Classic View: CO State Reporting > Data Pipeline > P-EBT Extract
Search Terms: Data Pipeline
The P-EBT (Pandemic Electronic Benefits) Extract returns data on students who are eligible for SNAP or FRPL and meet the criteria to receive P-EBT.
P-EBT Extract
Report Logic
One record per student who has an enrollment in the selected calendar(s) at any time during the selected Submission period (Fall/Semester 1 or Spring/Semester 2) are included. If a student has more than one enrollment, only one record reports.
Parent/Guardian and Address information reports as follows:
- The Primary and current Household is determined first.
- The current address reports from the primary and current household.
- The individual marked as Guardian in that primary and current household who has the lowest personID reports as the Guardian on the report.
The Primary Parent/Guardian First Name, Primary Parent/Guardian Last Name, and Primary Parent/Guardian Telephone Number fields report even when a student's household does NOT have an address.
Students are not included when:
- The enrollment record is marked as No Show or as State Exclude.
- The grade level of enrollment is marked as State Exclude.
- The calendar of enrollment is marked as State Exclude.
Report Editor
Field | Description |
Submission | Indicates the period of time - Semester 1/Fall or Semester 2/Spring - for which the report is generated.
Report Legal Name | When marked, the student's name and gender report from the Protected Identity Information section on the student's Identities record. |
Ad hoc Filter | Select a saved ad hoc filter to only include those students in the filter in the report, assuming those students meet the reporting logic and business rules of this report. |
Format | The P-EBT Extract can be generated in either CSV or HTML formats. |
Calendar Selection | At least one calendar needs to be selected in order to generate the report. Reports can be selected by Active Year, School or Year. |
Report Generation | The P-EBT Extract can be generated immediately using the Generate Report button. Or, use the Submit to Batch button to select when the report is generated. See the Batch Queue article for more information on this functionality. |
Generate the P-EBT Extract
- Select the desired Submission option.
- Mark the Report Legal Name checkbox, if desired.
- If desired, select students from an existing Ad hoc Filter.
- Select the Format of the report.
- Select the Calendar(s) from which to report information.
- Click the Generate Extract button or use the Submit to Batch button. The report displays in the desired format.
P-EBT Extract - HTML Format
P-EBT Extract - CSV Format
Report Layout
Data Element | Description | Location |
School District Code | The number assigned to a school district by the state department of education. Numeric, 4 digits | System Administration > Resources > District Information > District Information > State District Number District.number |
School Code | Reports the state-assigned school number. Numeric, 4 digits | System Administration > Resources > District Information > District Information > State School Number School.number |
Entry Date | Reports the student's start date of enrollment. Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY) | Student Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Editor > Start Date Enrollment.startDate |
Exit Withdraw Date | Reports the student's end date of enrollment if it is before the last instructional day of the calendar. Otherwise, reports a value of 00000000. Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY) | Student Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Editor > End Date Enrollment.endDate |
Student's State ID (SASID) | Reports the unique number assigned to a student by the Department of Education. Numeric, 10 digits | Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID Person.stateID |
Local ID (LASID) | Reports the locally-assigned student number by the school district. Numeric, 10 digits | Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student Number Person.studentNumber |
Student's First Name | Reports the student's first name. When the Report Legal Name checkbox is marked, the student's First Name reports from the Legal First Name field. Alphanumeric, 30 characters | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > First Name Identity.firstName Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name Identity.legalFirstName |
Student's Middle Name | Reports the student's middle name. When the Report Legal Name checkbox is marked, the student's Middle Name reports from the Legal Middle Name field. If the Middle Name field is blank, reports as NMN. Alphanumeric, 30 characters | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Middle Name Identity.middleName Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Middle Name Identity.legalMiddleName |
Student's Last Name | Reports the student's last name. When the Report Legal Name checkbox is marked, the student's Last Name reports from the Legal Last Name field. Alphanumeric, 30 characters | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name Identity.lastName Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name Identity.legalLastName |
Student's Gender | Reports the student's gender.
When the Report Legal Name checkbox is marked, the student's Gender reports from the Legal Gender field. Numeric, 2 digits | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Gender Identity.gender Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Gender Identity.legalGender |
Student's Date of Birth | Student's date of birth. Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY) | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date Census > People > Identities > Identities Editor > Birth Date Identity.birthDate |
Student's Grade Level | Student's grade level of enrollment. Numeric, 3 digits | System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Levels > State Grade Level Calendar.stateGradeLevel |
Student's Language Background | Reports the assigned Primary Language code. When the Home Primary Language field is not populated, the default value on the attribute reports. Alphanumeric, 3 characters | Census > People > Identities > Home Primary Language Identity.homePrimaryLanguage |
Primary Parent/Guardian First Name | Reports the first name of the person marked as Primary Guardian. Parent/Guardian information reports as follows:
| Census > People > Relationships > Primary Household Relationships > Guardian Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > First Name Identity.firstName |
Primary Parent/Guardian Last Name | Reports the last name of the person marked as Primary Guardian. Parent/Guardian information reports as follows:
| Census > People > Relationships > Primary Household Relationships > Guardian Census > People > Demographics > Person Information >Last Name Identity.lastName |
Primary Parent/Guardian Telephone Number | Reports the 10-digit primary phone number assigned at the household, including area code (no dashes). If there is no phone number for the household, this field reports blank. Numeric, 10 digits | Census > People > Households > Address > Phone Number |
Student's Primary Mailing Address 1 | Reports the student's mailing address (street address when entered, or PO Box when marked). The student's current and primary address reports. If there is no address available for the student, the school's address reports. Alphanumeric, 44 characters | Census > Households > Addresses > Address Address.number Address.POBox Address.street Address.prefix Address.tag Address.direction Address.apt System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail > Address School.address School.state |
Student's Primary Mailing Address 2 | This field reports blank. | N/A |
Student's Primary Mailing City | Reports the student's city as noted on their primary address. If there is no city available for the student, the school's city reports. Alphanumeric, 50 characters | Census > Households > Addresses > Address System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail > Address |
Student's Primary Mailing State | Reports the student's state as noted on their primary address. If there is no state available for the student, the school's state reports. Alphanumeric, 2 characters | Census > Households > Addresses > Address Address.state System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail > Address School.state |
Student's Primary Mailing Postal Code | Reports the zip code (either 5 digit code or 9 digit code) of the parent's primary household address. If there is no zip code available for the student, the school's zip code reports. Numeric, 10 digits (12345 or 12345-6789) | Census > Households > Addresses > Address System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail > Address |
Non-School Program Code | Indicates the student is being education in a program without a school code. Reports the code selected on the student's enrollment record. Numeric, 2 digits | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Non-School Program Enrollment.nonSchoolProgram |
Free/Reduced Price Lunch Eligible | Indicates whether the student is free or reduced lunch eligible during the reporting period. Reports the selected Eligibility State Code. If there is no code, reports a value of 00. Numeric, 2 digits | FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility State Code POSEligibility.stateCode |
FRPL Eligibility Date | Reports the student's first date of receiving free/reduced meals. Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY) | FRAM > Eligibility > Start Date POSEligibility.startDate |
Type of Learning Modality | Indicates the Remote Learning option in which the student participates:
Numeric, 1 digit | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Remote Learning Enrollment.remoteLearning |
Method for Providing Timeframe Engaged in Remote or Hybrid Learning | Reports a value of 2 when the Type of Learning Modality field reports a value of 1 or 2. Otherwise, this field reports blank. Numeric, 1 digit | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Remote Learning Enrollment.remoteLearning |
Begin Date for Remote/Hybrid Learning | This field reports blank. | N/A |
End Date for Remote/Hybrid Learning | This field reports blank. | N/A |
Learning Modality: 100% Full Time Remote Learning or Hybrid Learning - Full Fall Semester/1st Semester (August through December) | For the Fall submission, when the Type of Learning Modality field reports a value of 1 or 2, this field reports a value of 01. Otherwise, this field reports blank. For the Spring submission, when the Type of Learning Modality field reports a value of 1 or 2 and the student was enrolled between August 1 and December 31, this field reports a value of 01. Otherwise, this field reports blank. Numeric, 2 digits | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Remote Learning Enrollment.remoteLearning |
Learning Modality: 100% Full Time Remote Learning or Hybrid Learning - Full Spring Semester/2nd Semester (January through May) | For the Fall submission, this field reports blank. For the Spring submission, when the Type of Learning Modality field reports a value of 1 or 2, this field reports a value of 01. Otherwise, this field reports blank. Numeric, 2 digits | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Remote Learning Enrollment.remoteLearning |
Remote/Hybrid Learning for August/September Semester 1 | This field reports blank. | N/A |
Remote/Hybrid Learning for October Semester 1 | This field reports blank. | N/A |
Remote/Hybrid Learning for November Semester 1 | This field reports blank. | N/A |
Remote/Hybrid Learning for December Semester 1 | This field reports blank. | N/A |
Remote/Hybrid Learning for January Semester 2 | This field reports blank. | N/A |
Remote/Hybrid Learning for February Semester 2 | This field reports blank. | N/A |
Remote/Hybrid Learning for March Semester 2 | This field reports blank. | N/A |
Remote/Hybrid Learning for April Semester 2 | This field reports blank. | N/A |
Remote/Hybrid Learning for May Semester 2 | This field reports blank. | N/A |
Excused Absence Indicator - August 2021* | Reports a value of 01 (Yes) or 00 (No) based on a calculation of determining a student's excused absences for the month of August. Calculation for the Fall submission:
If the sum is greater than or equal to 0.5 for the month of August, a value of 01 reports. If the sum is less than 0.5 for the month of August, a value of 00 reports. Calculation for the Spring submission: this field reports blank. Numeric, 2 digits | Student Information > General > Attendance Attendance.status Attendance.excuse |
Excused Absence Indicator - September 2021* | Reports a value of 01 (Yes) or 00 (No) based on a calculation of determining a student's excused absences for the month of September. Calculation for the Fall submission:
If the sum is greater than or equal to 0.5 for the month of September, a value of 01 reports. If the sum is less than 0.5 for the month of September, a value of 00 reports. Calculation for the Spring submission: this field reports blank. Numeric, 2 digits | Student Information > General > Attendance Attendance.status Attendance.excuse |
Excused Absence Indicator - October 2021* | Reports a value of 01 (Yes) or 00 (No) based on a calculation of determining a student's excused absences for the month of October. Calculation for the Fall submission:
If the sum is greater than or equal to 0.5 for the month of October, a value of 01 reports. If the sum is less than 0.5 for the month of October, a value of 00 reports. Calculation for the Spring submission: this field reports blank. Numeric, 2 digits | Student Information > General > Attendance Attendance.status Attendance.excuse |
Excused Absence Indicator - November 2021* | Reports a value of 01 (Yes) or 00 (No) based on a calculation of determining a student's excused absences for the month of November. Calculation for the Fall submission:
If the sum is greater than or equal to 0.5 for the month of November, a value of 01 reports. If the sum is less than 0.5 for the month of November, a value of 00 reports. Calculation for the Spring submission: this field reports blank. Numeric, 2 digits | Student Information > General > Attendance Attendance.status Attendance.excuse |
Excused Absence Indicator - December 2021* | Reports a value of 01 (Yes) or 00 (No) based on a calculation of determining a student's excused absences for the month of December. Calculation for the Fall submission:
If the sum is greater than or equal to 0.5 for the month of December, a value of 01 reports. If the sum is less than 0.5 for the month of December, a value of 00 reports. Calculation for the Spring submission: this field reports blank. Numeric, 2 digits | Student Information > General > Attendance Attendance.status Attendance.excuse |
Excused Absence Indicator - January 2022* | Reports a value of 01 (Yes) or 00 (No) based on a calculation of determining a student's excused absences for the month of January. Calculation for the Fall submission: this field reports blank. Calculation for the Spring submission:
If the sum is greater than or equal to 0.5 for the month of January, a value of 01 reports. If the sum is less than 0.5 for the month of January, a value of 00 reports. Numeric, 2 digits | Student Information > General > Attendance Attendance.status Attendance.excuse |
Excused Absence Indicator - February 2022* | Reports a value of 01 (Yes) or 00 (No) based on a calculation of determining a student's excused absences for the month of February. Calculation for the Fall submission: this field reports blank. Calculation for the Spring submission:
If the sum is greater than or equal to 0.5 for the month of February, a value of 01 reports. If the sum is less than 0.5 for the month of February, a value of 00 reports. Numeric, 2 digits | Student Information > General > Attendance Attendance.status Attendance.excuse |
Excused Absence Indicator - March 2022* | Reports a value of 01 (Yes) or 00 (No) based on a calculation of determining a student's excused absences for the month of March. Calculation for the Fall submission: this field reports blank. Calculation for the Spring submission:
If the sum is greater than or equal to 0.5 for the month of March, a value of 01 reports. If the sum is less than 0.5 for the month of March, a value of 00 reports. Numeric, 2 digits | Student Information > General > Attendance Attendance.status Attendance.excuse |
Excused Absence Indicator - April 2022* | Reports a value of 01 (Yes) or 00 (No) based on a calculation of determining a student's excused absences for the month of April. Calculation for the Fall submission: this field reports blank. Calculation for the Spring submission:
If the sum is greater than or equal to 0.5 for the month of April, a value of 01 reports. If the sum is less than 0.5 for the month of April, a value of 00 reports. Numeric, 2 digits | Student Information > General > Attendance Attendance.status Attendance.excuse |
Excused Absence Indicator - May 2022* | Reports a value of 01 (Yes) or 00 (No) based on a calculation of determining a student's excused absences for the month of May. Calculation for the Fall submission: this field reports blank. Calculation for the Spring submission:
If the sum is greater than or equal to 0.5 for the month of May, a value of 01 reports. If the sum is less than 0.5 for the month of May, a value of 00 reports. Numeric, 2 digits | Student Information > General > Attendance Attendance.status Attendance.excuse |