CALPADS Student Discipline (SDIS) [.2128 - .2223]

Classic View: CA State Reporting > CALPADS Student Discipline 

Search Terms: CALPADS Student Discipline

This extract is used to submit student discipline information in the End of Year 3 reporting period. There are three separate files included in this version:

  • Student Incident File (SINC), which generates one record for every incident that has an event with a state code, a resolution with a state code, or a restraint/seclusion response associated to the incident.
  • Student Incident Result File (SIRS), which generates one record for every resolution that has a state code or a restraint/seclusion response associated to the incident. 
  • Student Offense File (SOFF), which generates one record for each student associated to an incident that has an event with a state code.

CALPADS Student Discipline Editor

Report Logic

All behavior incidents that are either tied to a Behavior Event that is assigned a State Code or a behavior response that is associated with a restraint or seclusion reports. The Reporting Year is July 1 through June 30.

All reportable events within the same Incident ID report and have the same Incident Number.

Each reportable Behavior Event has one record. When a student is assigned multiple Behavior Resolutions for the same event, all state resolutions associated with that event report, including behavior responses with restraints and seclusions.

The following students do not report:

  • Student not marked as Offender.
  • Students who do not have a State ID.
  • Students who have Behavior Referrals that are in draft status or In-Progress Behavior Incidents.
  • Students marked as state exclude, in grade levels marked as state exclude or in calendars marked as state exclude.

Incidents containing students marked as Offender with Behavior Events (State Event Code 100-105, 200-205, 300, 400-401, 403, 500-513, 600-602) with a resolution of Suspension or Expulsion (State Resolution Codes: 3, 100, 110, or 200) report. The Event Date must be during the current Reporting Year (July 1 to the following June 30).

  • If a student has multiple reportable Offenses in an Incident, only one Offense needs to have a reportable Resolution associated with it. The same Resolution Code and other related data reports for all of the student's Offenses in the Incident.

Each applicable behavior event/resolution within the Incident has one record. Multiple records report with the same Incident ID if there are multiple Events with reportable codes (100-105, 200-205, 300, 400-401, 403, 500-513, 600-602).  All students with reportable events/resolutions within the Incident report with the same Incident ID.

If the student has multiple reportable resolutions linked to the same event, only the final resolution reports. The final resolution is identified as:

  • The reportable resolution with the most recent Start Date.
  • If there are multiple reportable resolutions with the same start date, the order of priority is State Resolution Code 200 (1), 3 (2), 100 (3), 110 (4), 300 (5).

Non-Binary Gender Reporting

Schools can assign students a gender of M: Male, F: Female, X: Non-binary. This is done on the Identities tool and/or the Demographics tool. 

CALPADS Extracts use the Legal Gender field included in the Protected Identity Information to report student and staff identity information.

To record a gender of X: Non-binary, on the Identities tool:

  1. Assign the Gender of X: Non-Binary in the standard identify fields.
  2. Assign the Protected Identity Information Legal Gender of M: Male, F: Female, or X: Non-binary.
  3. Save the record when finished.

Screenshot of the Gender and Legal Gender fields for California. Gender and Legal Gender Assignment

Report Editor

The following fields are available on the Student Discipline Extract.



Report Type

Indicates which file generates. Select one of the following: 

  • Student Incident File
  • Student Incident Result File
  • Student Offense File

Transaction Type

Indicates the type of transaction that occurs - Replace or Delete.


Determines how the report generates. Select State Format (Caret Delimited) if submitting records to the state. Other formats available for testing and review purposes are CSV and HTML.

Report ParticipantsWhen marked, reports a record for students if their behavior incident role is Participant the same way as if their behavior incident role is Offender.

Ad hoc Filter

Select which students to include in the extract, if desired,  by choosing a filter that was created in the Filter Designer.

Calendar Selection

Select the calendar(s) of enrollment from which to pull student data. Calendars can be chosen by the active year, by the school name or by the year.

Report Generation Options

Choose the Generate Extract to display the results of the chosen items immediately. Choose the Submit to Batch option to generate the report without affecting general system usage. This option is helpful when generating large amounts of data.

Generate the Student Discipline File

  1. Select the desired Report Type from the dropdown list.
  2. Select the Transaction Type from the dropdown list: Replace or Delete.
  3. Select the Format of the file. Choose the State Format (Caret Delimited) when submitting records to CALPADS.
  4. Mark the Report Participants checkbox, if desired.
  5. Use the Ad hoc Filter to select students already included in a filter. This is not required. If not chosen, all students who have reportable behavior records are included.
  6. Select the Calendars to include in the file.
  7. Click the Generate Extract button. Or generate the extract through the Batch Queue using the Submit to Batch button. The file appears in a new window in the selected format.

Report Layout

Student Incident File

Data Elements



Record Type Code

Type of data record being submitted. Chosen on the extract editor. Reports a value of SINC.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Not dynamically stored

Transaction Type Code

Action the state should take with this record. Reports a value of D (Delete) if selected as the Transaction Type on the Extract Editor; otherwise, reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Not dynamically stored

Local Record ID

This field reports blank.


Reporting LEA

A unique identifier for the educational service institution in which the Staff person is employed.

If the reporting calendar is from a School with Type = 15: Independently Reporting Charter, the State School Number reports (not the State District Number).

This field reports the Secondary District Number when the reporting calendar has a School Type of 16: Secondary State District Number.

Numeric, 7 digits

System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number


System Administration > Resources > School > School Number

School. number

System Administration > Resources > School > Type


School of Attendance

A unique identifier for the school that delivers a majority of educational instruction and services and is where the student attends.

If the CDS Number field is populated on the School editor, that value reports.

  • If the student is not enrolled in a school on the date of the Behavior Incident, the State School Number from the calendar with the most recently ended Primary Enrollment reports.
  • If the student has more than one Primary and Partial Enrollment that is active on the date of the Behavior Incident, the State School Number from the calendar with the Primary Enrollment reports.
  • If the student has multiple Primary Enrollments, the State School Number from the calendar of the Enrollment with the most recent Start Date reports.

Numeric, 7 digits

System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number

System Administration > Resources > School > CDS Number


Academic Year ID

A unique identifier assigned to a specific Academic Year. An Academic Year is the period during which school is in regular session and provides a required number of days of instruction.

Date field, 9 characters (CCYY-CCYY)

System Administration > Calendar > School Years > Start Year/End Year



The unique identifier for the student assigned by the first California district in which the student is enrolled in accordance with CDE established standards.

Numeric, 10 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID


Local Student ID

A unique identifier assigned to the student by a local educational agency.

Numeric, up to 15 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student Number


First Name

Student's legal first name.

If the Legal First Name field is populated on the earlier identity, information reports from that field.

May only include alphabetic letters, numbers, periods, hyphens and apostrophes.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > First Name


Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name


Last Name

Student's legal last name.

If the Legal Last Name field is populated on the earlier identity, information reports from that field.

May only include alphabetic letters, numbers, periods, hyphens and apostrophes.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name


Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name


Student Birth Date

Student’s date of birth.

Date field, 8 characters (CCYYMMDD)

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth date


Student Gender

Student’s gender.

If the Legal Gender field is populated, information reports from that field.

See the Non-Binary Gender Reporting section for additional information.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (M or F)

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Gender


Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Gender


Incident ID Local

A unique identifier for a Disciplinary Incident.

Multiple offenses, resolutions and students can be associated with a single Incident Number.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

 Student Information > General > Behavior > Incident Detail > Incident ID


Incident Occurrence Date

The date on which a disciplinary incident occurred.

Date field, 8 characters


Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Date of Incident


Statutory Offense Indicator

A coded value representing the Student Offense.

Code reports Event name if it is mapped to State Behavior Events for 100-105, 200-205, 300, 400, 401, 403, 500-513, 600-602.

If there are multiple reportable Events/Offenses associated with an Incident ID, a separate record for each Event mapped to one of the above codes reports.

Numeric, 3 digits

Behavior Management >Events and Participants > Add Event/Participant > Event Details > Event Type


Student Instructional Support Indicator

An indicator of whether or not a student is receiving instructional support from the local educational agency during a disciplinary action.

If the value for Disciplinary Action Taken is NOT 300:

  • Y reports when Instructional Support is marked on the Behavior Resolution.
  • N reports when Instructional Support is not marked on the behavior Resolution. 

When the value for Disciplinary Action Taken is 300, a blank value reports for this field.

If there are multiple Event records within the Incident for the student, the same Instructional Support value reports for all records.

This field is required to be populated for Special Ed-eligible students when the Disciplinary Action (Resolution) is other than 300.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Behavior > Behavior Management > Events and Participants >  Resolution > Resolution Details > Instructional Support

BehaviorResolution.service Provided
Removal to Interim Alternative Setting Reason Code

A coded value representing the reason a student was removed to an interim alternative setting for 45 days or less.

If an Interim Alternative Setting code is selected, that code reports if the student has a 144: Special ED Flag with a start date/eligibility start date on or after the active school year start and an end date/eligibility end date on or before the end date of the active school year end date.

The Date of Offense must be between the Flag 144 start date/eligibility start date and Flag 144 end date/eligibility end date. The earliest date is used for the start date; the latest date is used for the end date. If the offense occurred outside of the Flag 144 start and end dates, it does not report.

If Disciplinary Action Taken is reporting 300 (by the state code on the resolution or by mapping the resolution in the extract to 300) and the student has an active Flag 144 at the time of the incident, a value of 3 reports; otherwise, the selected Interim Alternative Setting reports.

All special education students who report a value of 300 need to have an Interim Alternative Reason Setting Code.

Available options are:

  • 1: Hearing Officer Removal
  • 2: School Personnel Removal
  • 3: No Removal

If the student does not have a 144: Special ED Flag, this field reports blank.

If the student has a 144: Special ED Flag and the State Resolution Code is 300, then the Removal to Interim Alternative Setting Reason Code must be 3 (No Removal). If the State Resolution Code is anything other than 300, report as selected.

Numeric, 1 digits

Behavior > Behavior Management > Events and Participants >  Resolution > Resolution Details > Interim Alternative Setting Reason


Student Incident Result File

Data Elements



Record Type Code

Type of data record being submitted. Chosen on the extract editor. Reports a value of SIRS.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Not dynamically stored

Transaction Type Code

Action the state should take with this record. Reports a value of D (Delete) if selected as the Transaction Type on the Extract Editor; otherwise, reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Not dynamically stored

Local Record ID

This field reports blank.


Reporting LEA

A unique identifier for the educational service institution in which the Staff person is employed.

If the reporting calendar is from a School with Type = 15: Independently Reporting Charter, the State School Number reports (not the State District Number).

This field reports the Secondary District Number when the reporting calendar has a School Type of 16: Secondary State District Number.

Numeric, 7 digits

System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number


System Administration > Resources > School > School Number


System Administration > Resources > School > Type


School of Attendance

A unique identifier for the school that delivers a majority of educational instruction and services and is where the student attends.

If the CDS Number field is populated on the School editor, that value reports.

  • If the student is not enrolled in a school on the date of the Behavior Incident, the State School Number from the calendar with the most recently ended Primary Enrollment reports.
  • If the student has more than one Primary and Partial Enrollment that is active on the date of the Behavior Incident, the State School Number from the calendar with the Primary Enrollment reports.
  • If the student has multiple Primary Enrollments, the State School Number from the calendar of the Enrollment with the most recent Start Date reports.

Numeric, 7 digits

System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number

System Administration > Resources > School > CDS Number


Academic Year ID

A unique identifier assigned to a specific Academic Year. An Academic Year is the period during which school is in regular session and provides a required number of days of instruction.

Date field, 9 characters (CCYY-CCYY)

System Administration > Calendar > School Years > Start Year/End Year



The unique identifier for the student assigned by the first California district in which the student is enrolled in accordance with CDE established standards.

Numeric, 10 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID


Local Student ID

A unique identifier assigned to the student by a local educational agency.

Numeric, up to 15 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student Number


First Name

Student's legal first name.

If the Legal First Name field is populated on the earlier identity, information reports from that field.

May only include alphabetic letters, numbers, periods, hyphens and apostrophes.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > First Name


Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name


Last Name

Student's legal last name.

If the Legal Last Name field is populated on the earlier identity, information reports from that field.

May only include alphabetic letters, numbers, periods, hyphens and apostrophes.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name


Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name


Student Birth Date

Student’s date of birth.

Date field, 8 characters (CCYYMMDD)

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth date


Student Gender

Student’s gender.

If the Legal Gender field is populated, information reports from that field.

See the Non-Binary Gender Reporting section for additional information.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (M or F)

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Gender


Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Gender


Incident ID Local

A unique identifier for a Disciplinary Incident.

Multiple offenses, resolutions and students can be associated with a single Incident Number.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Student Information > General > Behavior > Incident Detail > Incident ID


Incident Result

Reports the State Code representing the resolution assigned to the student for the specific incident, in separate lines. 

  • Reports a value of 501 if the event has a behavior response of Physical Restraint (type P).
  • Reports a value of 502 if the event has a behavior response of Mechanical Restraint (type M).
  • Reports a value of 600 if the event has a behavior response of Seclusion (type S).
  • Reports a value of 700 if the event has School related arrest checked on role.
  • Reports a value of 800 if the event has Law Referred checked on role (separate line)

If the behavior incident has a behavior event for 501 and for 100, only two lines report for the incident, even if the behavior incident also contains a behavior response for Physical Restraint.

Numeric, 3 digits

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incidents > Resolution > State Code

Incident Result Authority

Reports the code associated with the resolution.

The default value set in the Attribute Dictionary reports, when a default value is assigned. When there is no default value, this field reports blank.

When there are multiple Event records within the Incident for the student, the same Disciplinary Action Authority Code reports for all records.

When the student was in a Program flagged with code 144 (Special Education) and Disposition Code (Resolution Field 14) 100, 110 or 200, this field reports blank. 

Numeric, 3 digits

Behavior Management > Behavior > Resolution > Incident Result Authority

Incident Result Duration Days

The length of time, in school days, that a disposition for a student for a specific incident lasted.

When the Disposition Code (Resolution, Field 14) is 100, 110 and 200: 

  • The number of instructional days included between the Resolution Date and the End Date reports (disregarding date stamp on Resolution Date), UNLESS
  • If School Days Duration is populated, that number reports (up to two decimal points).
  • If the End Date and Duration in School Days are both null, this reports blank (occurs when the Event Code is 100, 101, or 102, or when the student is a Special Education student at the time of the Event. Otherwise, Events that have Resolutions with no End Date or School Days Duration do not report).

When the Disposition Code field is not 100, 110 and 200, this field reports blank.

Numeric, 6 characters which can include a decimal (N, N.N, N.NN, NN, NN.N, NN.NN, NNN, NNN.N, NNN.NN)

Behavior > Behavior Management > Events and Participants > Resolution > Resolution Details > Resolution Date and End Date or Duration in School Days (priority)




Incident Result Modification Code

Describes a modification made to an expulsion order, such as shortening the term of the expulsion.

If the Incident Result Code (Resolution, Field 14) reports a value of 200, that value reports. If Incident Result Code is not populated, reports a value of 300.

For all other Resolutions, this field reports blank.

If there are multiple Event records within the Incident for the student, the same Incident Result Action Modification Code must report on all records.

Numeric, 3 digits

Behavior > Behavior Management > Events and Participants >  Resolution > Resolution Details > Expulsion Modification


Student Offense File

Data Elements



Record Type Code

Type of data record being submitted. Chosen on the extract editor. Reports a value of SOFF.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Not dynamically stored

Transaction Type Code

Action the state should take with this record. Reports a value of D (Delete) if selected as the Transaction Type on the Extract Editor; otherwise, reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Not dynamically stored

Local Record ID

This field reports blank.


Reporting LEA

A unique identifier for the educational service institution in which the Staff person is employed.

If the reporting calendar is from a School with Type = 15: Independently Reporting Charter, the State School Number reports (not the State District Number).

This field reports the Secondary District Number when the reporting calendar has a School Type of 16: Secondary State District Number.

Numeric, 7 digits

System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number


System Administration > Resources > School > School Number

School. number

System Administration > Resources > School > Type


School of Attendance

A unique identifier for the school that delivers a majority of educational instruction and services and is where the student attends.

If the CDS Number field is populated on the School editor, that value reports.

  • If the student is not enrolled in a school on the date of the Behavior Incident, the State School Number from the calendar with the most recently ended Primary Enrollment reports.
  • If the student has more than one Primary and Partial Enrollment that is active on the date of the Behavior Incident, the State School Number from the calendar with the Primary Enrollment reports.
  • If the student has multiple Primary Enrollments, the State School Number from the calendar of the Enrollment with the most recent Start Date reports.

Numeric, 7 digits

System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number

System Administration > Resources > School > CDS Number


Academic Year ID

A unique identifier assigned to a specific Academic Year. An Academic Year is the period during which school is in regular session and provides a required number of days of instruction.

Date field, 9 characters (CCYY-CCYY)

System Administration > Calendar > School Years > Start Year/End Year



The unique identifier for the student assigned by the first California district in which the student is enrolled in accordance with CDE established standards.

Numeric, 10 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID


Local Student ID

A unique identifier assigned to the student by a local educational agency.

Numeric, up to 15 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student Number


First Name

Student's legal first name.

If the Legal First Name field is populated on the earlier identity, information reports from that field.

May only include alphabetic letters, numbers, periods, hyphens and apostrophes.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > First Name


Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name


Last Name

Student's legal last name.

If the Legal Last Name field is populated on the earlier identity, information reports from that field.

May only include alphabetic letters, numbers, periods, hyphens and apostrophes.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name


Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name


Student Birth Date

Student’s date of birth.

Date field, 8 characters (CCYYMMDD)

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date


Student Gender

Student’s gender.

If the Legal Gender field is populated, information reports from that field.

See the Non-Binary Gender Reporting section for additional information.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (M or F)

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Gender


Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Gender


Incident ID Local

A unique identifier for a Disciplinary Incident.

Multiple offenses, resolutions and students can be associated with a single Incident Number.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

 Student Information > General > Behavior > Incident Detail > Incident ID


Student Offense Code

A coded value representing the Student Offense.

Code reports Event name if it is mapped to State Behavior Events for 100-105, 200-205, 300, 400, 401, 403, 500-513, 600-602.

If there are multiple reportable Events/Offenses associated with an Incident ID, a separate record for each Event mapped to one of the above codes reports.

Numeric, 3 digits

Behavior Management >Events and Participants > Add Event/Participant > Event Details > Event Type


Weapon Category Code

Reports the assigned weapon code.

If the State Event Code is 100, 101, 103, 104 or 105, the value is reported from the Weapon Category field. Otherwise, this field reports blank.

Numeric, 2 digits

Behavior > Behavior Management > Events and Participants > Participant Details > Weapon
