Behavior Resolution Report [.2124 - .2211]

Classic View: Behavior > Reports > Resolution

Search Terms: Resolution, Resolution Report, Behavior Resolution Report

The Behavior Resolution Report lists students who have resolutions assigned. The report can be generated in one of two ways: the Summary option will only list the number of resolutions for each students, whereas the Detail option will list the details of each resolution. Sort options are also available to customize how information will appear in the report.

Behavior Resolution Report

Behavior Event Types are created in the Behavior Admin area, and resolutions are assigned to participants in the Management Tool and the student Behavior tab.

Report Editor Fields

The following table describes the options available for generating the Resolution Report and how those options will affect the generated report.



Which students would you like to include in the report?

Select students for inclusion in the report by choosing Grade Levels or an Ad hoc Filter.

  • When selecting grade levels, report results are limited to students actively enrolled in the selected grade level.
  • When selecting an ad hoc filter, report results are limited to students included in the selected filter.
Which calendars would you like to include in the report?At least one calendar needs to be selected in order for the report to generate. Choose calendars by the active year, by school name or by year.

No Date Range Specified

When this option is selected, all behavior resolutions assigned at any time during the school year are included in the report.

Filter By Resolution Assign Date

When this option is selected, only behavior resolutions assigned during the entered Date Range are included in the report.

Filter By Resolution Start Date

When this option is selected, only behavior resolutions starting on the entered Date Range are included in the report.

Display Options

These options appear based on the setting established in the Preferences  tool.

  • Race/Ethnicity - lists the race/ethnicity for each participant
  • Gender - lists the gender of each participant  as Male, Female or Other (non-Male, non-Female). Other Gender is only included when a state has chosen to include additional gender option(s).
  • Special Ed - reports a Y or N based on whether the participant has an active and locked IEP at the time of the resolution.

Resolution Types

Filters the report results to only resolutions of the selected type (Award or Discipline). Or, select All to include both resolution types.

Report Type

Indicates whether a Summary Report generates (includes a list of students and the resolutions to their behavior incidents) or if a Detail Report generates (includes the details of each resolution, student data, event and resolution types).

See the images below for examples of each type.

Sort Options

Determines how the report information sorts:

  • Number of resolutions (descending) - Sorts students by resolution count, beginning with students who have the the most resolutions.
  • Student Name - Sorts students alphabetically by last name.
  • Grade and Name - Sorts students first by grade level, then by last name.
  • Grade and Number of Resolutions (descending) - Sorts students first by grade level, then by resolution count, beginning with students who have the most resolutions.

Report Format

Indicates how the report generates - in PDF, CSV or DOCX formats.

Generate the Behavior Resolution Report

  1. Indicate which students should be included in the report by selecting Grade or Ad hoc Filter.
  2. Select the Calendar(s) that should be included in the report.
  3. Select a Date Range Option.
  4. Select the desired Display Options.
  5. Select which Resolution Type(s) should be included in the report.
  6. Select the desired Report Type.
  7. Select the desired Sort Option.
  8. Select the desired Report Format.
  9. Click the Generate Report button. The report generates in the selected format.

Summary Report Type, All Resolutions, No Date Range, Sorted by Number of Resolutions-  PDF Format

Detail Report Type - All Resolutions, Filtered by Resolution Assignment Date, All Display Options, Sorted by Student Name - CSV Format

Detail Report Type - Filtered by Resolution Start Date, Race/Ethnicity Display, All Resolutions Types, Sorted by Grade and Name - DOCX Format

Demerits Calculation

One behavior event, one resolutionDemerits report for the one behavior event.
One behavior event, more than one resolutionDemerits report for the one behavior event. The number of resolutions associated with the behavior event does not matter.
More than one behavior event where each event has demerits and each event has a resolutionDemerits report for each unique behavior event and accumulate for each unique behavior event.
More than one behavior event where one or more events have one or more demerits, and each event has a resolutionDemerits are added together for each unique behavior event and accumulate for each unique behavior event, whether the value is a positive value, a negative value or a zero.
More than one behavior event where one or more events have one or more demerits, and one or more have multiple behavior resolutionsDemerits are added for each unique behavior event and accumulate for the each unique behavior event whether the value is a positive value, a negative value or a zero. The demerits value does not vary based on the number of resolutions associated with an event.