

Curriculum List - Video [2207 - 2223]
In this video, you will learn how teachers can use the List to view and modify all curriculum items for their course sections.
Creating and Using Student Groups - Simulation [.2036 - .2136]
In this simulation, the user will learn how to create student groups within a course section.
Assign students to lockers - Simulation [.2124 - .2223]
In this simulation, the user will learn how to assign lockers to students in Campus Instruction.
Post grades and standard scores - Simulation [.2124 - .2231]
The Grade Book within Campus Instruction can be used by teachers to post grades and comments for grading tasks and/or standards. In this lesson, an elementary school teacher and a high school teacher needs to post student grades.
Curriculum List (Planner) - Video [2207 - 2223]
In this video, you will learn how teachers can use the List to view and modify all curriculum items for their course sections.
Configure Progress Monitor settings and filters - Simulation [.2124 - .2227]
Using display preferences, filters, and highlights, the Progress Monitor can be used to review student progress in standards-based classrooms. In this lesson, a teacher would like to configure their display settings and review student progress.
Determine grade calculations for a course section via Progress Monitor Settings - Simulation [.2124 - .2227]
Grade Calc Options allow teachers to determine how assignments and categories contribute to a student’s grade. In this lesson, a teacher needs to define grade calculations from Progress Monitor settings.
Roster Report - Simulation [.2124 - .2215]
In this simulation, the user will learn how to generate documents related to a single student and a course section roster.
Enter scores, flags, and comments in Progress Monitor - Simulation [.2124 - .2227]
Using the Progress Report, teachers can enter scores, flags, and comments for each standards-aligned assignment. In this lesson, a teacher needs to use the Progress Monitor to enter scores, flags, and comments for a recent assignment.
Curriculum List (Progress Monitor) - Video [2203 - 2207]
In this video, you will learn how teachers can use the List to view and modify all curriculum items for their course sections.
Assignment Marks (Instruction) - Simulation [.2016 - .2052]
This lesson shows how to create a custom set of assignment marks for use in scoring assignments.
Account Settings (Instruction) - Video [.2032 - .2052]
The Account Settings tool allows users to set account preferences for Campus Instruction. This video demonstrates how to manage preferences for Campus Instruction.
Grade Book Scores Outside of Roster Dates - Video [.2144 - .2148]
From the Grade Book, teachers can distinguish scores that land outside of a student's roster range by viewing a visual indicator. In this video, you will learn how to use this indicator to help clean up and delete scores for students no longer enrolled in your course section.
Creating Resources - Video [.2124 - .2203]
Using Resources, teachers can provide students and parents additional content related to their course. In this video you will learn how to share curricular content with students assigned to your course sections.
Roster Report - Video [.2124 - .2215]
The Roster lists all students scheduled into the section selected. The Roster can be printed for use outside of Campus. This video demonstrates how to print individual student and section specific roster information.
Control Center - Video [.2128 - .2223]
The Control Center is used by teachers to view current tasks at-a-glance. This video demonstrates how to record student attendance, enter assignment scores, and answer student questions.
Curriculum Copier - Video [.2104 - .2223]
Teachers can use the Curriculum Copier within the Grade Book to copy curriculum between any sections they teach. In this lesson, a teacher needs to use the Curriculum Copier to copy a unit, lesson plan, and aligned assignments.
Create Engagement Check-Ins - Video [.2124 - .2223]
Teachers can use the Engagement Check-In tool to gauge students well-being and level of engagement in class. In this video, you will learn how to create an engagement check-in and review student responses.
Assignments & Resources [.2124 - .2227]
This article describes adding assignments from various places in Campus Instruction, including a description of assignment fields.
The Basics: Grade Book [.2124 - .2227]
This article provides an overview of the Campus Grade Book.
Curriculum List [.2207 - .2227]
This article describes the Curriculum List, which can be used to view curriculum hierarchies and make basic updates.
Progress Monitor [.2124 - .2227]
This article describes using the Progress Monitor in Campus Instruction to assign learning objects to students and review their work and progress.
Creating Assignments (Progress Monitor) - Video [.2124 - .2227]
From many places within Campus Instruction, teachers can quickly create new assignments using the assignment editor. The assignment editor is the same in all locations. In this video, a teacher will create a new assignment for one of their course sections.
Multi-Post Grades [.2124 - .2227]
The Multi-Post Grades tool allows teachers to post grades for multiple tasks or standards at the same time. Grades are sourced from the In-Progress grades area of the Grade Book. This tool can save time for teachers who have to post grades often...
Post Grades (By Task or Student) [.2124 - .2227]
This article describes using the Post Grades tool to post grades by student or by task.
Scoring Assignments (Progress Monitor) - Video [.2124 - 2227]
Learn how to enter Scores, Flags, and Comments in the Progress Monitor.
Configure Progress Monitor settings and filters - Video [.2124 - .2227]
Using display preferences, filters, and highlights, the Progress Monitor Settings can be used to review student progress in standards-based classrooms.
Create Assignments (Grade Book) - Video [.2116 - .2227]
From many places within Campus Instruction, teachers can quickly create new assignments using the assignment editor. The assignment editor is the same in all locations. In this video, a teacher will create a new assignment in the Grade Book for one of their course sections.
Enter scores, flags, and comments in the Grade Book - Video [.2152 - .2227]
The Grade Book allows teachers to enter scores, flags, and comments for an assignment. This video demonstrates how to enter scores, flags, and comments in the Grade Book.
Lockers (Instruction) - Video [.2124 - .2223]
The Lockers tool is used to assign lockers besides standard lockers, such as music lockers or lab lockers, to students. This video demonstrates how teachers can assign lockers to students.
Scoring Assignments (Progress Monitor) - Video [.2231 - .2235]
From the Progress Monitor, teachers can quickly enter assignment scores, flags, and comments and review student proficiency. In this video, you will learn how teachers can score assignments using the Progress Monitor.