Grading & Standards


Course Standards Report [.2124 - .2219]
This article describes using the Course Standards Report to report standards associated with courses.
Course Credit Report [.2211 - .2219]
This article describes using the Course Credit Report to list the credits associated with each course.
Define assessments aligned to a Course Master [.2036-.2136] - Video
A Course Master can be used to define elements of courses from a district level. This video demonstrates how to align assessments to a Course Master.
Configure cumulative grading for a course master [.1917 - .2112] - Video
The Configure Cumulative Grading tool is used to set up cumulative grading over the duration of more than one term. This video describes how to configure standards and grading tasks so In Progress grading can span multiple terms on the Grade Calc Options
Grading Window - Video [1941 - 2028]
This brief video shows how to schedule a Grading Window.