Classic View: MO State Reporting > MOSIS Extracts > Pre-Code File
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The Pre-code File is used for the End-of-Course Exception Report, MAP, MAP-A, LEP/ELL and PRSFN Assessments and is collected six times during the year (due dates are listed in the table below).
Pre-code File Extracts Editor
Report Due Dates
Assessment | Grades | Due Date |
End-of-Course (EOC) Fall | Grades 9-12 | October 8 |
End-of-Course (EOC) Spring | Grades 9-12 | January 21 |
End-of-Course (EOC) Summer | Grades 9-12 | September 9 |
MAP Spring | Grades 3-8 | January 21 |
LEP/ELL (WIDA) Spring | Grades Kindergarten-12 | November 12 |
End-of-Course (EOC) Exception | Grade 12 | March 3 |
Personal Finance Spring | May 25 | |
Personal Finance Summer | August 31 | |
Personal Finance Fall | January 25 |
Based on the selected assessment type, the state creates a report showing all assessments taken by a student for students marked as enrolled on the third Wednesday of September or last Wednesday in January (Count dates in MOSIS Student Core - October and February report submissions). Districts can download this tab delimited file, made available so it can be merged into local systems for analysis.
If a student has not participated, districts have three options:
- Enroll the student in the spring administration of the assessment.
- Report to the DOE those students who had prior accountability fulfillment.
- Not respond and accept the Level Not Determined (LND) for the student. (No points awarded if LND is >= 5%.)
Reporting Logic for the Subject Field
There are two possible ways to set up data to populate the Subject field.
- Option 1: Map the state codes to the selections on the Subject dropdown list on the Assessment Test Detail.
- Option 2: Return the user-entered state code from the Dictionary Detail.
Option 1
For each test, select the appropriate Subject for the test, as defined in the table below.
Test Detail Subject Entry | State Code Returned in Extract |
Comm Arts | ENGL12 |
Math | ALGEB1 |
Science | BIOLO1 |
SocialStud | AMGOV1 |
Option 2
Enter the State Code on the Dictionary item for the Test Type in the Custom Attribute Dictionary.
Extract Layouts
The following extract layouts display dependent on the assessment type chosen.