

Add A Behavior Resolution - [.2124 - .2215] - Video
The Behavior Management tool allows users to document how behavior incidents were resolved for individual participants. This video demonstrates options for entering behavior resolutions.
Behavior Incidents - [.2124 - .2215] - Video
This video shows how to use the Behavior Management tool to add new behavior incident records and to edit records other staff have submitted. It also explains how to add and edit behavior events and participants.
Preferences (Behavior) [.2124 - .2211]
This article provides information on configuring behavior preferences.
 Enter A Behavior Referral - [.2124 - .2215] - Video
The Behavior Referral tool allows staff to complete a referral for a student behavior event and submit it to a staff member responsible for managing behavior for further action. This video covers how to enter a behavior referral.
Manage Behavior Resolution Types - [.2124 - .2219] - Video
Resolution Types are used to define and manage codes that are used to describe actions taken to address a behavior event. These codes can be created for both positive and negative behavior events.
 Behavior Messenger: Create A Behavior Message Template [.2032 - .2136] - Video
This video demonstrates how to create a behavior message template.
Add A Behavior Response - [.2114 - .2215] - Video
A Behavior Response is added to an event when a staff person needs to administer a restraint on the student. This lesson demonstrates how to add a Behavior Response to an event.
 Manage Behavior Event Types - [.2124 - .2219] - Video
Behavior Event Types are used to describe positive and negative behavior-related incidents. These event types can be created for district wide use or for use by a single school.
Behavior Resolutions Impacting Attendance - [.2124 - 2215] - Video
The Behavior Management tool can be used to enter behavior resolutions on behavior incidents. This video demonstrates how to use the Behavior Management tool to add a behavior resolution that includes student attendance entries.
Behavior Event Report [.2124 - .2211]
This article explains how to generate the Behavior Event Report.
Behavior Removal Report [.2124 - .2211]
This article provides information generating the Behavior Removal Report.
Behavior Resolution Report [.2124 - .2211]
This article provides information on generating the Behavior Resolution Report.
Behavior Management Tool [.2211 - .2239]
Provides information on using the Behavior Management Tool.