Eligibility Report (Wisconsin) [.2148 - .2227]

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The Eligibility Report is used to document the student's educational needs and the student's determination of eligibility for special education made by the Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Evaluation team. 

The current format of this document is the WI Eligibility Report 2021.3. Evaluation formats are selected in Eval Types.

Wisconsin Eligibility Report Editors

An evaluation must be created whether or not the student is determined to have a disability. A copy of the evaluation team report, including the documentation of eligibility, is given to the student's parents by the school district.

Eligibility Report Editors

The following table lists the editors available on the student's Eligibility Report, the section(s) of the print format that include the entered information, a description of what the editor is used for and any special considerations and instructions for using the editor.

Editor Name

Printed Document Section


Special Considerations and Instructions

Evaluation HeaderHeader

The Evaluation Header editor lists general information about the Evaluation.

This editor must be saved before continuing to other parts of the evaluation. Field definitions may vary by district.

Enrollment InformationEnrollment InformationThe Enrollment Information editor includes student data entered on the student's Enrollments tool.

Clicking Get Info from Enrollment synchronizes the information in the editor with the student's Enrollments record. Users can select which Enrollment to link the Enrollment Status editor to using the Enrollment dropdown.

Disabilities do not display in this editor. However, disabilities print based on the disabilities determined in the Eligibility Determination editor.

Student DemographicsStudent InformationThe Student Demographics editor includes student data entered in the Demographics tool.Clicking Refresh Student Information will synchronize the information in the editor with the current information entered on the Demographics, Households, School and Enrollments tools.
Parent/Guardian DemographicsGuardian InformationThe Parent/Guardian Demographics editor populates based on established student/guardian relationships created on the student's Relationships tool or indicated by the guardian checkbox on the Households tool. The editor includes Demographics information for the student's guardian.

Clicking Refresh Guardian Information synchronizes information in the editor with the most recent information from the student's guardian's Demographics, Households, and Team Members tool.


If the Start Date for the Educational Surrogate Parent on the Team Members tool falls anytime before or on the Eval Start date, the data will pull into the Parent/Guardian Demographics editor. If the Start Date for the Educational Surrogate Parent falls anytime after the Eval Start Date, the data will NOT pull in to the Parent/Guardian Demographics editor.

(I-3) Team Meeting Cover Page N/AThe Team Meeting Cover Page indicates the reason the evaluation meeting was held, including if the meeting was a result of the student's performance on assessments.Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon next to the header of the appropriate sections.
(ER-1) Info from Existing Data Evaluation Report Including: Determination of Eligibility and Need for Special EducationThe Info from Existing Data editor reviews existing data from various sources regarding the student academic achievement in reading and other subjects. 

If the Waiver option is selected as the Evaluation Type in the Evaluation Header editor, this editor becomes unavailable. This editor does not print in this instance.

Template Banks are available by clicking the white paper icon next to the header of the appropriate sections.

(ER-1) Previous InterventionsInformation from Review of Existing DataThe Previous Interventions editor records the previous interventions taken for the student and the effect of the intervention on the student's literacy and other areas.If the Waiver option is selected as the Evaluation Type in the Evaluation Header editor, this editor becomes unavailable. This editor does not print in this instance.
(ER-1) Additional AssessmentsInformation from Additional Assessments and Other Evaluation MaterialsThe Additional Assessments editor records the results from additional assessments and other sources relating to the student's academic achievement and functional performance.If the Waiver option is selected as the Evaluation Type in the Evaluation Header editor, this editor becomes unavailable. This editor does not print in this instance.
(ER-1) Eligibility DeterminationEligibility ChecklistThe Eligibility Determination editor provides a collection of checklists for each disability the student is determined to have. Checklists include the considerations and questions to be addressed for each disability.

If the Waiver option is selected as the Evaluation Type in the Evaluation Header editor, this editor becomes unavailable. This editor does not print in this instance.

(ER-1) Need for Specially Designed InstructionDetermination of EligibilityThe Need for Specially Designed Instruction editor lists the determination of the student's disability, the evidence for that decision and whether the student requires special education services as a result.

If the Waiver option is selected as the Evaluation Type in the Evaluation Header editor, this editor becomes unavailable. This editor does not print in this instance.

Template Banks are available by clicking the white paper icon next to the header of the appropriate sections.

(ER-3) Braille NeedsDocumentation for Determining Braille Needs for Child with a Visual Impairment (ER-3)The Braille Needs editor describes whether the student requires learning assistance through Braille as a result of a visual impairment.

If the Waiver option is selected as the Evaluation Type in the Evaluation Header editor, this editor becomes unavailable. This editor does not print in this instance.

Template Banks are available by clicking the white paper icon next to the header of the appropriate sections.

(ER-4) No Disability

Notice Of IEP Team Findings that Child is not a Child with a Disability

The No Disability editor is used to document that the student was determined to not have a disability and does not need special education services.This editor does not print if no information is entered. This editor becomes unavailable if the Yes option under Need for Sped Question #4 is selected or if the Waiver option is selected as the Evaluation Type.
(RE-3) WaiverNotice of Agreement that a Three-Year Reevaluation Not NeededThe Waiver editor is used to document the agreement the IEP team has made to not have a three-year reevaluation for the student.This editor does not print if no information is entered. This editor only displays when the Waiver option is selected as the Evaluation Type.

Previous Versions

Eligibility Report (Wisconsin) [.2136 - .2144]

Eligibility Report (Wisconsin) [.2132]

Eligibility Report (Wisconsin) [.2128 and previous]




