Positions and Exits Collections (Virginia) [.2215 - .2219]

Classic View: VA State Reporting > Positions and Exits Collection

Search Terms: Positions and Exits

The Positions and Exits Collection is used to collect data regarding staff shortages by position and geographic region, measure growth and decline of required staffing levels, and evaluate the reasons licensed personnel leave the field.

Positions and Exits Collection Editor

Report Logic

Extract TypeLogic
FallWhen selected, the A, B, D Records options display.
EOYWhen selected, the A, B, C Records options display.

Report Population

  • Staff report on the collection when their District Assignment's Employment Assignment Information's Title selection has Standard Code populated in the attribute dictionary.
  • A staff record is generated for each unique Title Standard Code, Adult Ed, Special Ed and EL combination. Up to 4 record can report for each position code combination.

B Record Report Population

  • Staff report on the collection when their District Assignment Title is populated, and the District Employment End Date is blank on or before the Effective Date of the report generation date AND on or after the Calendar Start Date.
  • A record is generated for each unique Title Standard Code with the Adult Ed Only, OR English Learning Only, OR Special Ed checkbox marked on the staff member's District Assignment. A staff member with all three of these checkboxes marked will report as three separate records. An additional record may generate when the position has none of the above checkboxes marked.
  • Staff with a Title Standard Code of 89: Bus Driver report on the D Record.

C Record Report Population

  • Staff report on the collection when their District Assignment Title is populated, and the District Employment End Date is blank on or before the Effective Date of the report generation date AND on or after the Calendar Start Date.
  • Staff with a Title Standard Code of 89: Bus Driver report on the D Record.

D Record Report Population

  • Staff report on the collection when their District Assignment Title Standard Code is 89: Bus Driver, and the District Employment End Date is blank on or before the Effective Date of the report generation date AND on or after the Calendar Start Date.

Report Editor Fields

Effective DateThe date for which information in the report is active or valid.
Extract TypeThe extract type. Options include: Fall or EOY
Records CheckboxesIndicates which type of record reports on the collection. Options include:
  • A Records - Header
  • B Records - Positions, Unfilled & Exit
  • C Records - Reasons for Exits
  • D Records - Bus Drivers
FormatThe format in which the report will generate. Options are CSV, Tab Delimited and HTML.
Calendar(s)The calendar(s) from which data will be pulled.

Generate Extract

Submit to Batch

Users have the option of submitting the report to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process allows larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article

Generate the Collection

  1. Enter an Effective Date.
  2. Select an Extract Type from the dropdown, either Fall or EOY.
  3. Select which records to include in the collection by marking or unmarking the Records checkboxes.
  4. Select the Format for report generation.
  5. Select which Calendar(s) to include in the report.
  6. Click Generate Extract or Submit to Batch.

Collection Layout

File Header

Data ElementDescriptionLocation

The State District Number.

Numeric, 3 digits

System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number

The date the report was generated.



The time the report was generated.



Report a blank value of Email=.

"Two Tildes"Reports "~~"N/A

Reports "<PEC>"

"One Tilde"Reports "~"N/A

A Records - Header

Data ElementDescriptionLocation

Record Type

Reports "A".

Alphanumeric, 1 character

File Submission Type

Reports "1" when report generation reporting period = Fall. Reports "3" when report generation reporting period = EOY.

Numeric, 1 digit


Beginning School Year

The school year.

Numeric, 4 digits (YYYY)


Division Number

The 3 digit State District Number. If the number is less than 3 digits, leading zeros are added.

Numeric, 3 digits
System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number

B Records - Positions, Unfilled & Exits

Data ElementDescriptionLocation

Record Type

Reports as "B".

Division NumberThe state-assigned District Number.

Numeric, 4 digits
System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number
School/Center CodeThe state-assigned School number.

Numeric, 4 digits
System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number
Level CodeThe code indicating if the position is assigned to only one school or central office. Reports as "SCH".

Alphanumeric, 3 characters.


Position CodeThe standard code from the District Assignment title.

Numeric, 4 digits

Census > People > District Assignment > Title

Adult Education FlagIndicates if the staff member is marked as an Adult educator.

This field reports as N if field 7 (English Learner Flag) or field 8 (Special Ed Education Flag) = Y.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Census > People > District Assignment > Adult Ed Only

English Learner FlagIndicates if the staff member is marked as an English Learner educator.

This field reports as N if field 6 (Adult Education Flag) or field 8 (Special Ed Education Flag) = Y.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Census > People > District Assignment > English Learning Only

Special Education FlagIndicates if the staff member is marked as working solely with students with disabilities as defined by IDEA.

This field reports as N if field 6 (Adult Education Flag) or field 7 (English Learner Flag) = Y.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Census > People > District Assignment > Special Ed

Positions by FTE

The number of Positions by FTE, including all positions held by school-level and division-level personnel, both licensed and unlicensed.

Numeric, 7 digits

Calculated from Census > People > District Assignment > FTE of Assignment

Unfilled Positions by FTEThe number of positions by FTE that were unfilled. Unfilled positions only include those positions that were advertised as available but no one qualified was hired. If the duties of the position were given to an existing employee in lieu of hiring a new employee, the position is included in this count.

Numeric, 7 digits
Exits by FTEThe number of positions that were vacated by licensed employees after their contract was signed for the current school year.

Numeric, 7 digits

Calculated from Census > People > District Employment > End Date

FillerReports as blank.N/A
FillerReports as blank.N/A
FillerReports as blank.N/A

C Records - Reasons for Exits

Data ElementDescriptionLocation

Record Type

Reports as "C".

Position TypeA code to identify if the exiter is a teacher, administrator or other licensed personnel.
  • Repots as TCH when the position code is 1-83. 
  • Reports as ADMIN when the position code is 84 -88, 90-92, 94-100, 102-113 (except 89, 93, 101 or 114 - 135).
  • Reports as OTHER when the position code is 114-135 or 89 or 93 or 101.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

Census > People > District Assignment > Title

Gender CodeThe gender code of the staff member.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Census > People > Demographics > Gender
Ethnic FlagThe ethnicity of the staff member.

Reports as Y when the Hispanic/Latino field is marked a Y on the Demographics tool. Otherwise, N or blank reports.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Census > People > Demographics > Hispanic/Latino

Race CodeThe code associated with the staff member's race.

Numeric, 2 digits
Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity
Primary Reason for LeavingThe Primary Reason (code) the employee left employment with the school division.

Numeric, 1 digit

Census > People > District Employment > Primary Reason for Leaving

Secondary Reason for LeavingThe Secondary Reason  (code) the employee left employment with the school division.

Numeric, 1 digit

Census > People > District Employment > Secondary Reason for Leaving

Tertiary Reason for LeavingThe Tertiary Reason (code) the employee left employment with the school division.

Numeric, 1 digit

Census > People > District Employment > Tertiary Reason for Leaving

FillerReports as blank.N/A
FillerReports as blank.N/A
FillerReports as blank.N/A

D Records - Bus Drivers

Data ElementDescriptionLocation

Record Type

Reports as "D".

Division Number

The state-assigned District Number.

Numeric, 4 digits

System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number

School/Center Code

The state-assigned School Number.

Numeric, 4 digits

System Administration > Resources >School > State School Number

Level Code

A code to indicate if the position is assigned to only one school or central office. Reports as "SCH".

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Census > People > District Assignment

Position Code

Reports as 89.

Numeric, 4 digits

Census > People > District Assignment > Title = 89.

Adult Education Flag

Indicates if the staff member is marked as an Adult educator.

This field reports as N if field 7 (English Learner Flag) or field 8 (Special Ed Education Flag) = Y.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Census > People > District Assignment > Adult Ed Only

English Learner Flag

Indicates if the staff member is marked as an English Learner educator.

This field reports as N if field 6 (Adult Education Flag) or field 8 (Special Ed Education Flag) = Y.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Census > People > District Assignment > English Learning Only

Special Education Flag

Indicates if the staff member is marked as working solely with students with disabilities as defined by IDEA.

This field reports as N if field 6 (Adult Education Flag) or field 7 (English Learner Flag) = Y.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Census > People > District Assignment > Special Ed

Count of FT

The number of full-time Bus Driver employees.

Numeric, 7 digits

Calculated from Census > People > District Assignment > FTE of Assignment

Count of PT

The number of part-time Bus Driver employees.

Numeric, 7 digits

Calculated from Census > People > District Assignment > FTE of Assignment

Count of Unfilled FT

The number of unfilled full-time employees by position (currently this is ONLY for Bus Drivers) 

Count of Unfilled PT

The number of unfilled part-time employees by position (currently this is ONLY for Bus Drivers) 

Filler 1

Reports as blank.

Filler 2

Reports as blank.

Filler 3

Reports as blank.

Footer Records

Reports the total record count.


Collection Example, Fall Extract Type, HTML Format