Popular Articles

  1. Account Security Preferences

    Information on setting Account Security Preferences within Campus.
  2. Send general class messages to selected students and/or guardians in a section - Video

    The Message Center in Campus Instruction allows teachers to send general class messages to students and guardians. This video demonstrates how to send general class messages in the Message Center.
  3. Optional Payments

    This article provides information for district staff that need to make optional payments.
  4. Attendance Register Report

    This article describes using the Attendance Register report, which generates a summary of attendance records for the term.
  5. Copy Scores when Student's Schedule Changes - Video

    The Score Copier tool allows teachers to accept assignment scores for students who have transferred into one of their course sections.
  6. Transcript Post

    This article provides information on using the Transcript Post tool.
  7. Manage Schedule Changes For Selected Student - Video

    The Walk-in Scheduler is used to view, complete and make changes to an individual student's schedule.
  8. District Assignments

    This document provides information on District Assignments.
  9. Pass-Through SQL Query

    Provides information on using the Pass-Through SQL Query tool.
  10. Mailing Labels Report

    This article provides information on generating the Mailing Labels Report.