New Articles

  1. School Store Summary Report

    Classic View:  School Store > Reports > Summary  Search Terms : Summary This report provides a summary of the items that were purchased on a specific day and is useful if you would like to send this information via email to specific staff...
  2. Summary

  3. Sales - Video

    The School Store Sales report provides a list of sales activity for all school stores within the district. KxTcBsyp Previous Versions Sales - Video [.2024 - .2036] ...
  4. Sales

    Classic View:  School Store > Reports > Sales Search Terms : Sales The Sales Report provides a comprehensive record of sales activity across all of your district's stores. You can limit report results to a specific school by selecting the sc...
  5. Sales

  6. Orders Report - Video

    The Orders Report in Campus School Store can be used to create a report or file extract of orders placed for particular items. KxTcBsyp ...
  7. Orders Report

    Classic View:  School Store > Reports > Orders Search Terms : Orders This report provides detailed information about purchases made in the School Store. The Orders Report also includes people who have pre-ordered meals through the School ...
  8. Orders

  9. Pick List - Video

    The Pick List report provides a comprehensive list of purchased items that tracks whether items have been picked up. KxTcBsyp ...
  10. Pick List

    Classic View:  School Store > Reports > Pick List Search Terms : Pick List The Pick List report provides a comprehensive list of purchased items. Use the Start Date and End Date fields to narrow report results. When an item is picked up, m...