New York


SIRS Student Daily Attendance (New York) [.2203 - .2211]
This article provides the report logic and layout for the SIRS Student Daily Attendance extract.
SIRS Student Lite (New York) [.2207 - .2211]
This article provides the report logic and layout for the SIRS Student Lite Template.
SIRS Student Class Entry Exit (New York) [.2215 and previous]
Report logic and layout for the SIRS Student Class Entry Exit.
SIRS Student Daily Attendance (New York) [.2215]
This article provides the report logic and layout for the SIRS Student Daily Attendance extract.
SIRS Attendance Code (New York) [.2215 and previous]
This article provides the report logic and layout for the SIRS Attendance Code Template.
SIRS Programs Fact (New York) [.2203 - .2215]
This article provides the report logic and layout for the SIRS Program Fact extract.
SIRS Programs Fact (New York) [.2219]
This article provides the report logic and layout for the SIRS Program Fact extract.
SIRS Student Daily Attendance (New York) [.2219 - .2227]
This article provides the report logic and layout for the SIRS Student Daily Attendance extract.
SIRS Assessment Fact (New York) [.2231 and previous]
This article provides the report logic and layout for the SIRS Assessment Fact extract.
SSEC Extract (New York) [.2207 - .2231]
This article provides the report logic and layout for the SSEC Extract.
SIRS Programs Fact (New York) [.2223 - .2231]
This article provides the report logic and layout for the SIRS Program Fact extract.
SIRS School Entry Exit (New York) [.2231 and previous]
Report logic and layout for the SIRS School Entry Exit.
SIRS Student Lite (New York) [.2215 - .2239]
This article provides the report logic and layout for the SIRS Student Lite Template.
Graduation (Virginia) [.2235 and previous]
This article describes the state Graduation fields for Virginia and how those fields are used for state reporting.
SIRS Programs Fact (New York) [.2235]
This article provides the report logic and layout for the SIRS Program Fact extract.