Popular Articles

  1. Teaching Center

    This article describes using the Control Center to take attendance and score assignments, and the other tools available.
  2. Course Registration (Campus Student)

    Provides information on using Course Registration in Campus Student/Campus Parent.
  3. Ad hoc Reporting

    Provides information on the Ad hoc Reporting module.
  4. Query Wizard

    Provides information on using the Ad hoc Query Wizard.
  5. Enter and certify the amount of time spent with each student - Simulation

    The Roster Verification tool can be used to enter and certify the amount of time classroom teachers spend with each student. In this lesson, a teacher needs to use the Roster Verification tool to certify the amount of time he spends with his students.
  6. Send General Class Messages to Students and Parents

    This article describes sending general class messages to students and parents.
  7. Release Notifications

  8. Payment Methods

    This article provides instructions for district staff who need to add a payment method.
  9. Teaching Center - Video

    The Control Center is used by teachers to view current tasks at-a-glance. This video demonstrates how to enter attendance, grades, and view demographic data in the Control Center.
  10. Daily Attendance

    Provides information on the Daily Attendance tool.