SIRS Programs Fact (New York) [.2223 - .2231]

Classic View: NY State Reporting > SIRS Extracts > Programs Fact

Search Terms: SIRS Extract

The SIRS Programs Fact Extract reports students who have program records designated through English Learners, Programs, Flags, FRAM, Homeless, or Graduation Seal areas of Campus.

Programs Fact Editor

Report Logic

The following date logic applies to all record types unless otherwise noted.

  • To report, a program must have been active at some point during the reporting year.
  • Program records are not included in the extract when the program's End Date is prior to their first Enrollment Start Date. Graduation Seal records are exempt from this logic.
  • Campus finds the student's enrollment with the latest End Date.
    • If the Enrollment End Date is null, Campus uses the Calendar End Date.
    • If multiple End Dates are the same, Campus looks for the latest Enrollment Start Date. This calculation is not filtered by the Calendar IDs selected on the extract editor.
    • After finding the latest End Date, Campus then filters by Calendar ID.

Records report when they meet the following logic. Some records report when they meet a specific set of conditions while others report when specific fields are filled, for example, on the EL Services tool or the Homeless Services tool. The numbers mentioned in the Logic column below report in the Program Codes element on the report.

Record TypeLogic
Academic Programs (CTE)

Student records report when the Use Core CTE checkbox is marked on the extract editor.

Student records must be associated with Academic Programs (Program Admin > Programs > Academic Programs > Academic Programs Detail) that meet ALL of the following requirements.

  • the Academic Program Detail (Program Admin) State Code (CIP) is not NULL,
  • the State Reported checkbox is marked,
  • the Academic Program Detail (Student Information) Start Date is prior to or on the Effective Date selected on the extract editor,
  • the Academic Program Detail (Student Information) Start Date is prior to or on the Calendar End Date,
  • Academic Program Detail (Student Information) Program Intensity field is not NULL,
  • the Academic Program Detail (Student Information) End Date is NULL OR prior to or on the Enrollment Start Date.
EL Records
  • When the Program Status is EL and the Program Exit Date is null, the Program Code 0231 reports.
  • When the Program Status is Exited EL and the Program Exit Date is within the reporting school year then the Program Code 0231 reports.
EL Services RecordsCodes report from the EL Services tool when the EL Service End Date is null or within the reporting school year.
Foster Care Records

Foster Care records report from the Foster Care tool when the following requirements are met.

  • Foster Care Services Detail Start Date <= Extract Editor Effective Date,
  • Foster Care Services Detail Start Date <= Calendar End Date,
  • Foster Care Services Detail End Date = NULL OR Foster Care Services Detail End Date >= Enrollment Start Date.
Flag Records

Student records must be associated with Flags (Program Admin > Flags > Flags Detail) that have the State Reported checkbox marked.

FRAM Records
  • To report, the student's FRAM Certified Type can NOT be Declined, Denied, or Did Not Apply AND was active during the current year on or before the Report Effective Date.
  • All eligible FRAM records within the current year report, including carryover records that started in the previous school year. FRAM records do not report if they begin AFTER the report Effective Date.
  • Students who have a FRAM record with an eligibility of Free (Program 5817) or Reduced (Program 5806) will report FRAM records in the following manner:

    • If there is more than one active record during the student's Enrollment dates in the current year, look for continuous records with the same Eligibility criteria and report the earliest start date in the Beginning Date field. Gaps between the older record's End Date and the newer record's Start Date are ignored when they have the same Eligibility criteria.

    • Carryover records that begin in the previous school year will have a Start Date of 07/01 for the current year. Continuous Eligibility Start Date would be the earliest Start Date or 07/01 if it is a carryover record.

    • Continuous Eligibility End Date would be the End Date of the latest record that is on or before the Report Effective Date.

    • Separate eligibility records report if the above is true, the eligibility values are not the same, and the records are active in the current year. Carryover records that began in the previous year will have a start date of 07/01 for the current year.

Graduation Seal RecordsThe Programs Code and the Beginning Date report from the State Seal Information when the Earned Date is >= Effective Date entered on the extract editor. If multiple Graduation Seal records meet this criteria, the earliest record reports.
Homeless Records8262 Homeless records report when the date logic is met on the Homeless tool.
Homeless Services Records 

When Homeless Services record meets the standard date logic, a Program Code reports from Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless > Homeless Services.

Poverty RecordsA 0198 Poverty record reports for each Free and Reduced Programs Fact record when the Calculate 0198 Records checkbox is marked on the extract editor.
Program RecordsStudent records must be associated with Programs (Program Admin > Programs > Programs > Program Detail) that have the State Reported checkbox marked.

Extract Editor Field Descriptions

Extract TypeThe SIRS Extract to be run.
Effective DateThe date for which information reports.
Included State Grade Levels

Identifies the state grade levels to include in the report.

FormatThe Format in which the report should generate. Options are State Format (CSV) and HTML. Use State Format for reporting information to the state and the other types for data review and verification.
Ad Hoc Filter

Selecting a filter limits the results to only those included in the filter.

Column HeadersIndicates whether Column Headers should be included in the report. This dropdown list applies to State Format (CSV).
Calculate 0198 Records

When this checkbox is marked, a 0198 Poverty record generates for each Free and Reduced Programs Fact record.

Include Core CTEWhen this checkbox is marked, each Academic Program Detail (Student Information) record that meets the reporting criteria reports.

Generate Extract/

Submit to Batch

Users have the option of submitting a report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of immediately generating the report by clicking Generate Extract. The batch process allows larger reports to generate in the background without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.
Select CalendarsIdentifies which Calendar(s) should be included in the report. Calendars can be sorted by active year, by school or by year.

Programs Fact Extract Layout

Element Name


Campus Database

District Code The NY + the State District Number for the district number tied to the selected calendar.

Alphanumeric, 8 digits
System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number


Location Code

Identifies the building in which a student is receiving the service.

For Programs with a code of 0242, this field reports 000.

If the Location Override field is populated on an enrollment record (Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Location Override) and the record is tied to the calendar selected  for the extract, then this field reports the value from the Location Override field. Otherwise, the location code reports from the Location Code field in System Administration.

See the Location Code & State Location ID Reporting Table below.

Numeric, 4 digits

System Administration > Resources > School > Location Code

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Location Override

School Year Date

The school year of the Program. Reports as June 30 of the reported school year.

Date field, 10 characters

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > End Date (year only)


Student ID

The student's Local Student Number.

Alphanumeric,12 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number


Programs Code

The service code of the program in which the student is enrolled.

Numeric, 8 digits








Student Information > Program Participation > Programs > Programs > State Program Code

Student Information > General > Flags > State Program Code

Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Status

Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL Services > Service Type

FRAM > Eligibility > State Eligibility Code

Student Information > General > Graduation > State Seal Information > State Seal

Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless > Homeless Services

Program Admin > Programs > Academic Programs > Academic Programs Detail > State Code (CIP)

Beginning Date

The start date of the Program. This field reports the identified date if the date is within the reporting year (or on or before the Effective Date entered on the extract editor as long as it is within the reporting year). Otherwise, the earliest Enrollment Start Date in the calendar reports.

If a student has multiple FRAM records where the eligibility values are the same and there is NOT a gap between the earlier record's End Date and the next record's Start Date, the date reports from the Eligibility record with the earliest Start Date.

In the instance of a carryover FRAM eligibility for a record that started in the previous year, 07/01 reports as the Beginning Date. 

Date field, 10 characters










Student Information > General > Enrollments > Start Date

Student Information > General > Flags > Start Date

Student Information > Program Participation > Programs > Programs > Start Date

FRAM > Eligibility > Start Date

Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL > Identified Date

Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL Services > Start Date

Student Information > General > Graduation > State Seal Information > Earned Date

Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless > Homeless > Start Date

Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless > Homeless Services > Start Date

Student Information > Academic Planning > Programs > Academic Program Detail > Start Date

Ending Date

The end date of the Program. This field reports the program exit date if the date is within the reporting school year and on or before the Effective Date entered on the report editor.

If a student has multiple FRAM records where the eligibility values are the same and there is NOT a gap between the earlier record's End Date and the next record's Start Date, the date reports from the Eligibility record with the latest Start Date.

Does not report for Graduation Seal records.

An Ending Date does not report for an eligible carryover record for the current year UNLESS an additional eligibility record exists for the current year, the eligibility values are NOT the same, OR there is a gap between when the carryover record ends and the next eligible record begins.

Date field, 10 characters





Student Information > General > Programs > End Date

Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless > Homeless > End Date

Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless > Homeless Services > End Date

Student Information > Academic Planning > Programs > Academic Program Detail > End Date

State Location ID 

The NYSED BEDS Code of the institution providing the program service based on the Location Code and State Location ID.

This field reports blank for district level services. Homeless records are always district level and report blank.

For school level services, the first item that is not null in the following list reports.

  • Program Participation State Location ID
  • Program State Location ID field
  • EL Service Location ID
  • Academic Program Detail State Location ID
  • Enrollment BEDS Code Override
  • School BEDS Code
  • District Number + District Type + Enrollment Location Override
  • District Number + District Type + School Location Code

See the Location Code & State Location ID Reporting Table below.

Does not report for Graduation Seal records.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters






District.number + District.type + Enrollment.locationCode

District.number + District.type + School.locationCode

Campus Location

Student Information > General > Flags > Student Flag Detail > State Location ID

Programs > Flags > Program Detail > State Location ID field

Student Information > Program Participation > LEP > LEP Services > LEP Services Detail > State Location ID

 Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > BEDS Code Override

System Administration > Resources > School > BEDS Code

System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number

System Administration > Resources > District Information > Type

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Location Override

System Administration > Resources > School > Location Code

Student Information > Academic Planning > Programs > Academic Program Detail > State Location 

Program Intensity

The program intensity of a CTE/Tech Prep Program.

This field is required when the student's program service is identified as one of the CTE/Tech Prep cords and reflects the student's progression through this program service.

EL students report the value from the Program Intensity field if the EL Service Level is not null. If the EL Service Level is null, the default value from the Attribute/Dictionary reports.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


Campus Location

Student Information > General > Programs > Program Intensity

Student Information > General > Flags > Student Flag Detail > Program Intensity

Student Information > Academic Planning > Programs > Academic Program Detail > Program Intensity

Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL > ELL Service Level

Entry Reason Code 1 

Not currently reported.

Not currently reported.

Entry Reason Code 2 

Not currently reported.

Not currently reported.

Entry Reason Code 3 

Not currently reported.

Not currently reported.

Exit Reason 1

The reason that the student no longer participates or is enrolled in a specific program service. See options in the following Exit Reason Options table.

This field is required when a student exits a CTE/Tech Prep Program (codes 646, 663), for students no longer LEP eligible (codes 3011, 3022, 3033, 3045), or when a student's disability status changes (codes 901, 912).

Numeric, 6 digits


Student Information > General > Flags > Exit Reason

Student Information > Academic Planning > Programs > Academic Program Detail > Exit Reason

Student Information > Program Participation > EL > EL > Exit Reason

Exit Reason 2 

Not currently reported.

Not currently reported.

Exit Reason 3 

Not currently reported.

Not currently reported.

Program Comment 

Not currently reported.

Not currently reported.

Original Pgm Start Date 

Not currently reported.

Not currently reported.

Participation Info Code

Indicates the type of CTE or Tech Prep program in which the student is participating.

If the program record type is...Then...
Flagthe Student Flag Detail VE Program Type reports.
Programthe Program Participation Detail VE Program Type reports.
CTECTE reports.

Otherwise, this element reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters



Campus Location

Student Information > General > Programs > VE Program Type

Student Information > General > Flags > Student Flag Detail

Student Information > Program Participation > Programs > Program Participation Detail

Student Information > Academic Planning > Programs > Academic Program Detail

Program Frequency 

Not currently reported

Not currently reported

Program Duration 

For students in their 5th or 6th year of high school, this field reports how long the student has participated in the NYS P-TECH or NYC P-Tech program.

If the State Program Code is 4026 or 4027, Campus calculates the duration from the Start Date of the Program.


If the Program Start Date is...Reports
less than one year from the Effective Date1
at least one year and less than two years from the Effective Date2
at least two years and less than three years from the Effective Date3



Campus Location
Student Information > Program Participation > Programs > Programs > Program Participation Detail > Program

Student Information > General > Flags > Flags

Program Admin > Programs > Programs > State Program Code

Program Admin > Flags > State Program Code

Program Cycle 

Not currently reported

Not currently reported

Program Provider Name 

Not currently reported

Not currently reported

Program Provider Type Code


If a student is identified with a Homeless program service code (8262), their  Homeless Primary Nighttime Residence type reports in this field.
Alphanumeric, 20 characters
Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless > Homeless > Primary Nighttime Residence


Program Location District Code 

Not currently reported

Not currently reported

Program Student ID 

Not currently reported

Not currently reported

Parent Permission Code 

Not currently reported

Not currently reported

Program Session Code 

Not currently reported

Not currently reported

Program Eligibility Code 1

Note: As of October 1, 2021, NYSED will be discontinuing the collection of FRPL eligibility type codes. This field now reports blank.

Not currently reported

Not currently reported

Program Eligibility Code 2 - 6

Note: As of October 1, 2021, NYSED will be discontinuing the collection of FRPL eligibility type codes. This field now reports blank.

Not currently reported

Not currently reported

Exit Reason Options






Left without completing

672Received CDOS at End of School Year

Received a CDOS credential

701Left program without receiving CDOS


Student declassified


Student disability type changes


ELL Exit Using NYSESLAT score only


ELL Exit Using NYSESLAT and NYSTP/Regents score

3045ELL Exit based on review of identification determination
3050ELL Exit Using August/September 2021 NYSITELL Score only
4000Parent no longer in Armed Forces

Location Code & State Location ID Reporting Table



Location CodeState Location ID


ELL Eligible but not in an ELL Program

Reports the calculated valueReports the calculated value


Title III - Part B, subpart 4: Emergency Immigration Education Program


English as a New Language


One Way or Two Way Dual Language Program


Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) Program


Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE)




Eligible to take the NYSESLAT for grades 3-8 ELA Accountability



0231LEP Eligible0000NULL









Previous Versions

SIRS Programs Fact (New York) [.2219]

SIRS Programs Fact (New York) [.2203 - .2215]

SIRS Programs Fact (New York) [.2144 - .2152]

SIRS Programs Fact (New York) [.2044 - .2140]

SIRS Programs Fact (New York) [.2001 - .2040]



