CTE (New Jersey) [.2116 - .2223]

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Search Terms: CTE

The CTE tool tracks student participation in Career/Technical Education courses and aids in the monitoring of student progress towards course completion. Information on this tool is reported in the SMART CTE Submission Extract.

Student CTE Editor 

Available CTE Fields

The following fields are available on the CTE tool. Ad hoc fields are available when creating a Student Data Filter Type in the Filter Designer (Student > NJ CTE > NJ CTE). 


Indicates the school where the student is enrolled in a CTE program. This is not necessarily the school of enrollment for the student. This is a required field.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student >  NJ CTE >  NJ CTE > careerNJTech.schoolID


SMART CTE Submission

CIP Code

The approved 6-digit Classification of Instructional Program code for a Career and Technical Education student. This is a required field.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student >  NJ CTE >  NJ CTE > careerNJTech.cipCode


SMART CTE Submission

Post Secondary Institution

The post-secondary institution where the most academic credits were earned as part of the CTE Program.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student >  NJ CTE >  NJ CTE > careerNJTech.postSecondaryInstitution


SMART CTE Submission

Single Parent

Indicates whether the student is either a single parent or a single pregnant woman. This field is a mandatory response for all students enrolled in a CTE Program. 

When marked, indicates the student is a single parent or a single pregnant woman. If not marked, indicates the student is NOT a single parent or a single pregnant woman.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student >  NJ CTE >  NJ CTE > careerNJTech.singleParent


SMART CTE Submission

Program Status

Indicates the progress made by the student enrolled in the approved CTE program. Options are:

  • Participation - student completed at least one course in any state-approved career and technical education program with a sequence of three or more courses.
  • Concentrator - student completed two or more courses among a sequence with three or more courses, or a student at a count vocational school who completed one course in a sequence of two courses, within a state-approved CTE program.
  • Completer - student completed a whole sequence of courses of a state-approved CTE program.
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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student >  NJ CTE >  NJ CTE > careerNJTech.programStatus


SMART CTE Submission

Type of College Credit

Indicates whether the student earned college credits as dual/concurrent credit or articulated credit within a sequence of courses in a CTE Program or CTE Program of Study.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student >  NJ CTE >  NJ CTE > careerNJTech.typeOfCollegeCredit


SMART CTE Submission

College Credits Earned

Reports the total number of college credits earned during an approved CTE program. Enter a value 01-99.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student >  NJ CTE >  NJ CTE > careerNJTech.collegeCreditsEarned


SMART CTE Submission

Completed College Course

Indicates whether the student in a CTE program of study completed college credit-bearing courses that are part of a recognized CTE articulation agreement. 

When checkbox is marked, student successfully completed course and reports as Y on the CTE Submission Extract.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student >  NJ CTE >  NJ CTE > careerNJTech.completedCollegeCourse



TSA Test Developer

The type of the end of program technical skills assessment. Options are:

  • 1 - Licensure Exam
  • 2 - Industry Credential Exam
  • 3 - National Validated Test
  • 4 - Teacher Developed Test
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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student >  NJ CTE >  NJ CTE > careerNJTech.tsaDeveloper


SMART CTE Submission

TSA Result

Indicates the result of the technical skills assessment. Options are:

  • 1 - Pass
  • 2 - Fail
  • 3 - IEP Exempt
  • 4 - Not tested
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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student >  NJ CTE >  NJ CTE > careerNJTech.tsaResult


SMART CTE Submission

Tech Skills Assessment

Name of the end of program assessment given to the student to determine the technical skills achieved.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student >  NJ CTE >  NJ CTE > careerNJTech.techSkillsAssessment


SMART CTE Submission

Student Learning Environment

Indicates the chosen method for delivering instruction to the student:

  • 1 - Full Time on Premises
  • 2 - Hybrid
  • 3 - Full Time Remote - District Choice
  • 4 - Full Time Remote - Parental or Guardian Choice
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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student >  NJ CTE >  NJ CTE > careerNJTech.studentLearningEnv


SMART CTE Submission

Work Based Learning

An indication of whether each secondary CTE student has participated in a work-based learning experience within the academic year.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student >  NJ CTE >  NJ CTE > careerNJTech.workBasedLearning


SMART CTE Submission

Type of Work Based Learning

The highest level of Work-based Learning experience a CTE student participated in for the academic year:

  • 1 - Career Exploration
  • 2 - Career Preparation
  • 3 - Career Training
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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student >  NJ CTE >  NJ CTE > careerNJTech.typeOfWorkBasedLearning


SMART CTE Submission