SIRS Student Daily Attendance (New York) [.2215]

Classic View: NY State Reporting > SIRS Extracts > Student Daily Attendance

Search Terms: SIRS Extract

The Student Daily Attendance extract reports students who have been absent or tardy during between the Start Date and End Date entered on the extract editor.

See the SIRS Extracts article for directions for generating the extract.

Example Report Editor  

 Best Practices

  • For a normal suspension code which excludes a student from class for the day without excluding them from the BEDS/SAMS report, set up the local code with a Status/Excuse of Absent/Exempt. This affects the student's instructional time in Staff Student Course, while not counting as an absence on Student Daily Attendance or SAMS/BEDS.
  • Separate codes ought to be set up with the appropriate Status/Excuse for students who are absent or tardy when serving a suspension in order to correctly capture the data across the various reports that consider attendance.

Reporting Logic

  • Reports one record per student per calendar day for an attendance code with a status code of PRSNT-IN, PRSNT-OUT, T-IN, T-OUT or Absent.
  • If Whole Day Absent Minutes is not checked on the extract editor, an Absent attendance code reports for the day if every scheduled instructional period has a Status of Absent and an Excuse of Excused or Unexcused (or Unknown if Use Unknown Absences is checked on the extract editor).
  • If Whole Day Absent Minutes is checked on the extract editor, an Absent attendance code reports for the day if the minutes in scheduled instructional periods with a Status of Absent and an Excuse of Excused or Unexcused (or Unknown if Use Unknown Absences is checked on the extract editor) meet or exceed Whole Day Absence minutes entered on Calendar or the student's Grade Level.
  • If different Absent codes are used in one day, report from the earliest code with the first Excuse in the following list:
    • Excused
    • Unexcused
    • Unknown
  • A Tardy attendance code reports if the a scheduled instructional period has a Status of Tardy and an Excuse of Excused or Unexcused (or Unknown if Use Unknown Absences is checked on the extract editor) AND the Tardy is assigned to the first scheduled instructional period OR all previous scheduled instructional periods have a Status of Absent.
  • A Suspension state code reports if every scheduled instructional period has an attendance code with an associated State Code. A suspension record will report in addition to the absent, Present or tardy record.
    • If a record includes suspension, one of the following reports.
      • OSS 
      • ISS
    • If a suspension record is reported, one of the following also reports.
      • Absent
      • PRSNT-IN
      • PRSNT-OUT
      • T-IN
      • T-OUT
    • If a mixture of ISS and OSS State Codes are used in one day, OSS reports.
  • Reports one PRSNT-IN record per student per calendar day when
    • an attendance code with a status code of Present and no state code is present where the student is not in a blended learning group that is scheduled remotely for that period, OR
    • a period without an attendance code where the student is not in a Blended Learning group that is scheduled remotely for that period, OR
    • the attendance code is mapped to a state code of PRSNT-IN.

  • Reports one PRSNT-OUT record per student per calendar day when
    • an attendance code with a status code of Present and no state code is present where the student is in a Blended Learning group that is scheduled remotely for that period, OR
    • a period without an attendance code where the student is in a Blended Learning group that is scheduled remotely for that period, OR
    • an attendance code is mapped to a state code of PRSNT-OUT.
  • Records do not report for students if their enrollment has one of the following Local Start Statuses (called an Enrollment Code in the SIRS Manual).
    • 0033 - Part-time students pursuing diploma
    • 4034 - Pre-school aged student enrolled solely for determining eligibility for determining special services
    • 5654 - Enrollment in an AHSEP program
    • 5555 - Student enrolled for the purpose of recording a test score (walk-in)
    • 5905 - CSE or CPSE responsibly only
    • 8294 - School aged children on the roster for census purposes only

Extract Editor Field Descriptions

Extract TypeThe SIRS Extract to be generated.
Start Date
End Date
The first and last date on which the report looks for attendance events. The report only includes attendance events found between the Start and End date entered here.
Included State Grade Levels

Identifies the state grade levels to include in the report.

FormatThe Format in which the report should generate. Options are State Format (CSV) and HTML. Use State Format for reporting information to the state and the other types for data review and verification.
Ad Hoc Filter

Selecting a filter limits the results to only those included in the filter.

The following extracts do NOT use this field: Attendance Code, Day Calendar, Location Marking Period Code, and Marking Period Code.

Column HeadersIndicates whether Column Headers should be included in the report. This dropdown list applies to State Format (CSV).
Whole Day Absent Minutes

When Whole Day Absent Minutes is checked, the report will look for students whose absent minutes equal or exceed the Calendar > Whole Day Absence (minutes) number, to report as absent for the day.

When Whole Day Absent Minutes is NOT checked, students must be absent in every instructional period on their schedule to report.

Use Unknown Absences

When Use Unknown Absences is checked, Absence and Tardy codes where Excuse = Unknown are calculated.

When Use Unknown Absences is NOT checked, Absence and Tardy codes where Status = Excused and Unexcused are calculated.

Ignore Enrollment State Exclude

When Ignore Enrollment State Exclude is checked, enrollment records with "State Exclude" selected ARE included.

Generate Extract/

Submit to Batch

Users have the option of submitting a report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of immediately generating the report by clicking Generate Extract. The batch process allows larger reports to generate in the background without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.
Select CalendarsIdentifies which Calendar(s) should be included in the report. Calendars can be sorted by active year, by school or by year.

Extract Layout



The identification number of the district. The prefix "NY" is added to the district number. For example, if the district number is 662001, the District Code is NY662001.

Numeric, 8 digits

System Administration > Resources > District Information > District Number



The code that identifies the location for reporting purposes.

Alphanumeric, 12 characters

System Administration > Resources > School > School > Location Code


Student ID

The student's Local Student Number.

Alphanumeric,12 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number



The date of the attendance: Absence, Present, Tardy, or In or Out of school suspension.

Any date where the student is not enrolled within the date range will not report. Any date where the student is not scheduled in an attendance taking course will not report.

Date field, 10 characters

Student Information > General > Attendance


This field reports blank.



 This field reports blank.



 This field reports blank.



The Attendance Code that indicates the type of student attendance each day. A record reports for each day of enrollment. One attendance and one suspension code may be report for the same student on the same day.
  • When the State Code record is ISS or OSS, the State Code dictionary code reports
  • If reporting a Present record where there is not an attendance code; PRSNT-IN or PRSNT-OUT reports based on the following logic:
    • If the student is scheduled in a BL group that is schedule for remote learning, PRSNT-OUT reports.
    • If the student is not scheduled in a BL group that is scheduled for remote learning, PRSNT-IN reports.
  • If reporting a Tardy record where there is no attendance code, the following logic is used to determine weather to report T-IN or T-OUT:
    • If the student is scheduled in a BL group that is schedule for remote learning, T-OUT reports.
    • If the student is not scheduled in a BL group that is schedule for remote learning, T-IN reports.

Alphanumeric, 8 characters

System Administration > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary > AttendanceExcuse > State Code


System Administration > Attendance > Attendance Codes > AttendanceExcuses Editor > AttendanceExcuse Detail > Code



This field always reports as "June 30" of the reported school year.

Date field, 10 characters

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > End Date (year only)


Marking Period Code  This field reports blank. N/A
Term Code This field reports blank.N/A
ModalityReports the code associated with the student's daily instructional modality. Only reports when the student is marked as present or tardy for the instructional day.
  • IN (In- Person)
  • R (Remote)
  • B (Both) The student's instruction was both remote and in-person for instruction on the same day.
Blended Learning Report Logic
Campus looks at the student's daily blended learning schedule for the day. If the student is not scheduled in a blended learning group, IN reports. If the student is scheduled in a blended learning group, Campus looks at how the group is scheduled for the day. 
the group is scheduled remotely OR
if the teacher has selected Overwrite for every virtual course in the day in the Blended Learning Overwrite field,
R reports.
the group is not scheduled remotely,Campus looks at the participation table to see if there are any override records from the teacher.
the group is scheduled In-Person,IN reports.
If reporting IN, Campus checks whether any of the student sections are marked as 02 or 04 in the Primary Instruction Delivery Method Override field.
  • If no sections with this attendance code are marked as 02 or 04 in the Primary Instruction Delivery Method Override field, IN reports.
  • If all section with this attendance code are marked as virtual, R reports.
  • Otherwise, B reports.
Campus looks in the Participation table and if the teacher has "overwrite" selected for Remote and In-Person,B reports.
the student's daily blended learning schedule for the day is null,Absent reports.

Out-of-School Suspension Report Logic

R reports if the student is reporting a PRSNT-OUT or T-OUT record for an Out-of-School Suspension record.

In-School Suspension Report Logic

IN reports if the student is reporting a PRSNT-IN or T-IN record for an In-School Suspension record.

System Administration > Attendance > Attendance Codes > AttendanceExcuses Editor > AttendanceExcuse Detail > Code

System Administration > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary  

Previous Versions

SIRS Student Daily Attendance (New York) [.2203 - .2211]

SIRS Student Daily Attendance (New York) [.2116 - .2140]