the next number (School number)

Example D014-1234-123456789-123

School NumberResources > School > State School Number with a dash separating this number from the next number (Course number)

Example D014-1234-123456789-123 

Course NumberCourse > Number (local number) with a dash separating this number from the next number (Section Number)
Example D014-1234-123456789-123
Section NumberSection > Section Number
Example D014-1234-123456789-123

Generating the Master Schedule

  1. Enter an Effective Date in mmddyyyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date. The report will include students who are scheduled into a course on or before this date for at least 20 hours.
  2. Select the Extract Type to generate, Fall or EOY.

    If you select EOY, the Prior Reporting Date field displays. Enter the same date as the Effective date of the Fall report generation. Doing this captures students who were reported in the Fall reporting period and students who entered after the Fall Effective Date of report generation.

  3. Indicate which Records should be included in the extract by marking the checkboxes.
  4. Select whether you want the report to Sort by Calendar or Record Type.
  5. Indicate the Format in which the extract should generate. Options are CSV, Tab Delimited and HTML.
  6. Indicate which Calendar(s) should be included in the extract.
  7. Select the Generate Report button to generate the extract in the desired format.

Users have the option of submitting a report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process allows larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the  Batch Queue article.

Master Schedule Report Layout

Header Record

A single header record is generated for all combinations of records and for all file types.

Element NameDescriptionLogic
SenderIDThe State District NumberReports from System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number
CreateDateThe system dateSystem Generated
CreateTimeThe system timeSystem Generated
EmailThe sender's email addressReports as Email and must be manually updated
tildeSystem GeneratedReports ~~
DataTypeThe Extract Type selected on the report editorReports MSC _FALL or MSC_EOY
tildeSystem GeneratedReports ~

A Records - Header

Element Name


Record Type

The type of record being generated. 

Reports as A.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Data Collection Name

The system generated name for the data collection.

Reports as MSC_IPAL.

Alphanumeric, 8 characters

File Submission Type

The code that describes the submission.

Reports based on the Extract Type selected: 1 for Fall and 3 for End of Year.

Numeric, 1 digit

Beginning School Year

The start year of the reported calendar.

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > School Years > Start Year

Date field, 4 digits

Division Number

The state district number.

System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number

Numeric, 3 digits

Section Type

The code describing the data included in the submission.

For example, reports as ADE when records A, D and E are being generated.

Alphabetic, 6 characters

B Records - IPAL

Element Name



Record Type

The type of record being generated. In this case, reports as B.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Not dynamically stored

Local Provider ID

The locally defined identification number that is unique to the individual within the division.

Numeric, 20 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Local Staff Number


License Prefix

The teacher's license prefix.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Census > People > District Employment > License Prefix

employment. licensePrefix

License Number

The teacher's license number.

Alphanumeric, 11 characters

Census > People > District Employment > License Number

employment. licenseNumber


The social security number of the individual. Reports when the Teacher/Administrator License Prefix and Teacher/Administrator License Number are blank.

Numeric, 9 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Soc Sec Number


First Name

The legal first name of the individual. Information reports from the Demographics tool unless the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked. When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the extract editor information reports from Identities > Protected Identity Information. If the legal name fields are blank, name information reports from the Demographics tab.

Alphanumeric, 15 characters

Census > People > Demographics > First Name


Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name


Middle Name

The legal middle name of the individual. Information reports from the Demographics tool unless the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked. When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the extract editor information reports from Identities > Protected Identity Information. If the legal name fields are blank, name information reports from the Demographics tab.

Alphanumeric, 15 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Middle Name


Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Middle Name


Last Name

The legal last name of the individual. Information reports from the Demographics tool unless the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked. When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the extract editor information reports from Identities > Protected Identity Information. If the legal name fields are blank, name information reports from the Demographics tab.

Alphanumeric, 25 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Last Name


Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name 


 Filler 9
Ethnic Flag

Indicates whether the student is of Hispanic/Latino descent.

Alphanumeric Y or N

Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?

Race Ethnicity
The code calculated in the state Race Ethnicity mapped field based on the race or combination of races checked.

Numeric, 2 digits
Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity

Indicates if the student is (M)ale, (F)emale, or N(Non-Binary).

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Census > People > Demographics



The full-time employment percentage of the individual.

The FTE Percent reports in the following format: x.xx. For example, if 100 is entered in the FTE Percent field, 1.00 reports. If 50 is entered in the the FTE Percent field, then .50 reports.

If the FTE Percent field is blank or 0, 0.00 reports.

Decimal, 4 characters

Census > People > District Employment > FTE Percent


Title I Funded

Indicates if any percentage of the individual's position is funded by Title I.

In the District Assignment determining the record, if there is a value other than NULL or 0 in the Title 1 Funding %, Y reports. Otherwise, N reports.

Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N

Census > People > District Assignment > Title I Funding %

employmentAssignment. titleIFundingPercent

High Quality

Indicate if the individual is endorsed as Highly Qualified. Reports the option selected in the HQ Development dropdown list of the District Employment record that is active on the extract Effective Date. If more than one records exist, reports from the one with the most recent Start Date. If null, reports as Y.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Census > People > District Employment > HQ Development

Employment. hqDevelopment

 Filler 16
 Filler 17
 Filler 18
First Year Teacher Flag

The First Year Teacher Flag identifies individuals that have less than one year full-time teaching experience in a public or an accredited non-public school.

Campus finds the District Employment record that has a Start Date on or before the report Effective Date.

 Y reports if the Teaching Start Year date is within the calendar year and the Teaching Years Modifier field is 0 or null.

 N reports if any of the following is true:

  • The Teaching Start Year date is before the calendar year Start Date.
  • The Teaching Start Year date is within the calendar year and the Teaching Years Modifier field is greater than 0.
  • The Teaching Start Year date is null.

Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N

Census > People > District Employment > Start Date

Census > People > District Employment > Teaching Start Year

Division Teaching Experience

The number of years the individual has completed teaching in the current school division. A value reports when the employee has a current or historical district assignment where the Teacher field is marked.

  • When field 19 First Year Teacher Flag  is Y, zero reports.
  • When the First Year Teacher checkbox is not marked, Campus checks the Teacher Start Year Date. 
    • If there is a date, Campus counts all years after the Teacher Start Year Date year (the first year is not included).
    • If there is not a date, Campus totals the district assignments where the Teacher field is marked.
  • Campus counts one for each school year where there is a district assignment and the Teacher field is marked within each School Year date range. The School Year date range is 07/01/yyyy-06/30/yyyy up to the Effective Date of report generation. Campus sums each year and subtracts one from the sum for the total division teaching experience.

Numeric, 2 digits

Census > People > District Assignment > Teacher 

Census > People > District Employment > Teacher Start Year Date

Total Years' Teaching Experience Completed

The total number of years the individual has completed as a teacher in any public, private, or out of state school.

A value reports when the employee has a current or historical district assignment where the Teacher field is marked.

  • When field 19 First Year Teacher Flag  is Y, zero reports.
  • Campus adds the number in the most recent District Employment record > Teaching Modifier field, if populated, to the sum of field 20, Division Teaching Experience. If the Teaching Modifier field is blank, the number in field 20 Division Teaching Experience reports.

Numeric, 2 digits

Census > People > District Employment > Teaching Modifier
Division Administrative Experience

The number of years the individual has completed as an administrator in the current school division. A value reports when the employee has a district assignment type of 08: Administrator.

If the administrator is in the first year of administration or not completed a full year in administration as of October 1 of the current school year, the number zero reports.

  • If the Administrator Start Year Date is populated, Campus adds all the years after the Administrator Start Year Date year (the first year is not included)
  • If the Administrator Start Year Date is not populated, Campus adds the district assignments where the type is 08: Administrator.
  • Campus counts one for each school year where there is a district assignment where type of 08: Administrator within each School Year date range. The School Year date range is 07/01/yyyy-06/30/yyyy up to the Effective Date of report generation. Campus sums each year and subtracts one from the sum for the total division Admin experience.

Numeric, 2 digits

Census > People > District Assignment >Type = 08: Administrator

Census > People > District Employment > Administrator Start Year Date

Total Years' Administrative Experience Completed

The total number of years the individual has completed as an administrator in any public, private, or out of state school. A value reports when the employee has a district assignment type of 08: Administrator.

If the administrator is in the first year of administration or not completed a full year, the number zero reports.

Campus adds the number in the most recent District Employment record > Administrative Year Modifier if populated, to the sum of field 22 Division Administrative Experience. If the Administrative Year Modifier is blank, this field reports the same number a field 22 Division Administrative Experience.

Numeric, 2 digits

Census > People > District Assignment >Type = 08: Administrator

Census > People > District Employment

Division Pupil Personnel Experience

The number of years the individual has completed as pupil personnel in the current school division.

To report, the Staff District Assignment's Type must be 07 Pupil Personnel Service Provider.

If the individual has not completed a full year as pupil personnel as of October 1 of the current school year, the number zero reports.

  • When the Pupil Personnel Start Year Date is populated, Campus counts all years after the Pupil Personnel Start Year Date year (the first year is not included).
  • If the Pupil Personnel Start Year Date is not populated, Campus adds all district assignments where the type is 07: Pupil Personnel.
  • Campus counts one for each school year there is a district assignment where the type is 07: Pupil Personnel within each School Year date range. The School Year date range is 07/01/yyyy-06/30/yyyy up to the Effective Date of report. Campus sums each year and subracts one from the sum for the total.

Numeric, 2 digits

Census > People > District Assignment > Type = 07 : Pupil Personnel Service Provider

Census > People > District Employment > Pupil Personnel Start Year Date

Total Years' Pupil Personnel Experience Completed

The total number of years the individual has completed as pupil personnel in any public, private, or out of state school.

To report, the Staff District Assignment's Type must be 07 Pupil Personnel Service Provider.

If the individual has not completed a full year as pupil personnel as of October 1 of the current school year, the number zero reports.

Campus adds the number in the most recent District Employment record > Pupil Personnel Year Modifier, if populated, to the sum of field 24 Division Pupil Personnel Experience. If the Pupil Personnel Year Modifier is blank, this field reports the same number a field 24  Division Pupil Personnel Experience.
Numeric, 2 digits

Census > People > District Assignment > Type = 07 : Pupil Personnel Service Provider

Census > People > District Employment > Pupil Personnel Year Modifier

Filler 26, 27N/AN/A

C Records - Courses

Element Name



Record Type

The type of record being generated. In this case, reports as C.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Not dynamically stored

Section ID

The locally defined number that identifies the section.

The ID reports using the following combination:

D + District Number - School Number - Course Number - Section Number.



Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Resources > District Info > State District Number

Resources > School > State School Number

Course > Number (local number)

Scheduling > Courses > Section > Section ID

Serving Division

The state-assigned Division number that identifies the division, center or agency that provided the course.

The Serving Division reports from the Serving Division-School field on the section if it is populated. If it is not populated, Campus checks the Serving Division-School on the Course.

If both Course and Section are blank, Serving Division reports from the State District where the course occurs.

Numeric, 3 digits

Scheduling > Courses > Sections > Serving Division-School

Scheduling > Courses > Serving Division-School


System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number


Serving School

The state-assigned School number that identifies the school, center, program or placement that provided the course.

The Serving School reports from the Serving Division-School field on the section if it is populated.  If it is not populated, Campus checks the Serving Division-School on the Course.

If both Course and Section are blank, ServingSchool reports from the School Numbers where the course occurs.

Numeric, 4 digits

Scheduling > Courses > Section > Serving Division-School

Scheduling > Courses > Serving Division-School



System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number



The SCED Code is the NCES-assigned number that represents a course by its SCED Subject Area immediately followed by its SCED Course Identifier.

For example, Grade 3 Reading would be reported as 1043 when then SCED Subject Area = 01 and SCED Course Identifier = 043.

Numeric, 5 digits
Scheduling > Courses > Course > NCES Data > SCED Subject Area



Scheduling > Courses > Course > NCES Data > SCED Course Identifier


 Filler  N/AN/A
SCED Course LevelThis code conveys the level of rigor of the course.
Alphanumeric, 1 character
Scheduling > Courses > Course > NCES Data > SCED Course Level


SCED Sequence

The code describing how the school systems may "break up" increasingly difficult or more complex information. Currently, values of 1 and 1 are hard-coded.

This element reports blank for CTE courses.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Scheduling > Courses > Course > NCES Data > SCED Sequence


VA Extended DescriptionThe VA Extended Description is used to distinguish between two or more classes within the same SCED Course Code where the SCED does delineate.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters
Scheduling > Course > VA Extended Description

Associated SOL Test Code

This field reports what, if any, SOL test will be administered to students enrolled in this course.

An assessment code reports in this field only when the Assessment > End Date is blank, on, or after the report generation's Effective Date. If the End Date is before the Effective Date, an assessment code does not report.

If multiple state coded assessments are attached to the course on the Course Assessment tab, the reporting value of the two assessments are concatenated with the smaller value first. Only the following assessment combinations report. All other combinations are invalid.

  • 120122: Algebra I/Algebra II
  • 120121: Algebra I/Geometry
  • 161162: Biology/Chemistry
  • 160161: Earth Science/Biology
  • 160162: Earth Science/Chemistry
  • 109112: End Of Course English: Reading and End Of Course English: Writing
  • 121122: Geometry/Algebra II
  • 81088111: Grade 8 English: Reading and Grade 8 English: Writing
  • 8228 Grade 8 Mathematics (2016) paper
  • 8238 Grade 8 Mathematics (2016) CAT

Otherwise, this field reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 8 characters

Scheduling > Courses > Assessment 

Scheduling > Courses > Assessment > End Date




Local Course Code

The locally-assigned course code.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Number


Local Course Title

The locally-defined name of the course.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Name

SemesterReports the Term field on the Section tab. If blank, reports the Term field from the Course tab. Otherwise reports as blank.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Scheduling > Courses > Section > Term; Course > Term
Minutes Per CourseCalculates the total number of minutes that the section is taught. Only reports if the course has a Perkins Code.

Numeric, 5 digits
Scheduling > Courses > Section > Schedule Placement and System Administration > Calendar > Calendar Days

The code that identifies a course with curriculum and delivery that is provided by an approved Multi-division Online Provider.

  • 3 Apex
  • 4 BYU Independent Study
  • 5 Chesterfield County Public Schools - CCPS Online
  • 7 Pearson
  • 8 EdOptions Academy

Alphanumeric, 2 digits
Course > MOP ID

Interdisciplinary FlagReports Y when the Section > Interdisciplinary Connected Section is populated.

Reports Y for the section reporting that is populated in the Interdisciplinary Connected Section on another section. This section does not need the Interdisciplinary Connected Section populated.

Otherwise, N reports.
Alphanumeric Y or N
Scheduling > Courses > Course > Sections > Interdisciplinary Connected Section

 Filler N/AN/A

D Records - Teachers

Teachers do not need a License Prefix or License Number to report.

Element Name



Record Type

The type of record being generated. In this case, reports as D.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Not dynamically stored

Section ID

The locally defined number that identifies the section.

The ID reports using the following combination:

D + District Number - School Number - Course Number - Section Number.



Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Resources > District Info > State District Number

Resources > School > State School Number

Course > Number (local number)

Scheduling > Courses > Section > Section ID

Serving District

The state-assigned Division number that identifies the division, center or agency that provided the course.

The Serving Division reports from the Serving Division-School field on the section if it is populated. If it is not populated, Campus checks the Serving Division-School on the Course.

If both Course and Section are blank, Serving Division reports from the State District where the course occurs.

Numeric, 3 digits

Scheduling > Courses > Section > Serving Division-School

Scheduling > Courses > Serving Division-School


System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number


Serving School

The state-assigned School number that identifies the school, center, program or placement that provided the course.

The Serving School reports from the Serving Division-School field on the section if it is populated.  If it is not populated, Campus checks the Serving Division-School on the Course.

If both Course and Section are blank, ServingSchool reports from the School Numbers where the course occurs.

Numeric, 4 digits

Scheduling > Courses > Section > Serving Division-School

Scheduling > Courses > Serving Division-School


System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number


License Prefix

The teacher's license prefix.

Alphanumeric, 9 characters

Census > People > District Employment > License Prefix

employment. licensePrefix

License Number

The teacher's license number.

Alphanumeric, 11 characters

Census > People > District Employment > License Number

employment. licenseNumber

Local Provider ID

The locally defined identification number that is unique to the individual within the division.

Numeric, 20 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Local Staff Number


Teacher Role Code

A code describing the teacher's role in the section.

Numeric, 1 digit

Scheduling > Courses > Section > Role


Defined Class Type

The type of special education needs served in the course. Reports the value selected in the Section Editor first; if that value is Null, reports from the Course tab. Where a Defined Class Type is set, only teachers whose District Assignment is in the school being report and has the Special Ed checkbox marked will report.

Numeric, 4 digits

Scheduling > Courses > Section > Defined Class Type OR Scheduling > Courses > Course


 Filler N/AN/A

E Records - Other Providers

 Teachers with a Role Code of O: Other are excluded.

Element Name



Record Type

The type of record being generated. In this case, reports as E.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Not dynamically stored

Local Provider ID

The locally defined identification number that is unique to the individual within the division.

Numeric, 20 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Local Staff Number


Provider Name

The name of a specific private schools, contracting company or unlicensed individual who serves as the other provider.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Census > People > Demographics > First and Last Name


Provider Description

The description of services provided.

This field reports from the calendar associated district assignment. If the record does not have a Provider Description, this field reports 7.

Numeric, 1 digit

Census > People > Employment Assignment > Provider Description

employmentAssignment. alternateType

F Records - Students

Element Name



Record Type

The type of record being generated. In this case, reports as F.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Not dynamically stored

Section ID

The locally defined number that identifies the section.

The ID reports using the following combination:

D + District Number - School Number - Course Number - Section Number.



Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Resources > District Info > State District Number

Resources > School > State School Number

Course > Number (local number)

Scheduling > Courses > Section > Section ID

Local Provider ID

The locally defined identification number of the Primary Teacher that is unique to the individual within the division.

The Local Staff Number for the section's teacher as of the Effective Date reports.

  • If the teacher has a role code of O:Other (excluded from reporting), they do not report.
  • If there is no active teacher on the Effective Date, the Teacher with the next most recent Start Date reports.
  • If the teachers have the same dates on the Section Staff history, the person with the lowest Person ID reports.
  • Otherwise, this field reports blank.

Teachers whose Teacher Role field is NOT NULL always report a record for the student if they are the Primary Teacher.

Campus creates a second F record for the student if a Course section has a Section staff or other Teacher who gives instruction to that specific student and the instructor does not work with the entire roster of the course section.

  • If the teacher/section staff has a role code of 1, 4, 6, or 7, Campus checks to see whether there is a Roster Verification completed for that staff person for the course section. If the teacher/section staff does not have one of the above role codes, a second F record will NOT generate for the student for that course section.

  • The Roster Verification must have a State Code of 01: MSC - End of Year, must be certified, and  must associate the instructor with at least one (1) student on the roster, but not the entire roster of students (<100%).

  • For each student associated with the staff person via the Roster Verification, if the Instruction Time is greater than zero (> 0) / Not NULL, a second F record will generate for the student with the Local Provider ID populated from the instructor indicated via the Roster Verification.

Numeric, 20 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Local Staff Number


State Testing ID

The unique identification number assigned to the student and maintained by the state.

Numeric, 10 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID


Local Student ID

The unique identification number assigned to the student and maintained by the division or district.

Numeric, 4 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number


Final Grade

The State Score of the most recent or final grade for the student in the section. Reports as blank if there is no grade to report.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Student Information > General > Grades

Virtual Course

Indicates if the course was administered via virtual means, such as an online course or a course taken via satellite between schools. Reports first from the Online Course Override field on the Section, then from the Online Course field for the course.

  • If the Section > Online Course (Override) is blank, the value reports from Course > Online Course.
  • If the Course > Online Course is blank, code 3 reports when the student was in any blended learning group that put them in a seat during the school year at any time from the first instructional day to the effective date of report generation.
  • When Section and Course Online dropdown lists are blank and the student does not meet requirements for reporting code 3, code 4 reports when the student's Digital Equity tab's Parental Remote Learning Decision = Yes, Remote Learning Only and Internet Access for Remote Learning = 4, 5 or 6, as of the Effective Date of report generation. The End Date can be blank, on, or after the report generation Effective Date.
  • When the student does not match any of the previous requirements, 3 reports.

Numeric, 1 digit

Scheduling > Courses > Section > Online Course Override; Course > Online Course


Dual Enrollment

Indicates if the course was taken as a dual enrollment course.

Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Dual Enrollment


Work Based Learning

The Instructional Setting of the section.

Reports the code selected in the Instructional Setting field.

If the Course > Type is CO: Co-op Course, 1 reports.

If the Course Type is not Co: Co-op, Campus checks the Roster Batch Edit > Instructional Setting field first. If the Instructional Setting field is null, then Campus will check the Section > Instructional Setting field.

1Cooperative Education
2Registered Apprenticeship
5Job Shadowing
6Service Learning
7Clinical Experience
9Youth Registered Apprenticeship
11School-Based Enterprise

Numeric, 1 digit

Scheduling > Courses > Section > Instructional Setting

Scheduling > Courses > Section > Roster Batch Edit

Section.instructional Setting

Governor's Academy Code
Reports S when the School Type is code = STEM.N/A
Responsible Division

The left leading 3 digits in front of the dash from the Responsible Division/School dropdown list. This value reports when the student is enrolled in any school where the District Information Detail Type is RC.

Otherwise, this field reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters
Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting > Responsible Division-School

Credit Awarded FlagIndicates whether credit was earned. Reports Y when the associated course has a transcript entry where Credit Earned is greater than 0. If there is no transcript entry, N reports.
N also reports when a student has a passing transcript entry for a course where the Credit Type on the state reported Grading Task used for reporting has a State Code = NC on the associated Credit Group.

Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N

 Filler N/AN/A

G Records - Administrators

Reports records for staff members who have a District Assignment record on or before the Effective Date of the report in the year being reported with a Type of 7: Pupil Personnel Service or 8: Administrator.

Element Name



Record Type

The type of record being generated. In this case, reports as G.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Not dynamically stored

Local Provider ID

The locally defined identification number that is unique to the individual within the division.

Numeric, 20 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Local Staff Number


Serving Division

The state-assigned Division number that identifies the division, center or agency that provided the course.

Numeric, 3 digits

System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number


Serving School

The state-assigned School number that identifies the school, center, program or placement that provided the course.

Numeric, 4 digits

System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number


License Prefix

The teacher's license prefix.

Alphanumeric, 9 characters

Census > People > District Employment > License Prefix


License Number

The teacher's license number.

Alphanumeric, 11 characters

Census > People > District Employment > License Number


Teacher Role Code

A code describing the administrator's role. Reports as one digit; if the value is zero filled, reports the right most digit.

Numeric, 1 digit

Census > People > District Assignment


VA State Assignment Code

The code assigned to the course by the state.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Census > People > District Assignment

EmploymentAssignment. assignmentCode

  Filler  N/AN/A
  Filler  N/AN/A
First Year Administrator Flag

Identifies whether an individual has less than one year full-time experience in their current role in a public or an accredited non-public school.

Reports from the District Employment record that has a Start Date on or before the report Effective Date. If the Administrator Start Date is within the calendar year for which the report is being run, Y reports. Otherwise, reports.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Census > People > District Employment
  Filler N/AN/A

I Records - Connection Record



Type, Format and Length

Interface Location

Record Type

The type of record being generated. In this case, reports as I.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Not dynamically stored

Serving Division

The state-assigned Division number that identifies the division, center or agency that provided the course.

The Serving Division reports from the Serving Division-School field on the section if it is populated. If it is not populated, Campus checks the Serving Division-School on the Course.

If both Course and Section are blank, Serving Division reports from the State District where the course occurs.

Numeric, 3 digits

Scheduling > Courses > Section > Serving Division-School


Serving School

The state-assigned School number that identifies the school, center, program or placement that provided the course.

The Serving School reports from the Serving Division-School field on the section if it is populated.  If it is not populated, Campus checks the Serving Division-School on the Course.

If both Course and Section are blank, ServingSchool reports from the School Numbers where the course occurs.

Numeric, 4 digits

Scheduling > Courses > Section > Serving Division-School


Section ID

Reports the locally-defined number that identifies a particular section of a course. When coupled with the division and school, Section ID creates a unique identifier for the section.

If the Connected Section field is populated for a section, the Connected Section ID reports.

  • When the Connected Section data begins with an alpha character,  the Connected Section ID reports as is.
  • When the Connected Section data begins with a number, the Connected Section ID looks to the section with a matching Section ID and reports as follows:
    D - State District Number - State School Number - Course Number - Section Number (Section Number of matching Section ID)

If there are no matching Section IDs, reports the Connected Section ID number (Scheduling > Courses > Section).

Alphanumeric, 30 characters
Scheduling > Courses > Section > Section ID


Connected Section ID

The locally defined number that identifies the section.

The ID reports using the following combination:

D + District Number - School Number - Course Number - Section Number.



Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Resources > District Info > State District Number

Resources > School > State School Number

Course > Number (local number)

Scheduling > Courses > Section > Section ID

J Records - Co-op



Interface Location

Record Type

The type of record being generated. In this case, reports as J.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Not dynamically stored

Serving Division

The state-assigned Division number that identifies the division, center or agency that provided the course.

The Serving Division reports from the Serving Division-School field on the section if it is populated. If it is not populated, Campus checks the Serving Division-School on the Course.

If both Course and Section are blank, Serving Division reports from the State District where the course occurs.

Numeric, 3 digits

Scheduling > Courses > Section > Serving Division-School

Scheduling > Courses > Serving Division-School


System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number


Serving School

The state-assigned School number that identifies the school, center, program or placement that provided the course.

The Serving School reports from the Serving Division-School field on the section if it is populated.  If it is not populated, Campus checks the Serving Division-School on the Course.

If both Course and Section are blank, ServingSchool reports from the School Numbers where the course occurs.

Numeric, 4 digits

Scheduling > Courses > Section > Serving Division-School

Scheduling > Courses > Serving Division-School


System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number


Local Provider ID

Reports the locally-defined identification number that is unique within the division.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Local Staff Number


Number of Students in Co-op ProgramThe number of Co-op students overseen by the local provider during the school year. If the course has a Type of J, reports the number of students scheduled into the course.

Numeric, 2 digits
If Scheduling > Courses > Course > Type: CO, calculates from Scheduling > Courses > Roster
Avg. # of MinutesThe average number of minutes a teacher is working with Co-op students.

Numeric, 3 digits
If Scheduling > Courses > Course > Type: CO, calculates from Scheduling > Courses > Section > Section Placement and System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Days

K Records - Interdisciplinary Connection

ElementsDescriptionCampus Location
Record Type

The type of record being generated. In this case, reports as K.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Not dynamically stored
Serving Division 

The state-assigned Division number that identifies the division, center or agency.

Numeric, 3 digits

Scheduling > Course> Section > Serving Division-School


Sys Admin > Resources > District Information > State District Number


Serving School

The state-assigned School number that identifies the school, center, program or placement.

Numeric, 4 digits

Scheduling > Course> Section > Serving Division-School


Sys Admin > Resources > School > State School Number


Section ID

Reports the locally-defined number that identifies a particular section of a course. When coupled with the division and school, Section ID creates a unique identifier for the section.

  • The Section ID reports with the following combination:  D + District Number-School Number-Course Number-Section Number Example: D014-1234-123456789-123

  • When reporting the record for the section with the Interdisciplinary Connected Section textbox populated, Campus reports the SectionID of that section.
  • When reporting the record for the section with the matching SectionID from the Interdisciplinary Connected Section textbox, Campus reports the SectionID of the matching section.
Alphanumeric, 30 characters
Scheduling > Courses > Section > Section ID

Connected Section IDA locally defined number that identifies a particular section of a course. When coupled with the division and school, Section ID creates a unique identifier for the section.
  • When the Interdisciplinary Connected Section data begins with a letter, Campus reports Interdisciplinary section data as is.
  • When the Interdisciplinary Connected Section data begins with a number, Campus reports the Interdisciplinary section data with the same combination as the Section ID logic but uses the Interdisciplinary Connected Section as the Section ID :  D + District Number-School Number-Course Number-Interdisciplinary Section.
  • When reporting the record for the section with Interdisciplinary Connected Section textbox populated, Campus reports from the Interdisciplinary Connected Section textbox on the section/the matching section's ID.
  • When reporting the record for the section with the matching SectionID from the Interdisciplinary Connected Section textbox, Campus reports the SectionID of the section where the matching Interdisciplinary Connected Section textbox is populated
Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Scheduling > Courses > Section > Interdisciplinary Connected Section 


Scheduling > Courses > Section > Section ID of section where Interdisciplinary Connected Section text box is populated


Footer Records

Element Name


Type, Format and Length

Total RecordsThe total number of records in the entire file. Numeric