Classic View: Student Information > General > Enrollments
Search Terms: Enrollments
The Enrollment tool displays all occurrences of a student’s enrollment in the district. Because this is a historical view, this list could be long.
By default, the enrollments are listed by grade level first, then by enrollment start date. To reorder the list of enrollments, click the blue hyper-linked headers in the Enrollments Editor list. Enrollment records can be sorted by Grade, Calendar, Start Date or End Date.
See the core Enrollments article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Enrollment records.
General Enrollment Information
The General Enrollment Information editor describes the calendar, schedule, grade, start/end date and reason for the creation or ending of the enrollment record.
The following table describes each field within the General Enrollment Information editor:
Code | Description | Database Location |
Calendar | The calendar assigned to the enrollment record. | Enrollment.calendarID |
Schedule | The schedule assigned to the enrollment record. | Enrollment.scheduleID |
Grade | The student's grade level. | Enrollment.grade |
Class Rank Exclude | Excludes the enrollment record from being included in class rank calculations. | Enrollment.classRankExclude |
Start Date | The start date of the enrollment record. | Enrollment.startDate |
No Show | Indicates the student was a no show. This field often excludes the enrollment record from being included in state reports. | Enrollment.noShow |
End Date | The end date of the enrollment record. | Enrollment.endDate |
End Action | Indicates whether the student was promoted, demoted or retained following the end of the enrollment record. | Enrollment.endAction |
Service Type | Indicates the type of service the student receives. | Enrollment.serviceType |
Start Status | Indicates the reason for starting a new enrollment record. | Enrollment.startStatus |
End Status | Indicates the reason for ending the enrollment record. | Enrollment.endStatus |
Start Comments | Comments about creating the enrollment record. | Enrollment.startComments |
End Comments | Comments about ending the enrollment record. | Enrollment.endComments |
State Reporting Fields
The State Reporting Fields editor contains data elements used in state reporting extracts and federal reporting.
State Reporting Enrollment Fields
The following are fields that appear in Colorado State Reporting Fields. Field names which are underlined appear as dropdown lists in the product with a list of available options appearing below the table.
Field | Description | Database Location |
State Exclude | Excludes the enrollment record from being included in state and federal reports. | Enrollment.stateExclude |
Migrant | The student's migrant status. | Enrollment.migrant |
Immigrant | Indicates if the student is considered an immigrant. | Enrollment.immigrant |
Independent Study | Indicates the student is attending an independent study program established by the school district under the supervision of a certificated or licensed teacher and is part of the student's academic schedule. | Enrollment.independentStudy |
GED Instruction | Indicates the student's GED was funded using state funds either in the form of a district-run GED program or tuition paid by the district to an external GED program. | Enrollment.gedInstruction |
Continuous in US | Indicates if the student has been continuously enrolled in a U.S. public school. | Enrollment.continuousUS |
Continuous in CO | Indicates if the student has been continuously enrolled in a Colorado public school. | Enrollment.continuousState |
Habitually Disruptive | Indicates the student is habitually disruptive in class. | Enrollment.habituallyDisruptive |
CoAlt Participant | Indicates if the student participates in the Colorado alternative assessment program. | Enrollment.coAltParticipant |
Contractual Agreement 3rd Party Ed | Indicates if the student is receiving all of his/her educational instruction through a third party educator/program. | Enrollent.contractualAgree |
Enrolled in US | The date the student was most recently enrolled in a U.S. school in any grade. | Enrollment.enroInUS |
Resident County | Indicates the student's county of residence. Counties are created in the Counties editor in System Administration Resources. | Enrollment.servingCounty |
Post Secondary Program | Indicates if the student is participating in a Post Secondary Education program (PSEO). | Enrollment.pseo |
ASCENT Next Year | Indicates if the student is participating in the ASCENT program the following school year. | Enrollment.Ascent |
Transition | Indicates if the student is in a transition program where students are moved from educational environments to life skill and/or vocational education. | Enrollment.transition |
Resident District or State | Indicates the student's resident district or state. | Enrollment.residentDistrict |
Serving District | The district serving the student. | Enrollment.servingDistrict |
School of Accountability | The school accountability for reporting the student's data. | Enrollment.residentSchool |
Facility/Detention Code | The code indicating the facility/detention center the student currently attends. | Enrollment.facilityCode |
Pupil Attendance | Indicates they type of school and education the student is attending. | Enrollment.stateAid |
Funding Code | Indicates the type of state funding the student receives. | Enrollment.stateFundingCode |
CBLA 3rd Grade Cohort | This field is not used. | N/A |
CBLA 2+ Years Growth | This field is not used. | N/A |
CBLA Status | The student's Colorado Basic Literacy Act status. | Enrollment.cblaStatus |
Adj Cohort Justification | The adjustment justification code for the dropout or expulsion | Enrollment.adjCohortJustification |
Adj Cohort Gender | The gender of the student who dropped out, was expelled or transferred to an external GED program. | Enrollment.adjCohortGender |
Adj Cohort Race | The race/ethnicity of the student who dropped out, was expelled or transferred to an external GED program. | Enrollment.adjCohortRace |
Adj Cohort Year | The school year in which the student was reports as dropped out or expelled. | Enrollment.adjCohortYear |
Adj Cohort School | The school from which the student dropped out, was expelled or transferred to an external GED program. | Enrollment.adjCohortSchool |
Adj Cohort Grade | The grade level at which the student dropped out, was expelled or transferred to an external GED program. | Enrollment.adjCohortGrade |
Displaced Homemaker | Indicates the student is considered a displaced homemaker. | Enrollment.displacedHomemaker |
Single Parent | Indicates the student is a single parent. | Enrollment.singleParent |
Refugee | Indicates if the student is considered a person who is outside their nationality or who is unable or unwilling to return due to persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, social group membership or political opinion. | Enrollment.refugee |
Home Based Education | Indicates if the student is home schooled and receiving some services from district. | Enrollment.homeBasededucation |
Non-School Program | An indicator that a student is being educated in a program without a school code. Used in Student School Association extract | Enrollment.nonSchoolProgram |
Continuous in District | Used as an override field for the Continuous in District value that reports on the School Association Report. Values should be set here if the student needs to report a different value than defined in the Report Logic section for the School Association Report. | CustomStudent.value |
Continuous in School | Used as an override field for the Continuous in School value that reports on the School Association Report. Values should be set here if the student needs to report a different value than defined in the Report Logic section for the School Association Report. | CustomStudent.value |
Extended Evident Outcome Status | Indicates whether the student is eligible for the state's alternative assessment. | Enrollment.outcomeStatus |
READ | ||
Recommended Retention | Indicates whether a recommendation was made for the student to not advance to the next grade level due to a reading deficiency. This field reports 2 for students with a READ status of 0, 1, 3, 4, or 5. | EnrollmentCO.recommendedRetention |
Retained | Indicates whether a decision was made for the to advance to the next grade level due to a reading deficiency. This field reports 2 for students with a READ status of 0, 1, 3, 4, or 5. | EnrollmentCO.retained |
Remote Learning | Indicates whether the student was enrolled in full time distance learning. | EnrollmentCO.remoteLearning |
Field | Description | Database Location |
Special Ed Start Date | The date the student began Special Education services. | enrollment.spedStartDate |
Special Ed Exit Date | The date the student exited Special Education. | enrollment.spedExitDate |
IEP | Indicates if the student has an IEP. | enrollment.specialEdStatus |
Disability Type | The student's primary disability. | enrollment.disability1 |
Disability 2 | The student's secondary disability. | enrollment.disability2 |
Special Ed Setting | The student's major (more than 50% of the student's Special Education program) instructional setting. | enrollment.specialEdSetting |
Exit Reason | The reason the student exited Special Education. | enrollment.spedExitReason |
Federal Count Eligibility | This field is not used. | enrollment.childCountStatus |
Educational Orphan Reason | Indicates if the student is considered an educational orphan. | enrollment.educationOrphan |
Tuition Unit Code | This field is not used. | enrollment.tuitionUnitCode |
Service Agency/Facility Code | A unique code assigned by the Colorado Department of Education to the facility or detention center the student currently attends. | enrollment.serviceFacility |
Deaf or Blind Registry | The two digit code indicating whether the student is on the Deaf/Blind Registry. | enrollment.deafORblindRegistry |
Specialized Transportation | Indicates if the student receives specialized transportation. | enrollment.specializedTransportation |
Parentally Placed | Indicates whether or not the student was placed by his or her parents in a private or parochial school and is receiving services on an ISP. | enrollment.parentallyPlaced |
Funding Status | Indicates if the student is eligible for Exceptional Children's Education Act (ECEA) funding. | enrollment.fundingStatus |
Special Ed Attendance | Indicates the educational program the student is attending. | enrollment.specialEdAttendance |
Special Ed Program Code | Indicates the student's special education program. | enrollment.spedProgramCode |
Medicaid Eligibility Date | The date the student was eligible for Medicaid services. | enrollment.medicaidDate |