Popular Articles

  1. Release Information

    Overview Release notes provide the applicable personnel the ability to review enhancements, modifications and regulated changes prior to accepting an update. It is advised that users review the release notes carefully and alert appropriate dist...
  2. Getting Started with Campus Parent and Campus Student - Video

    Campus Parent and Campus Student put school information at your fingertips with real-time access to announcements, assignments, attendance, grades, schedules, and more. In this video you will learn how to get started with Campus Parent and Campus Student.
  3. Campus Parent Portal

    This article describes the tools available in Campus Parent and how to use it.
  4. Campus Release Packs

  5.  Online Registration for Parents - Video

    Online Registration is a tool designed to allow parents and/or guardians to register their student(s). This video is a guide for parents or guardians on how to use the tool.
  6. Schedule Wizard

    This document provides information on using the Schedule Wizard.
  7. Try the New Look of Infinite Campus

    This article will introduce you to the new look and feel of Infinite Campus.
  8. Getting Started - Campus Student and Campus Parent

    The article provides an overview of using the Campus Student and Campus Parent apps, suitable for handing out to parents.
  9. Attribute Dictionary

    Provides information on the Attribute Dictionary.
  10. Campus Student Portal

    This article describes the tools available in Campus Student.