

ADM and ADA Detail (California) [.2124 - .2239]
This article provides information on generating the ADM and ADA Detail Report for California.
Monthly Attendance Summary (California) [.2207 - .2235]
This article provides information on generating the Monthly Attendance Summary Report.
Monthly Attendance Register (California) [.2144 - .2235]
This article provides information on generating the Monthly Attendance Register report.
CALPADS Course Section (CRSE) [.2124 - .2136]
This article provides information on generating the CALPADS Course Section Extract.
CALPADS Student English Language Acquisition (SELA) [.2140 - .2211]
This article provides information on generating the CALPADS SELA Extract.
CALPADS SSID Enrollment (SENR) [.2140 - .2223]
Provides information on the CALPADS SSID Enrollment extract.
CALPADS Student English Language Acquisition (SELA) [.2215 - .2223]
This article provides information on generating the CALPADS SELA Extract.
CALPADS Student Information (SINF) [.2144 - .2223]
This article provides information on the CALPADS Student Information Extract.
CALPADS Student Program (SPRG) [.2152 - .2223]
This article provides information on generating the CALPADS Student Program Extract.
CALPADS Student Discipline (SDIS) [.2128 - .2223]
Provides information on generating the CALPADS Student Discipline Extract.
CALPADS Staff Demographics (SDEM) [.2124 - .2223]
Provides information generating the CALPADS Staff Demographics Extract.
CALPADS Staff Assignment (SASS) [.2112 - .2223]
This article provides information on generating the CALPADS Staff Assignment Extract.
CALPADS Student Absence Summary (STAS) [.2211 - 2231]
Provides information on generating the CALPADS Absence Summary Extract.
CALPADS SSID Import [.2132 - .2231]
This article provides information on the CALPADS SSID Import.
CALPADS SSID Enrollment (SENR) [.2227 - .2235]
Provides information on the CALPADS SSID Enrollment extract.
CA ODS Reports [.2140 - .2219]
This article provides information on using the CA ODS tool to compare Infinite Campus data with ODS data.
CAASPP Import (California) [.2144 - .2231]
This article provides information on using the CAASPP Import.
Paperless Assessment Reporting (California) [.2116 - .2239]
This article provides information on using the CAASPP Paperless Reporting tools.
Blue Card Report 2019 (California) [.2211 and previous]
This document describes how to generate the Blue Card 2019 report for California.
Blue Card Report (California) [.2211 and previous]
This document describes the historical California Blue Card Report.
CALPADS Course Section (CRSE) [.2140 - .2223]
This article provides information on generating the CALPADS Course Section Extract.
CALPADS Student Course Section (SCSE) [.2024 - .2223]
Provides information on generating the CALPADS Student Course Section Report.
CALPADS Work-Based Learning (WBLR) [.2132 - .2223]
This article provides information on generating the CALPADS Work-Based Learning Extract.
CALPADS Postsecondary Status Summary (PSTS) [.2052 - 2223]
This article provides information on generating the CALPADS Postsecondary Status Summary.