New Articles

  1. How-To

    Getting Started asedfasdfdasfdsafdsaf afdfdsafdsfdsafasdf asdfdsfsadfdsafdsafsadfasdf asfdsfasdfsdaf asfdasfdasfdf asdfadfad How-To asedfasdfdasfdsafdsaf afdfdsafdsfdsafasdf asdfdsfsadfdsafdsafsadfasdf asfdsfasdfsdaf a...
  2. User Management - TEST

    Getting Started - Overview of the User Management tools ( Explanation ) - Links to basic articles/videos for new people (if there are any) How To's and Tutorials Would it be worth the time and effort to maintain a list of article links for a s...
  3. Food Service Diataxis Mockup

    Campus Food Service manages cafeteria transactions and the related back office and payment functionality. End User Tutorials If you're a cashier or someone adding money  or entering transactions on a patron's account, these are designed for...
  4. SME Requests and Rosters

  5. SME test Requests and Rosters

    This page is IN PROGRESS SIS-168858 LCP-57297 NEW 2411 Tool Search: Requests & Rosters Requests and Rosters is a task-based tool that provides the scheduling team (counselors, administrators, etc.) a way to manage student requests and sect...
  6. Wisconsin Ed-Fi

    This article describes all things Arizona Ed-Fi including setup, configuration, resource information, resource preferences, and related tooling.  Setup and Configuration Arizona Ed-Fi Checklist Set Ed-Fi Resource Preferences Gifted and...
  7. Vermont Ed-Fi

    This article describes all things Arizona Ed-Fi including setup, configuration, resource information, resource preferences, and related tooling.  Setup and Configuration Arizona Ed-Fi Checklist Set Ed-Fi Resource Preferences Gifted and...
  8. Texas Ed-Fi

    This article describes all things Arizona Ed-Fi including setup, configuration, resource information, resource preferences, and related tooling.  Setup and Configuration Arizona Ed-Fi Checklist Set Ed-Fi Resource Preferences Gifted and...
  9. Tennessee Ed-Fi

    This article describes all things Arizona Ed-Fi including setup, configuration, resource information, resource preferences, and related tooling.  Setup and Configuration Arizona Ed-Fi Checklist Set Ed-Fi Resource Preferences Gifted and...
  10. New Mexico Ed-Fi

    This article describes all things Arizona Ed-Fi including setup, configuration, resource information, resource preferences, and related tooling.  Setup and Configuration Arizona Ed-Fi Checklist Set Ed-Fi Resource Preferences Gifted and...